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Marc Wollersheim edited this page Sep 26, 2020 · 47 revisions

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HAP-HomeMatic - WIKI

HAP-HomeMatic is a lightweight add-on for the CCU3 and Rasperrymatic to access your HomeMatic devices from HomeKit.

Note: If you are searching for a homebridge version, please find there the add-on homebridge-homematic.

Table of contents


Supported Limits
CCU3 CCU2 model or older is not supported
Rasperrymatic No additional hardware/software is needed

Issues and not supported devices

  • For devices not supported yet
  • or is not working properly, please open an issue here.


Download the hap-homematicXXXXX.tar.gz file from latest release of HAP-HomeMatic and install it via system preferences in the HomeMatic/ Rasperymatic-WebUI. The add-on will install all other needed software dependencies and you will have a HomeKit button in your system preference page after a restart of the CCU. This may take a few minutes.


Please ensure, that your CCU-firewall allows/does not block the usage of the following needed ports:

  • 9874 -> Config WebUI
  • 9875 -> RPC event server
  • 9876 -> RPC event server CuxD (optional)
  • 9877..n HAP Instance 0 .. n

Getting started

  • With a click on the new HomeKit-Button in your CCU-systempreferences, who will be redirected to the HAP-Homematic-Config-Web-UI.
  • If you prefer to enter manually, try http://IP-of-homematic-raspi:9874/.

Once you have entered the site, an assistant will welcome you. 👍

HTTPS and CCU-User-Management

Nevertheless, if you are you are using HTTPS and/or CCU-User-Management, a first step should be:

  • Usage of HTTPS-version of your CCU-WebUI-page: Enable HTTPS also for the HAP-HomeMatic configuration page.
    HAP-HomeMatic will use the self-signed TLS-certificate from your CCU.
  • Usage of CCU-user-management as an optional AUTHENTIFICATION for HAP-HomeMatic: If option is turned on, you have to call as CCU-admin the configuration page from your CCU-WebUI-system preference page to use a valid session. Other users are excluded.
  • HTTPS-AUTH-Picture

Room concept

HAP, the Homekit Accessory Protocol, does not know a room concept. So when you add one or more devices to a bridge the will appear at the same room as the bridge in your HomeKit client application. Thereof the user experience will be very confused, once you have more than a few devices, you want to integrate.

To overcome, HAP-HomeMatic is concepted to fire up multiple bridges (so called HAP instances). In the next steps we will creating instances in HAP-HomeMatic, link each of them to a specific HomeMatic-room and integrate them afterwards as so called bridges within HomeKit in a iOS app (e.g. Apple Home or Eve) - meaning one bridge per room.

Creating HAP instances for each room

  • During the installation wizzard you may add a instance for each of your rooms, add theese instances to HomeKit and put them into rooms.

From this time on adding a new device to an instance will place this device into the same room as your HAP instance (so called Bridge within HomeKit).

To add an HAP instance,

  • choose Edit HomeKit instance in the left menubar and click on the New-button on the right bottom,
  • enter the room name to be appeared in HomeKit in the field HomeKit instance name,
  • assign the HomeMatic room from the drop-down field,
  • and repeat the last three steps for each room you want to use within your HomeKit app:
HAP instance picture
  • After pushing the Finish-button, the new instance will be created and appears in the HomeKit-Instances list. The PIN given here you will need in the next step within your iOS app:
HAP instance floor pictur

Adding HAP instance in HomeKit as a bridge

Our new room "Flur/floor" is now within HAP-HomeMatic as a HAP instance available.

  • On the receiver side, meaning in our HomeKit app like Home or Eve, we need to add the instance as a new so called bridge, recognized as a room within iOS:
Bridge steps1-3
  • Please enter under 5. the PIN given from your HomeKit-Instances list.
Bridge steps4-6


After we have integrated all for the moment needed instances with rooms through bridges to the HomeKit-app, we need to enable, that devices within a instance will be published to Homekit.

Publishing settings

Note: This can be also done later, clause-by-clause. It should not be done before the bridge is linked to HomeKit, otherwise each device needs to be mapped within HomeKit manually.

Publish settings

Mapping devices to instances


...More to come...under construction...



Special devices


HomeKit Services Glossary

HomeMaticWindowsAccessory - This service provides a window device in HomeKit based on a CCU contact.
HomeMaticPushTheButtonAccessory - This service provides a switch HomeKit which will press the assigned key at your CCU.
HomeMaticKeyAccessory - This service provides a programmable switch in HomeKit based on a CCU KEY.
HomematicDoorAccessory - This service provides a door based on a CCU contact in HomeKit.
HomematicContactSensorAccessory - This service provides a contact in HomeKit.
HomematicFloorHeatingActuatorAccessory - tbc ...

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