diff --git a/.readthedocs.yaml b/.readthedocs.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6725ddff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.readthedocs.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Read the Docs configuration file
+# See https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html for details
+version: 2
+ os: ubuntu-22.04
+ tools:
+ python: "3.12"
+ commands:
+ - asdf plugin add uv
+ - asdf install uv latest
+ - asdf global uv latest
+ - uv venv
+ - uv pip install .[dev]
+ - .venv/bin/python -m sphinx -T -b html -d docs/_build/doctrees -D
+ language=en docs $READTHEDOCS_OUTPUT/html
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6f4ed946..015611e0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,323 +3,19 @@
# flint
-A pirate themed toy ASKAP-RACS pipeline.
-Yarrrr-Harrrr fiddly-dee!
-## Installation
-Provided an appropriate environment installation should be as simple as a
-`pip install`.
-However, on some systems there are interactions with `casacore` and building
-`python-casacore` appropriately. Issues have been noted when interacting with
-large measurement sets across components with different `casacore` versions.
-This seems to happen even across container boundaries (i.e. different versions
-in containers might play a role). The exact cause is not at all understood, but
-it appears to be related to the version of `python-casacore`, `numpy` and
-whether pre-built wheels are used.
-In practise it might be easier to leverage `conda` to install the appropriate
-`boost` and `casacore` libraries.
-A helpful script below may be of use.
-BRANCH="main" # replace this with appropriate branch or tag
-mkdir "${DIR}" || exit
-cd "${DIR}" || exit
-git clone git@github.com:tjgalvin/flint.git && \
- cd flint && \
- git checkout "${BRANCH}"
-conda create -y -n "${DIR}" python="${PYVERSION}" && \
- source /home/$(whoami)/.bashrc && \
- conda activate "${DIR}" && \
- conda install -y -c conda-forge boost casacore && \
- PIP_NO_BINARY="python-casacore" pip install -e .
-This may set up an appropriate environment that is compatible with the
-containers currently being used.
-### The error
-The error looked something like this:
-An unhandled exception occurred: FiledesIO::read /path/to/data.ms/table.mf - read returned a bad value
-## About
-This `flint` package is trying to get a minimum start-to-finish calibration and
-imaging workflow written for `RACS` style ASKAP data. `python` functions are
-used to do the work, and `prefect` is used to orchestrate their usage into a
-larger pipeline.
-Most of the `python` routines have a CLI that can be used to test them in a
-piecewise sense. These entry points are installed as programs available on the
-command line. They are listed below with a brief description:
-- `flint_skymodel`: derives a sky-model using a reference catalogue suitable to
- perform bandpass calibration against. Note that it is not "science quality" as
- it assumes an ideal primary beam response and the reference catalogues do not
- incorporate spectral information.
-- `flint_aocalibrate`: Performs amplitude and phase calibration against a
- sky-model, intended for bandpass calibration, and leverage's Andre Offringa's
- `calibrate` program.
-- `flint_flagger`: Performs basic flagging on an input measurement set.
-- `flint_bandpass`: A small workflow to bandpass calibrate ASKAP measurement
- sets that have observed PKS B1934-638.
-- `flint_ms`: Utility functions related to inspecting and pre-processing an
- ASKAP measurement set.
-- `flint_wsclean`: Uses `wsclean` to image and clean an ASKAP measurement set
- with pre-defined options.
-- `flint_gaincal`: Uses the `casa` task `gaincal` and `applysolutions` to
- perform self-calibration of an ASKAP measurement set.
-- `flint_convol`: Convols a collection of images to a common resolution.
-- `flint_yandalinmos`: Will co-add a collection of images of a single field
- together, optionally including holography measurements.
-- `flint_config`: The beginnings of a configuration-based scheme to specify
- options throughout a workflow.
-- `flint_aegean`: Simple interface to execute BANE and aegean against a provided
- image. These tools are expected to be packaged in a singularity container.
-- `flint_validation_plot`: Create a simple, quick look figure that expresses the
- key quality statistics of an image. It is intended to be used against a full
- continuum field image, but in-principal be used for a per beam image.
-- `flint_potato`: Attempt to peel out known sources from a measurement set using
- [potatopeel](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main). Criteria used to
- assess which sources to peel is fairly minimumal, and at the time of writing
- only the reference set of sources packaged within `flint` are
- considered. -`flint_archive`: Operations around archiving and copying final
- data products into place. -`flint_catalogue`: Download reference catalogues
- that are expected by `flint`
-The following commands use the `prefect` framework to link together individual
-tasks together (outlined above) into a single data-processing pipeline.
-- `flint_flow_bandpass_calibrate`: Executes a prefect flow run that will
- calibrate a set of ASKAP measurement sets taken during a normal bandpass
- observation sequence.
-- `flint_flow_continuum_pipeline`: Performs bandpass calibration, solution
- copying, imaging, self-calibration and mosaicing.
-- `flint_flow_subtract_cube_pipeline`: Subtract a continuum model and image the
- residual data.
-## Sky-model catalogues
-The `flint_skymodel` command will attempt to create an in-field sky-model for a
-particular measurement set using existing source catalogues and an idealised
-primary beam response. 'Supported' catalogues are those available through
-`flint_catalogue download`. Note this mode has not be thoroughly tested and may
-not be out-of-date relative to how the `flint_flow_continuum_pipeline` operates.
-In the near future this may be expanded.
-If calibrating a bandpass (i.e. `1934-638`) `flint` will use the packaged source
-model. At the moment this is only provided for `calibrate`.
-## About ASKAP Measurement Sets
+A pirate themed ASKAP pipeline.
-Some of the innovative components of ASKAP and the `yandasoft` package have
-resulted in measurement sets that are not immediately inline with external
-tools. Measurement sets should first be processed with
-[fixms](https://github.com/AlecThomson/FixMS). Be careful -- most (all) `flint`
-tasks don't currently do this automatically. Be aware, me hearty.
-## Containers
-At the moment this toy pipeline uses `singularity` containers to use compiled
-software that are outside the `python` ecosystem. For the moment there are no
-'supported' container packaged with this repository -- sorry!
-In a nutshell, the containers used throughout are passed in as command line
-arguments, whose context should be enough to explain what it is expecting. At
-the time of writing there are six containers for:
-- calibration: this should contain `calibrate` and `applysolutions`. These are
- tools written by Andre Offringa.
-- flagging: this should contain `aoflagger`, which is installable via a
- `apt install aoflagger` within ubuntu.
-- imaging: this should contain `wsclean`. This should be at least version 3. At
- the moment a modified version is being used (which implements a
- `-force-mask-round` option).
-- source finding: `aegeam` is used for basic component catalogue creation. It is
- not intedended to be used to produce final source catalogues, but to help
- construct quick-look data products. A minimal set of `BANE` and `aegean`
- options are used.
-- source peeling: `potatopeel` is a package that uses `wsclean`, `casa` and a
- customisable rule set to peel out troublesome annoying objects. Although it is
- a python installable and importable package, there are potential conflicts
- with the `python-casacore` modules that `flint` uses. See
- [potatopeel's github repository for more information](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main)
-- linear mosaicing: The `linmos` task from `yandasoft` is used to perform linear
- mosaicing. Importanting this `linmos` is capable of using the ASKAP primary
- beam responses characterised through holography. `yandasoft` docker images
- [are available from the CSIRO dockerhub page.](https://hub.docker.com/r/csirocass/askapsoft).
-- self-calibration: `casa` is used to perform antenna-based self-calibration.
- Specifically the tasks `gaincal`, `applysolutions`, `cvel` and `mstransform`
- are used throughout this process. Careful selection of an appropriate CASA
- version should be made to keep the `casacore` library in compatible state with
- other components. Try the `docker://alecthomson/casa:ks9-5.8.0` image.
-## Configuration based settings
-Most settings within `flint` are stored in immutable option classes, e.g.
-`WSCleanOptions`, `GainCalOptions`. Once they such an option class has been
-created, any new option values may only be set by creating a new instance. In
-such cases there is an appropriate `.with_options` method that might be of use.
-This 'nothing changes unless explicitly done so' was adopted early as a way to
-avoid confusing when moving to a distributed multi-node execution environment.
-The added benefit is that it has defined very clear interfaces into key stages
-throughout `flint`s calibration and imaging stages. The `flint_config` program
-can be used to create template `yaml` file that lists default values of these
-option classes that are expected to be user-tweakable, and provides the ability
-to change values of options throughout initial imaging and subsequent rounds of
-In a nutshell, the _currently_ supported option classes that may be tweaked
-through this template method are:
-- `WSCleanOptions` (shorthand `wsclean`)
-- `GainCalOptions` (shorthand `gaincal`)
-- `MaskingOptions` (shorthand `masking`)
-- `ArchiveOptions` (shorthand `archive`)
-- `BANEOptions` (shorthand `bane`)
-- `AegeanOptions` (shorthand `aegean`)
-All attributed supported by these options may be set in this template format.
-Not that these options would have to be retrieved within a particular flow and
-passed to the appropriate functions - they are not (currently) automatically
-The `defaults` scope sets all of the default values of these classes. The
-`initial` scope overrides the default imaging `wsclean` options to be used with
-the first round of imaging _before self-calibration_.
-The `selfcal` scope contains a key-value mapping, where an `integer` key relates
-the options to that specific round of masking, imaging and calibration options
-for that round of self-calibration. Again, options set here override the
-corresponding options defined in the `defaults` scope.
-`flint_config` can be used to generate a template file, which can then be
-tweaked. The template file uses YAML to define scope and settings. So, use the
-YAML standard when modifying this file. There are primitive verification
-functions to ensure the modified template file is correctly form.
-## CLI Configuration file
-To help manage (and avoid) long CLI calls to configure `flint`, most command
-line options may be dumped into a new-line delimited text file which can then be
-set as the `--cli-config` option of some workflows. See the `configargparse`
-python utility to read up on more on how options may be overridden if specified
-in both the text file and CLI call.
-## Validation Plots
-The validation plots that are created are simple and aim to provide a quality
-assessment at a quick glance. An RMS image and corresponding source component
-catalogue are the base data products derived from the ASKAP data that are
-supplied to the routine.
-`flint` requires a set of reference catalogues to be present for some stages of
-operation, the obvious being the validation plots described above. In some
-computing environments (e.g. HPC) network access to external services are
-blocked. To avoid these issues `flint` has a built in utility to download the
-reference catalogues it expected from vizier and write them to a specified user
-directory. See:
-> `flint_catalogue download --help`
-The parent directory that contains these cataloguues should be provided to the
-appropriate tasks when appropriate.
-In the current `flint` package these catalogues (and their expected columns)
- survey="ICRF",
- file_name="ICRF.fits",
- freq=1e9,
- ra_col="RAJ2000",
- dec_col="DEJ2000",
- name_col="ICRF",
- flux_col="None",
- maj_col="None",
- min_col="None",
- pa_col="None",
- vizier_id="I/323/icrf2",
- survey="NVSS",
- file_name="NVSS.fits",
- name_col="NVSS",
- freq=1.4e9,
- ra_col="RAJ2000",
- dec_col="DEJ2000",
- flux_col="S1.4",
- maj_col="MajAxis",
- min_col="MinAxis",
- pa_col="PA",
- vizier_id="VIII/65/nvss",
+Yarrrr-Harrrr fiddly-dee!
- survey="SUMSS",
- file_name="SUMSS.fits",
- freq=8.43e8,
- ra_col="RAJ2000",
- dec_col="DEJ2000",
- name_col="Mosaic",
- flux_col="St",
- maj_col="dMajAxis",
- min_col="dMinAxis",
- pa_col="dPA",
- vizier_id="VIII/81B/sumss212",
+## Documentation
- file_name="racs-low.fits",
- survey="RACS-LOW",
- freq=887.56e6,
- ra_col="RAJ2000",
- dec_col="DEJ2000",
- name_col="GID",
- flux_col="Ftot",
- maj_col="amaj",
- min_col="bmin",
- pa_col="PA",
- vizier_id="J/other/PASA/38.58/gausscut",
-The known filename is used to find the appropriate catalogue and its full path,
-and are appropriately named when using the `flint_catalogue download` tool.
+Full documentation is provided on [ReadtheDocs](https://readthedocs.io/).
## Contributions
diff --git a/_static b/_static
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..44822ed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_static
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a6f9a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+[![pre-commit.ci status](https://results.pre-commit.ci/badge/github/tjgalvin/flint/main.svg)](https://results.pre-commit.ci/latest/github/tjgalvin/flint/main)
+# flint
+A pirate themed ASKAP pipeline.
+Yarrrr-Harrrr fiddly-dee!
+## Installation
+Provided an appropriate environment installation should be as simple as a
+`pip install`.
+However, on some systems there are interactions with `casacore` and building
+`python-casacore` appropriately. Issues have been noted when interacting with
+large measurement sets across components with different `casacore` versions.
+This seems to happen even across container boundaries (i.e. different versions
+in containers might play a role). The exact cause is not at all understood, but
+it appears to be related to the version of `python-casacore`, `numpy` and
+whether pre-built wheels are used.
+In practise it might be easier to leverage `conda` to install the appropriate
+`boost` and `casacore` libraries.
+A helpful script below may be of use.
+BRANCH="main" # replace this with appropriate branch or tag
+mkdir "${DIR}" || exit
+cd "${DIR}" || exit
+git clone git@github.com:tjgalvin/flint.git && \
+ cd flint && \
+ git checkout "${BRANCH}"
+conda create -y -n "${DIR}" python="${PYVERSION}" && \
+ source /home/$(whoami)/.bashrc && \
+ conda activate "${DIR}" && \
+ conda install -y -c conda-forge boost casacore && \
+ PIP_NO_BINARY="python-casacore" pip install -e .
+This may set up an appropriate environment that is compatible with the
+containers currently being used.
+## About
+This `flint` package is trying to get a minimum start-to-finish calibration and
+imaging workflow written for `RACS` style ASKAP data. `python` functions are
+used to do the work, and `prefect` is used to orchestrate their usage into a
+larger pipeline.
+Most of the `python` routines have a CLI that can be used to test them in a
+piecewise sense. These entry points are installed as programs available on the
+command line. They are listed below with a brief description:
+- `flint_skymodel`: derives a sky-model using a reference catalogue suitable to
+ perform bandpass calibration against. Note that it is not "science quality" as
+ it assumes an ideal primary beam response and the reference catalogues do not
+ incorporate spectral information.
+- `flint_aocalibrate`: Performs amplitude and phase calibration against a
+ sky-model, intended for bandpass calibration, and leverage's Andre Offringa's
+ `calibrate` program.
+- `flint_flagger`: Performs basic flagging on an input measurement set.
+- `flint_bandpass`: A small workflow to bandpass calibrate ASKAP measurement
+ sets that have observed PKS B1934-638.
+- `flint_ms`: Utility functions related to inspecting and pre-processing an
+ ASKAP measurement set.
+- `flint_wsclean`: Uses `wsclean` to image and clean an ASKAP measurement set
+ with pre-defined options.
+- `flint_gaincal`: Uses the `casa` task `gaincal` and `applysolutions` to
+ perform self-calibration of an ASKAP measurement set.
+- `flint_convol`: Convols a collection of images to a common resolution.
+- `flint_yandalinmos`: Will co-add a collection of images of a single field
+ together, optionally including holography measurements.
+- `flint_config`: The beginnings of a configuration-based scheme to specify
+ options throughout a workflow.
+- `flint_aegean`: Simple interface to execute BANE and aegean against a provided
+ image. These tools are expected to be packaged in a singularity container.
+- `flint_validation_plot`: Create a simple, quick look figure that expresses the
+ key quality statistics of an image. It is intended to be used against a full
+ continuum field image, but in-principal be used for a per beam image.
+- `flint_potato`: Attempt to peel out known sources from a measurement set using
+ [potatopeel](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main). Criteria used to
+ assess which sources to peel is fairly minimumal, and at the time of writing
+ only the reference set of sources packaged within `flint` are
+ considered. -`flint_archive`: Operations around archiving and copying final
+ data products into place. -`flint_catalogue`: Download reference catalogues
+ that are expected by `flint`
+The following commands use the `prefect` framework to link together individual
+tasks together (outlined above) into a single data-processing pipeline.
+- `flint_flow_bandpass_calibrate`: Executes a prefect flow run that will
+ calibrate a set of ASKAP measurement sets taken during a normal bandpass
+ observation sequence.
+- `flint_flow_continuum_pipeline`: Performs bandpass calibration, solution
+ copying, imaging, self-calibration and mosaicing.
+- `flint_flow_subtract_cube_pipeline`: Subtract a continuum model and image the
+ residual data.
+## About ASKAP Measurement Sets
+Some of the innovative components of ASKAP and the `yandasoft` package have
+resulted in measurement sets that are not immediately inline with external
+tools. Measurement sets should first be processed with
+[fixms](https://github.com/AlecThomson/FixMS). Be careful -- most (all) `flint`
+tasks don't currently do this automatically. Be aware, me hearty.
+## Containers
+At the moment this toy pipeline uses `singularity` containers to use compiled
+software that are outside the `python` ecosystem. For the moment there are no
+'supported' container packaged with this repository -- sorry!
+In a nutshell, the containers used throughout are passed in as command line
+arguments, whose context should be enough to explain what it is expecting. At
+the time of writing there are six containers for:
+- calibration: this should contain `calibrate` and `applysolutions`. These are
+ tools written by Andre Offringa.
+- flagging: this should contain `aoflagger`, which is installable via a
+ `apt install aoflagger` within ubuntu.
+- imaging: this should contain `wsclean`. This should be at least version 3. At
+ the moment a modified version is being used (which implements a
+ `-force-mask-round` option).
+- source finding: `aegeam` is used for basic component catalogue creation. It is
+ not intedended to be used to produce final source catalogues, but to help
+ construct quick-look data products. A minimal set of `BANE` and `aegean`
+ options are used.
+- source peeling: `potatopeel` is a package that uses `wsclean`, `casa` and a
+ customisable rule set to peel out troublesome annoying objects. Although it is
+ a python installable and importable package, there are potential conflicts
+ with the `python-casacore` modules that `flint` uses. See
+ [potatopeel's github repository for more information](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main)
+- linear mosaicing: The `linmos` task from `yandasoft` is used to perform linear
+ mosaicing. Importanting this `linmos` is capable of using the ASKAP primary
+ beam responses characterised through holography. `yandasoft` docker images
+ [are available from the CSIRO dockerhub page.](https://hub.docker.com/r/csirocass/askapsoft).
+- self-calibration: `casa` is used to perform antenna-based self-calibration.
+ Specifically the tasks `gaincal`, `applysolutions`, `cvel` and `mstransform`
+ are used throughout this process. Careful selection of an appropriate CASA
+ version should be made to keep the `casacore` library in compatible state with
+ other components. Try the `docker://alecthomson/casa:ks9-5.8.0` image.
+## Configuration based settings
+Most settings within `flint` are stored in immutable option classes, e.g.
+`WSCleanOptions`, `GainCalOptions`. Once they such an option class has been
+created, any new option values may only be set by creating a new instance. In
+such cases there is an appropriate `.with_options` method that might be of use.
+This 'nothing changes unless explicitly done so' was adopted early as a way to
+avoid confusing when moving to a distributed multi-node execution environment.
+The added benefit is that it has defined very clear interfaces into key stages
+throughout `flint`s calibration and imaging stages. The `flint_config` program
+can be used to create template `yaml` file that lists default values of these
+option classes that are expected to be user-tweakable, and provides the ability
+to change values of options throughout initial imaging and subsequent rounds of
+In a nutshell, the _currently_ supported option classes that may be tweaked
+through this template method are:
+- `WSCleanOptions` (shorthand `wsclean`)
+- `GainCalOptions` (shorthand `gaincal`)
+- `MaskingOptions` (shorthand `masking`)
+- `ArchiveOptions` (shorthand `archive`)
+- `BANEOptions` (shorthand `bane`)
+- `AegeanOptions` (shorthand `aegean`)
+All attributed supported by these options may be set in this template format.
+Not that these options would have to be retrieved within a particular flow and
+passed to the appropriate functions - they are not (currently) automatically
+The `defaults` scope sets all of the default values of these classes. The
+`initial` scope overrides the default imaging `wsclean` options to be used with
+the first round of imaging _before self-calibration_.
+The `selfcal` scope contains a key-value mapping, where an `integer` key relates
+the options to that specific round of masking, imaging and calibration options
+for that round of self-calibration. Again, options set here override the
+corresponding options defined in the `defaults` scope.
+`flint_config` can be used to generate a template file, which can then be
+tweaked. The template file uses YAML to define scope and settings. So, use the
+YAML standard when modifying this file. There are primitive verification
+functions to ensure the modified template file is correctly form.
+## CLI Configuration file
+To help manage (and avoid) long CLI calls to configure `flint`, most command
+line options may be dumped into a new-line delimited text file which can then be
+set as the `--cli-config` option of some workflows. See the `configargparse`
+python utility to read up on more on how options may be overridden if specified
+in both the text file and CLI call.
+## Validation Plots
+The validation plots that are created are simple and aim to provide a quality
+assessment at a quick glance. An RMS image and corresponding source component
+catalogue are the base data products derived from the ASKAP data that are
+supplied to the routine.
+`flint` requires a set of reference catalogues to be present for some stages of
+operation, the obvious being the validation plots described above. In some
+computing environments (e.g. HPC) network access to external services are
+blocked. To avoid these issues `flint` has a built in utility to download the
+reference catalogues it expected from vizier and write them to a specified user
+directory. See:
+> `flint_catalogue download --help`
+The parent directory that contains these cataloguues should be provided to the
+appropriate tasks when appropriate.
+In the current `flint` package these catalogues (and their expected columns)
+ survey="ICRF",
+ file_name="ICRF.fits",
+ freq=1e9,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="ICRF",
+ flux_col="None",
+ maj_col="None",
+ min_col="None",
+ pa_col="None",
+ vizier_id="I/323/icrf2",
+ survey="NVSS",
+ file_name="NVSS.fits",
+ name_col="NVSS",
+ freq=1.4e9,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ flux_col="S1.4",
+ maj_col="MajAxis",
+ min_col="MinAxis",
+ pa_col="PA",
+ vizier_id="VIII/65/nvss",
+ survey="SUMSS",
+ file_name="SUMSS.fits",
+ freq=8.43e8,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="Mosaic",
+ flux_col="St",
+ maj_col="dMajAxis",
+ min_col="dMinAxis",
+ pa_col="dPA",
+ vizier_id="VIII/81B/sumss212",
+ file_name="racs-low.fits",
+ survey="RACS-LOW",
+ freq=887.56e6,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="GID",
+ flux_col="Ftot",
+ maj_col="amaj",
+ min_col="bmin",
+ pa_col="PA",
+ vizier_id="J/other/PASA/38.58/gausscut",
+The known filename is used to find the appropriate catalogue and its full path,
+and are appropriately named when using the `flint_catalogue download` tool.
+## Contributions
+Contributions are welcome! Please do submit a pull-request or issue if you spot
+something you would like to address.
diff --git a/docs/logo.jpeg b/docs/_static/logo.jpeg
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/logo.jpeg
rename to docs/_static/logo.jpeg
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9989fc34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/about.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+## About
+This `flint` package is trying to get a minimum start-to-finish calibration and
+imaging workflow written for `RACS` style ASKAP data. `python` functions are
+used to do the work, and `prefect` is used to orchestrate their usage into a
+larger pipeline.
+Most of the `python` routines have a CLI that can be used to test them in a
+piecewise sense. These entry points are installed as programs available on the
+command line. They are listed below with a brief description:
+- `flint_skymodel`: derives a sky-model using a reference catalogue suitable to
+ perform bandpass calibration against. Note that it is not "science quality" as
+ it assumes an ideal primary beam response and the reference catalogues do not
+ incorporate spectral information.
+- `flint_aocalibrate`: Performs amplitude and phase calibration against a
+ sky-model, intended for bandpass calibration, and leverage's Andre Offringa's
+ `calibrate` program.
+- `flint_flagger`: Performs basic flagging on an input measurement set.
+- `flint_bandpass`: A small workflow to bandpass calibrate ASKAP measurement
+ sets that have observed PKS B1934-638.
+- `flint_ms`: Utility functions related to inspecting and pre-processing an
+ ASKAP measurement set.
+- `flint_wsclean`: Uses `wsclean` to image and clean an ASKAP measurement set
+ with pre-defined options.
+- `flint_gaincal`: Uses the `casa` task `gaincal` and `applysolutions` to
+ perform self-calibration of an ASKAP measurement set.
+- `flint_convol`: Convols a collection of images to a common resolution.
+- `flint_yandalinmos`: Will co-add a collection of images of a single field
+ together, optionally including holography measurements.
+- `flint_config`: The beginnings of a configuration-based scheme to specify
+ options throughout a workflow.
+- `flint_aegean`: Simple interface to execute BANE and aegean against a provided
+ image. These tools are expected to be packaged in a singularity container.
+- `flint_validation_plot`: Create a simple, quick look figure that expresses the
+ key quality statistics of an image. It is intended to be used against a full
+ continuum field image, but in-principal be used for a per beam image.
+- `flint_potato`: Attempt to peel out known sources from a measurement set using
+ [potatopeel](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main). Criteria used to
+ assess which sources to peel is fairly minimumal, and at the time of writing
+ only the reference set of sources packaged within `flint` are
+ considered. -`flint_archive`: Operations around archiving and copying final
+ data products into place. -`flint_catalogue`: Download reference catalogues
+ that are expected by `flint`
+The following commands use the `prefect` framework to link together individual
+tasks together (outlined above) into a single data-processing pipeline.
+- `flint_flow_bandpass_calibrate`: Executes a prefect flow run that will
+ calibrate a set of ASKAP measurement sets taken during a normal bandpass
+ observation sequence.
+- `flint_flow_continuum_pipeline`: Performs bandpass calibration, solution
+ copying, imaging, self-calibration and mosaicing.
+- `flint_flow_subtract_cube_pipeline`: Subtract a continuum model and image the
+ residual data.
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 7d724b3d..a639f494 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -7,16 +7,21 @@
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information
from __future__ import annotations
+import importlib.metadata
project = "flint"
-copyright = "2023, Tim Galvin"
+copyright = "2025, Tim Galvin"
author = "Tim Galvin"
-release = "0.0.1"
+version = release = importlib.metadata.version("flint")
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration
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+ "myst_parser",
+ "sphinx_autodoc_typehints",
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+ "colon_fence",
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# Napoleon settings
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napoleon_numpy_docstring = True
@@ -41,6 +59,7 @@
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@@ -48,6 +67,6 @@
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#options-for-html-output
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html_static_path = ["_static"]
diff --git a/docs/config.md b/docs/config.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0fcdccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config.md
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Configuration
+## Configuration based settings
+Most settings within `flint` are stored in immutable option classes, e.g.
+`WSCleanOptions`, `GainCalOptions`. Once they such an option class has been
+created, any new option values may only be set by creating a new instance. In
+such cases there is an appropriate `.with_options` method that might be of use.
+This 'nothing changes unless explicitly done so' was adopted early as a way to
+avoid confusing when moving to a distributed multi-node execution environment.
+The added benefit is that it has defined very clear interfaces into key stages
+throughout `flint`s calibration and imaging stages. The `flint_config` program
+can be used to create template `yaml` file that lists default values of these
+option classes that are expected to be user-tweakable, and provides the ability
+to change values of options throughout initial imaging and subsequent rounds of
+In a nutshell, the _currently_ supported option classes that may be tweaked
+through this template method are:
+- `WSCleanOptions` (shorthand `wsclean`)
+- `GainCalOptions` (shorthand `gaincal`)
+- `MaskingOptions` (shorthand `masking`)
+- `ArchiveOptions` (shorthand `archive`)
+- `BANEOptions` (shorthand `bane`)
+- `AegeanOptions` (shorthand `aegean`)
+All attributed supported by these options may be set in this template format.
+Not that these options would have to be retrieved within a particular flow and
+passed to the appropriate functions - they are not (currently) automatically
+The `defaults` scope sets all of the default values of these classes. The
+`initial` scope overrides the default imaging `wsclean` options to be used with
+the first round of imaging _before self-calibration_.
+The `selfcal` scope contains a key-value mapping, where an `integer` key relates
+the options to that specific round of masking, imaging and calibration options
+for that round of self-calibration. Again, options set here override the
+corresponding options defined in the `defaults` scope.
+`flint_config` can be used to generate a template file, which can then be
+tweaked. The template file uses YAML to define scope and settings. So, use the
+YAML standard when modifying this file. There are primitive verification
+functions to ensure the modified template file is correctly form.
+## CLI Configuration file
+To help manage (and avoid) long CLI calls to configure `flint`, most command
+line options may be dumped into a new-line delimited text file which can then be
+set as the `--cli-config` option of some workflows. See the `configargparse`
+python utility to read up on more on how options may be overridden if specified
+in both the text file and CLI call.
+## Configuration schema
+TODO: Document the config file schema
+## Configuration examples
+TODO: Add configuration examples
diff --git a/docs/data.md b/docs/data.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..941ad3e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/data.md
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Data
+## Sky-model catalogues
+The `flint_skymodel` command will attempt to create an in-field sky-model for a
+particular measurement set using existing source catalogues and an idealised
+primary beam response. Supported catalogues are those available through
+`flint_catalogue download`. Note this mode has not be thoroughly tested and may
+not be out-of-date relative to how the `flint_flow_continuum_pipeline` operates.
+In the near future this may be expanded.
+If calibrating a bandpass (i.e. `1934-638`) `flint` will use the packaged source
+model. At the moment this is only provided for `calibrate`.
+## About ASKAP Measurement Sets
+Some of the innovative components of ASKAP and the `yandasoft` package have
+resulted in measurement sets that are not immediately inline with external
+tools. Measurement sets should first be processed with
+[fixms](https://github.com/AlecThomson/FixMS). Be careful -- most (all) `flint`
+tasks don't currently do this automatically. Be aware, me hearty.
+## Containers
+At the moment this pipeline uses `singularity` containers to use compiled
+software that are outside the `python` ecosystem.
+:::{attention} For the moment there are no 'supported' container packaged within
+this repository -- sorry! :::
+In a nutshell, the containers used throughout are passed in as command line
+arguments, whose context should be enough to explain what it is expecting. At
+the time of writing there are six containers for:
+- calibration: this should contain `calibrate` and `applysolutions`. These are
+ tools written by Andre Offringa.
+- flagging: this should contain `aoflagger`, which is installable via a
+ `apt install aoflagger` within ubuntu.
+- imaging: this should contain `wsclean`. This should be at least version 3. At
+ the moment a modified version is being used (which implements a
+ `-force-mask-round` option).
+- source finding: `aegeam` is used for basic component catalogue creation. It is
+ not intedended to be used to produce final source catalogues, but to help
+ construct quick-look data products. A minimal set of `BANE` and `aegean`
+ options are used.
+- source peeling: `potatopeel` is a package that uses `wsclean`, `casa` and a
+ customisable rule set to peel out troublesome annoying objects. Although it is
+ a python installable and importable package, there are potential conflicts
+ with the `python-casacore` modules that `flint` uses. See
+ [potatopeel's github repository for more information](https://gitlab.com/Sunmish/potato/-/tree/main)
+- linear mosaicing: The `linmos` task from `yandasoft` is used to perform linear
+ mosaicing. Importanting this `linmos` is capable of using the ASKAP primary
+ beam responses characterised through holography. `yandasoft` docker images
+ [are available from the CSIRO dockerhub page.](https://hub.docker.com/r/csirocass/askapsoft).
+- self-calibration: `casa` is used to perform antenna-based self-calibration.
+ Specifically the tasks `gaincal`, `applysolutions`, `cvel` and `mstransform`
+ are used throughout this process. Careful selection of an appropriate CASA
+ version should be made to keep the `casacore` library in compatible state with
+ other components. Try the `docker://alecthomson/casa:ks9-5.8.0` image.
diff --git a/docs/examples.md b/docs/examples.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5229cecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Examples
+TODO: Add a examples for new users.
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe7f3184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Flint
+```{include} ../README.md
+## Table of contents
+:maxdepth: 2
+## Indices and tables
+- {ref}`genindex`
+- {ref}`modindex`
+- {ref}`search`
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 705f3c98..00000000
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-.. flint documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jul 16 18:05:01 2023.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root toctree directive.
-Welcome to flint's documentation!
-A pirate themed toy ASKAP-RACS pipeline.
-Yarrrr-Harrrr fiddly-dee!
-.. image:: logo.jpeg
- :width: 400
- :alt: Capn' Flint - Credit: DALLE 3
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- :caption: Contents:
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/docs/installation.md b/docs/installation.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5832f46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/installation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Installation
+Provided an appropriate environment installation should be as simple as a
+`pip install`.
+However, on some systems there are interactions with `casacore` and building
+`python-casacore` appropriately. Issues have been noted when interacting with
+large measurement sets across components with different `casacore` versions.
+This seems to happen even across container boundaries (i.e. different versions
+in containers might play a role). The exact cause is not at all understood, but
+it appears to be related to the version of `python-casacore`, `numpy` and
+whether pre-built wheels are used.
+In practise it might be easier to leverage `conda` to install the appropriate
+`boost` and `casacore` libraries.
+A helpful script below may be of use.
+BRANCH="main" # replace this with appropriate branch or tag
+mkdir "${DIR}" || exit
+cd "${DIR}" || exit
+git clone git@github.com:tjgalvin/flint.git && \
+ cd flint && \
+ git checkout "${BRANCH}"
+conda create -y -n "${DIR}" python="${PYVERSION}" && \
+ source /home/$(whoami)/.bashrc && \
+ conda activate "${DIR}" && \
+ conda install -y -c conda-forge boost casacore && \
+ PIP_NO_BINARY="python-casacore" pip install -e .
+This may set up an appropriate environment that is compatible with the
+containers currently being used.
+:::{attention} For the moment there are no 'supported' container packaged within
+this repository -- sorry! :::
+See [containers](#containers) for more information.
diff --git a/docs/quickstart.md b/docs/quickstart.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74810363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/quickstart.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Quickstart
+TODO: Add a quickstart guide for new users.
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 16069912..2f9b80f8 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ ruff = "^0.1.12"
pytest = "^7.4.0"
pytest-cov = "*"
sphinx = "*"
+myst-parser = "*"
+sphinx-autodoc-typehints = "*"
+sphinx-copybutton = "*"
+sphinx-autoapi = "*"
+furo = "*"
dev = [
@@ -79,6 +84,11 @@ dev = [
+ "myst-parser",
+ "sphinx-autodoc-typehints",
+ "sphinx-copybutton",
+ "sphinx-autoapi",
+ "furo"
diff --git a/validation.md b/validation.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00075ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/validation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Validation
+The validation plots that are created are simple and aim to provide a quality
+assessment at a quick glance. An RMS image and corresponding source component
+catalogue are the base data products derived from the ASKAP data that are
+supplied to the routine.
+`flint` requires a set of reference catalogues to be present for some stages of
+operation, the obvious being the validation plots described above. In some
+computing environments (e.g. HPC) network access to external services are
+blocked. To avoid these issues `flint` has a built in utility to download the
+reference catalogues it expected from vizier and write them to a specified user
+directory. See:
+> `flint_catalogue download --help`
+The parent directory that contains these cataloguues should be provided to the
+appropriate tasks when appropriate.
+In the current `flint` package these catalogues (and their expected columns)
+ survey="ICRF",
+ file_name="ICRF.fits",
+ freq=1e9,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="ICRF",
+ flux_col="None",
+ maj_col="None",
+ min_col="None",
+ pa_col="None",
+ vizier_id="I/323/icrf2",
+ survey="NVSS",
+ file_name="NVSS.fits",
+ name_col="NVSS",
+ freq=1.4e9,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ flux_col="S1.4",
+ maj_col="MajAxis",
+ min_col="MinAxis",
+ pa_col="PA",
+ vizier_id="VIII/65/nvss",
+ survey="SUMSS",
+ file_name="SUMSS.fits",
+ freq=8.43e8,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="Mosaic",
+ flux_col="St",
+ maj_col="dMajAxis",
+ min_col="dMinAxis",
+ pa_col="dPA",
+ vizier_id="VIII/81B/sumss212",
+ file_name="racs-low.fits",
+ survey="RACS-LOW",
+ freq=887.56e6,
+ ra_col="RAJ2000",
+ dec_col="DEJ2000",
+ name_col="GID",
+ flux_col="Ftot",
+ maj_col="amaj",
+ min_col="bmin",
+ pa_col="PA",
+ vizier_id="J/other/PASA/38.58/gausscut",
+The known filename is used to find the appropriate catalogue and its full path,
+and are appropriately named when using the `flint_catalogue download` tool.