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Garage door (based on HM LC Sw1 Pl CT R1 and HMIP SWDO)

ChrWi edited this page Oct 10, 2020 · 7 revisions

The garage door service retrieves information from several CCU devices. Thus, a garage door is created as "Special device". Warning: Please create a backup first. A wrong configuration might lead to a corrupt overall setup of your HAP! Issue #121


If applicable, please create a new HomeKit Instancefor your garage door and enable the publication (HomeKit Instances / Settings) in order to see the garage door later in the Apple Home or Eve App.

A table of existing parameters Parameterliste helps for the configuration. In below configuration, the actor HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-CT-R1 and sensor HMIP-SWDO are used.

The correct addressed of the devices are linked by the "Select" button.

This is important, as e.g. the actor is using true/false, but the sensor 1/0 values.

Mandatory values are:

  • The address of the sensor for the closed garage door, e.g. HmIP-RF.0000DA00000000:1.STATE
  • The value of the sensor for the closed garage door , e.g. 0
  • The address of the actor which opens the garage door, e.g. BidCos-RF.OEQ0000000:1.STATE

Remark: My CCU has an internal program for closing the actor within 1s after opening.

Additional configuration:

  • The message (JSON) for open actor: {"on": true, "off": false}
  • If the actor only requires an impulse, an onTime can be added to the message: {"on":true,"onTime":1} (In this example, the actor will be closed after 1s)
  • Sensor requery time (sec): 5


  • Please remove all grey sample values, as otherwise the configuration will get corrupt.
  • All values without " "

Finally select the HAP Instance - z.B. "Homematic Garage" and "Finish" the configuration.

Manual configuration:

Especially when the garage door disappears from your list of devices or from the HAP-Homematic page, please check the config.json, because default values such as the "Delay" are written into the json with every "Edit".
The file can be found at /usr/local/etc/config/addons/hap-homematic
Potentially SSH must be activated in the CCU (Control Panel - Security).

Below my config.json:
"name": "Garagentor",
"Service": "HomeMaticSPGarageDoorAccessory",
"instance": "fb347482-bcaf-4a85-a6b8-0c1c5e426ace", <br> "settings": {
"state_sensor_close": "0",
"state_sensor_open": "",
"delay_actor_open": null,
"delay_actor_close": null,
"message_actor_open": "{\"on\": true, \"off\": false}",
"message_actor_close": "",
"sensor_requery_time": 5,
"address_actor_open": "BidCos-RF.OEQ0000000:1.STATE",
"address_sensor_close": "HmIP-RF.0000DA00000000:1.STATE"

Remember to restart the HAP Service after any change ("Internals / Restart HAP Service")

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