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Marc Wollersheim edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 4 revisions
Variables Variable requery time Factor Trigger Presence detector


To add and map a CCU variable to a room (HAP instance, bridge),

  • choose Variables in the left menubar and click on the New-button on the right bottom.

In the upcoming pop-up

  • change the variable name to be appeared in HomeKit in the field HomeKit Name,

💡 Try to choose a self-speaking name. There is no need to indicate the room in the device name, as it will combine within iOS by HomeKit itself.

  • assign a Service from the context-sensitive drop-down field (please find the description of a Service below the selection),
  • assign a Instance from the drop-down field to map to the correct room in HomeKit,
  • select a Subytype of device from the context-sensitive drop-down field (if applicable, only appears, when more than 1 possibility is existing)

Variable requery time

Variable requery time can be defined in minutes as the variable will be queried again to fetch a new data.


A Factor can be defined as well, as e.g. Eve wants kwH. The value of your variable will be multiplied with this factor, so here u are able to do the math. If HomeMatic counts in Wh, 1000 would be a good factor to apply in kwh.


Due to the fact, that your ccu will not sent a message to hap when a variable will change its value, we have to build a helper. HAP will use a virtual key from your CCU for that helper. This key will be monitored by HAP. So HAP is able to detect when its time to reload the variables.
Variables trigger

  • Select a Virtual Key from CCU in the drop-down field, which is dedicated only for HAP-HomeMatic,
  • and check-mark Create/Update the CCU helper program.

The program to manage all this is build by HAP_HomeMatic automatically.
To validate in your CCU.WebUI, you will find afterwards a program called _hap_autotrigger_.

Presence detector

One good example of an variable could be presence (german: Anwesenheit). Some people are using for the detection the CCU Addon "HM-pdetect" in combination with a FritzBox.
Another popular possibility is the iOS-app PocketControl, which sets also a CCU variable with Geofencing support.

ℹ️ Nevertheless details of how to set a presence variable within the CCU is part of the different respective solutions. Within HAP-HomeMatic, any kind of a CCU variable could be used to connect to HomeKit, as described above.

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