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512 lines (420 loc) · 39.7 KB

File metadata and controls

512 lines (420 loc) · 39.7 KB

Change Log

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • How to put line on row of week ? #185
  • Support DIV headers and cells
  • Increate fps by caching date-calculation results.
  • Add Thanks to github_changelog_generator

Closed issues:

  • seletectDate does not call didSelectDate #467
  • minimumDateForCalendar crash @ 2.4.0 #465
  • Two days can be selected after first or second Saturday is first selected #463
  • Overlaping events #462
  • Error in Selected date #459
  • Calendar Date Range background Between today date and selected end date #458
  • Month Scrolling #457
  • Fatal Exception: Crash on iPhone 5 c #456
  • How to stop scrolling animation ? #455
  • How to prevent calendar to switch from month view to week view? #454
  • Appearance Delegate not called #452
  • Have a migration project to swift3 plan? #451
  • Rename FSCalendarConstance to FSCalendarConstants #448
  • Header disappearing when max month is reached #447
  • Is "Imageoffset" property has some problem? #445
  • Property 'prefetchingEnabled' not found on object of type 'FSCalendarCollectionView *' #444
  • Image offset ignored in week scope #443
  • minimumDate iOS10 #432
  • "Invisible sticky header" problem on calendar with vertical scrolling #431
  • Delegate method calendar eventColorForDate not called. #423

2.4.0 (2016-10-12)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • UI小建议 #410
  • Cell selection style #370

Closed issues:

  • Scope change animating from center #446
  • How to have events with different color indicator on calendar? #442
  • Can I have different background color for each selected date? #441
  • How can i get current time with selected date? #440
  • How to set day as "selected"? #439
  • Todays date shows yesterday when selected. #438
  • want to show date from first day of the month #433
  • headerTitleFont appearance doesn't seem to be working #430
  • When view load set a anydate as selected #429
  • Dynamic Today Extension Example ui issue in iOS 10 #427
  • Show two months #426
  • is it fully compatible with swift 3 ? #425
  • Timezone support #424
  • Hi, #419
  • Today is always 1 day ahead #417
  • timezone issue @ FSCalendar ~>2.3.1 #416

2.3.3 (2016-09-10)

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Closed issues:

  • Any way to hide on vertical mode the same days at next month? #415
  • Put UIImageView on particular date. #414
  • 自定义日历高度 #412
  • Rotat issue #408
  • 在滑动的时候可能会出现 CGRectGetHeight(self.pendingAttributes.targetBounds) == CGRectGetHeight(self.pendingAttributes.sourceBounds) #405
  • 在真机中,当展示的是周的时候. 两个手指重复向上滑动的时候会引起界面异常 #403
  • Today in Swift #402

2.3.2 (2016-09-10)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Missing data on iOS 9 #413
  • delay 1 day #411
  • TitleDefaultColorForDate Delegate Quickly called before web service Implementing and Want to Change colors for the dates from array? #409
  • Error with min version #407
  • FSCalendarScope is a C11 feature #406
  • How to determine current calendar height #404
  • How to set the height of row? #401
  • How i can repeat event? like every day, month, year? #400
  • How I can select all sunday with "selectDate"? #399
  • 当我选择7月1号. 然后收起日历.变成只显示周的时候. 月份会变成6月 #398
  • Changing event color crash #392
  • Can you pass consistent dates to the date parameters in the delegate methods? #386
  • 三个自定义需求请问如何实现? #371

2.3.1 (2016-08-29)

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Closed issues:

  • Can we add dot with some text in Calendar view & how to reload calendar view ? #397
  • 有没有出 Swift 版的计划 #396
  • Height issue with XCode 8 iOS 10 Swift 2.x #395
  • [bug] reloadData wil not reload header title #394
  • 日期选择的错误 #390
  • Collapse the calander #389
  • [calendar reloadData] 后如何不回自动滚回当前日期? #388
  • 如何做到,多选,只能选择第一个选择日期后的5天? #387
  • Full day circle as event indicator #383
  • 有支持农历吗 #382
  • Calendar layout is broken #375

Merged pull requests:

2.3.0 (2016-08-11)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • didSelectDate should get called if i call selectDate() #381
  • day circle radius is small #380
  • Error in future. #379
  • Delegate call when scope changes #378
  • 给日历添加事件后,如果通过点击下个的日期切换月份并且让日历变成按周显示的模式,点中的日期如果添加了事件,程序会出现崩溃的情况! #377
  • Enable gestures to change calendar scope. #374
  • 不停的切换月和周 两种显示模式,上面显示的月份一直在减小 #373
  • Is it possible to show only the days of the current month? #372
  • Presenting the calendar in a modal view controller #369
  • Is it possible to get calendar cell size ? #368
  • After updating to 2.2.0, I can't call the methods in the NSDate category anymore. Can you add them back? #365
  • Change position of event dot #364
  • There is something wrong with the interface shows when I reload calendar view. #363
  • How can we remove Background color for specific dates? #362
  • itouch 6黑屏无法进入主界面 #361
  • I want to remove Next Month Event Color #360
  • Is it possible to stop scroll in direction of future month? #359
  • Border width size is different for some rows. #358
  • disable tap gesture on placeholder #357
  • Can you make the size of the dot proportionate to the size of the collection view cell? #356
  • Please See At My Requirement - Change Event Background Color #355
  • Has Event For Date is not call - How can i recall this method #354
  • Multiple Selection Colours? #353
  • Layout is not working (Swift 2.2, Xcode 7.3) #352
  • Adding event to a day #350
  • 能否增加一个UI体验 #349
  • Event indicator is sometimes not displayed. #340
  • 关于日历maxdate的问题 #339
  • Year is not shown on every month in the title. #338
  • How to disable selectColor but not "didSelectFunction" #336
  • User selection of placeholder dates should be optional #334
  • Changing scope with an UISwipeGestureRecognizer causes currentPage bug #333
  • Number of rows for current month fixed at 6 when showing placeholders #331
  • How can I put events in day after my array/dictionary is populated. #329
  • Selecting of day after the day user selected #327
  • adding bridge header in swift #325
  • Change Weekday Text Color #324
  • Add an option to stick the weekDays to the top #323
  • Hi, switch month and week, there will be gray background Flashing #317
  • Change placeholder #316
  • 请问可以实现日历跟随UITableView的滚动,实现scopeHandle滑动时切换月和周的效果吗? #315
  • 设置了字体以后出现了下面的情况 #314
  • Default scope week. #313
  • Is there a way of minimizing the distance between the event indicator and the day of the month? #309
  • Disable previous dates in same month with today #302
  • hides placeholder #229

2.2.0 (2016-06-29)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Unable to display Date 1 as selected #348
  • every month day is wrong #347
  • 开启showsScopeHandle,会crash #346
  • how to current calendar page month and year #345
  • delegate method call in last #344
  • How to scroll to the average date in selected range? #343
  • 如何设置日期区间? #342
  • How to highlight dates with events? #341
  • Included example project: animation problem when switching months #335
  • How to put all date cells to have background color with border Lines? #332
  • Using other way to change the select day #322
  • Dates selection state issue. #321
  • Set Color For Particular Day of Month #320
  • Solved #319
  • Item day background color #318
  • pod 倒入的2.1.1版本和工程中最新版本不一样 #312
  • Change next and previous month programatically. #311
  • Scope handle starts with week mode #310
  • 使用scope 设置完成之后,不停的滚动,人为调用 setScope 会造成日期混乱 #308
  • 能不能默认就是week模式的 #307
  • 默认启动scrop week #305
  • 关于当前日期显示"今天"两个字的问题 #304
  • Change the colour of dates dynamically. #303
  • Event color indicator 'leaking' default color #301
  • some FSCalendarDataSource methods not called #299
  • Handling the scope manually with a finger slide #298
  • Add Table Below Calandar #297
  • Today should be nullable, to set it to nil in Swift #296
  • 月与周切换多次,导致异常问题 #295
  • 关于日历中当前日期标题文字的问题 #294
  • 关于ScopeHandle新功能,月与周切换多次后,时间回到1980年的问题! #293
  • dot event remove after swiping the calendar #292
  • 设置那个隐藏占位时间不能运行很好(demo也是如此) #291
  • numberOfEventsForDate gets called multiple times. #290
  • In some examples layout needs to be updated after rotation #289
  • Split View not supported #288
  • fullScreen 设置Scope 问题 #287
  • custom images for date are off-center after orientation change #286
  • Implementing feature "EveryDay" when creating an event for a date. #285
  • Is it possible to toggle between FSCalendarScopeMonth and FSCalendarScopeWeek using finger? #284
  • Delegate method calendar:didDeselectDate: not called #283
  • Setting paging enabled in IB causes Xcode to freeze #282
  • Selected date error #280
  • Can i create combine Gregorian and Islamic(Hijri) calendar? #279
  • Dot with count in the calendar view #278
  • How to set delegateAppearance in swift? #277
  • Change particular date colour & add events on particular dates . #275
  • Can you set the background of a single day? #270
  • selected date as Nullable #264
  • calendar height increases when I change from week view to month view. #263
  • Problem with showsPlaceholder #257
  • Weekscope: change month scrollView only when month changes #187
  • Scrolling so fast does not trigger calendarCurrentPageDidChange #113

Merged pull requests:

  • Fixes local variable shadow warnings when warning -Wshadow is enabled. #337 (schaechtele)

2.1.1 (2016-04-26)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • How to add event on an array of dates in swift #276
  • Is there a way to change the color of the line underneath the month? #274
  • Don't allow date in the future to be selected. #273
  • Multiple months in the same view? #272
  • 请问如何将calendar的6行改为5行以及仿ios原生日历增加cell的height? #271
  • Calendar goes down when i return with de back button of the navigation controller #269
  • Calendar is too short in week scope #268
  • Once I select a date, I want to add a dot to show that date has an event #267
  • Unknown class FSCalendar in Interface Builder file. #266
  • Disable feature date #265
  • 当前时间的颜色 #262
  • Hiding header #255
  • Change fill color for Unselected dates. #254
  • How to Add Prev / Next button for swap month in FSCalendar #252
  • How to do range selection in this calendar? #249
  • FSCalendarDelegateAppearance placeholder color #180
  • How to use custom background for selection and change the frame of FSCalendar #151

2.1.0 (2016-04-11)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • How To change Header Title (Aug 2016) Font and Font Size #260
  • Weekdays Background Color Change. #259
  • Calendar showing event date on every date. #256
  • Can it set placeholder hidden? #253
  • how to disabled backs dates in this calendar? #251
  • Possible to provide minimum and maximum date for calendar? #250
  • How does one achieve this look that is in your README. #248
  • Need to change FSCalendarHeaderCell titlelabel text #247
  • calendarCurrentPageDidChange not showing correct Date #246
  • Access Current Month #245
  • Is it possible to change FSCalendar scope by vertical swipe gesture? #244
  • Is it possible to change FSCalendar scope by vertical swipe gesture? #243
  • How to increase the font size of the dates? #242
  • what about lower case for week days and month? #241
  • is it possible to add another shape as rectangle with rounded corners? #240
  • is there a way to indicate days, which can't be selected, with regular selector shape of different color? #239
  • calendarCurrentMonthDidChange doesn't work #238

2.0.1 (2016-03-26)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • issue with calendar.setScope(.Month, animated: true) #237
  • how to prevent array of days from being selected? #236
  • hides placeholder #235
  • Date marker colors #233
  • How to change weekday background? #232
  • Cocoapods version seems to be old #231
  • force reload data #230
  • Is it possible to make event indicators have different colors each? #217
  • Lunar date issue when scroll page then go to previous page #161

2.0.0 (2016-03-19)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Add events async (after network request) #228
  • How to make the event date contain a hollow circle just like the today/selected date contain a filled circle? #225
  • Longpress on the day #224
  • Date from Monday to Saturday not appeared in first week #223
  • 当日历设置为某些特定的高度后日期发生混乱 #222
  • 怎么能在不点击的情况下知道每个cell对应的是什么日期? #221
  • Number of rows for current month? #220
  • It's that possible to make it infinity scroll #191
  • How to hide days not in current month? #168
  • Current Date not changing #153

1.8.2 (2016-02-27)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Placeholder Issue #219
  • [Bug] Changing Scope #218
  • Ho change number of rows for current month? Now I see extra row at the bottom for next month #216
  • How change diameter of blue circle on selected day? #215
  • Not possible to hide top and bottom border / change color of it #214
  • Calendar is broken on iOS9.0+ if iPhone language is right-to-left #211
  • I want to change to the five row, how to do? #210
  • Event color cannot be changed #209
  • How can I switch calendar to Week mode from Month mode with pagingEnabled = NO #208
  • Finding Current Month gives insane results!!! #207
  • FSCalendar has problem with rotating to landscape #182
  • Deselection of unique date is not possible #181
  • How to set default color for specific days? #179

1.8.1 (2016-02-16)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Is there any delegate method to move to any particular date based upon user choice? #206
  • setting delegate and datasource in is swift #205
  • Don't understand why you would not include titleForDate datasource method. #204
  • how to add event #202
  • headerHeight and weekdayHeight not being reflected #201
  • Need Help #199
  • Event color for date mis-rendered when reloading cell data #198
  • how to get event stop scroll on calendar ? #197
  • Possible to change the highlight color of todays date #196
  • Possible to change the timeZone used by the calendar #195
  • Possible to set subtitle when date is selected? #193
  • Arrows to change moth #192
  • How to custom background of FSCalendar? #190
  • Subtitle for specific date #188
  • How to put Image on specific dates like array #184
  • Change height of View Circle Current Date #172
  • Lunar Date #160
  • How to deal with time zones #159

Merged pull requests:

1.8.0 (2016-01-25)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Method selectDate() does not take into account week start date when changing page. #186
  • Calendar height not updating when setting week mode. #183
  • Dates not showing #178
  • How to deselect all selected dates at once? #177
  • weekdayFont not working #176
  • how to show the selected date in Scope example! #175
  • crashed when clicked to select a date in storyboard example! #174
  • Display yearly Calendar #173
  • How to set an event from date to date #171
  • Can we set the first day of the month in the first line of collectionview ? #170
  • add colour in event date number on lunar #169
  • how to change weekday text format #167
  • setting minimumDateForCalendar to tomorrow #165
  • How to add multiple colours for event #164
  • Change scope and scroll to selected date #79

1.7.2 (2015-12-20)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • get cell form didSelectDate #166
  • is it possible to select maximum two days?? #163
  • Not compatible with Today Extension #162
  • 我想用switch组件实现FSCalendar的农历显示与否的即时调控,请教? #158

1.7.1 (2015-12-05)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Customizing Font #70

Closed issues:

  • change current date on sunset time #157
  • weekdays are not correct #156
  • calendarCurrentPageDidChange: 有时不会触发 #155
  • m_calculateTitleHeight崩溃 #154
  • How to use custom background for selection and change the frame of FSCalendar #150
  • headerTitleTextSize not skinnable #146

1.7.0 (2015-11-18)

Full Changelog

Implemented enhancements:

  • 如何让日历仅显示当前月份的号数,上个月和下个月的号数隐藏? #142

Closed issues:

  • calendar header #149
  • 标题如何更改成中文? #148
  • Using monday as first week day breaks calendar rendring #145
  • current date problem after change locale #144
  • Application crashes when you pull notification tray #143
  • calendarCurrentPageDidChange and fast double click other month problem #141

1.6.3 (2015-11-08)

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Closed issues:

  • xcode7.1 运行不了OC版的程序 #139
  • Translate weekdays #138
  • cells loads multiple times while it's visible if you scroll fast many times. #137
  • Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException #130
  • How to know when the calendar stop scrolling? #126
  • RTL support #105

1.6.2 (2015-11-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • How can I limit the date to 3 months? #135
  • 怎么让2015和十二月对其下面日历的号数? #134
  • calendar exceed the bottom border line #129

1.6.1 (2015-10-29)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Not deselecting item after scroll to different month #132
  • Personal calendarCurrentPageDidChange and selectDate Problem #131
  • How to change date? #127
  • Customize text and background on date(s) #125
  • Selecting date programatically while it is a placeholder selects both the placeholder and the real cell in the next/ prev month. #124
  • leak #121
  • Today Date #119
  • Has this been tested with ios9? #118
  • Cell Border with Color. #116
  • DesSelectDate manually #115

1.6.0 (2015-10-18)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • Feature request: A boolean to enable / disable of scrolling, completely. #108

1.5.2 (2015-10-09)

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Closed issues:

  • scrollToPageForDate in FSCalendarScopeWeek not scrolling unless different month #114
  • Selected cell doesn't get deselected after calling reloadData #111
  • Selecting a date does not deselect the current selected one if it was selected programatically. #110

1.5.1 (2015-10-07)

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Closed issues:

  • Disable all dates except #107
  • FSCalendarScopeWeek - deselect last cell of collection view doesn't work #106
  • Change background color of each date #103
  • Crash inside an internal collection #101

1.5.0 (2015-10-04)

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1.4.1 (2015-10-02)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • selectDate not respecting allowsMultipleSelection = NO #102
  • selectDate function is not calling delegate methods #99
  • Locale not working properly #97
  • Programmatically select a date #95
  • Crash on selectDate: and the same date selection #88

1.4.0 (2015-09-28)

Full Changelog

Closed issues:

  • selectDate: doesn't work on Swift #92
  • scrollToPageForDate:animated not work #90
  • Hi. How to show festival day in the subtitle? #89
  • Expand Calendar to fill up screen #85

1.3.1 (2015-09-16)

1.2.2 (2015-09-11)

1.2.0 (2015-09-09)

1.1.4 (2015-09-04)

1.1.2 (2015-09-02)

1.0.2 (2015-08-31)

1.0.1 (2015-08-29)