Projects informations is stored in Vault under the key secret/admin/projects
, these informations is evaluated by the ansible playbook to create the appropriate namespaces, keycloak mapping, etc... for each type of service available in the platform.
An appProject
Argocd is created for each project with the key argocd.enabled: true
, each project is mapped to the project's Keycloak group.
Argocd is deployed with the argocd-vault-plugin which allows Vault secrets to be used in manifests.
Argocd applications require you to specify the name of the secret containing the connection information on the project's Vault namespace, and should be deployed according to the following example:
project: example-project
repoURL: ''
path: ./helm
targetRevision: main
- name: AVP_SECRET
value: <avp_secret_name> # Available in Vault under the key `secret.<project_name>.vault.avpSecretName`
value: |
ingress: {}
server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
namespace: example-project
automated: {}
Each project with the key vault.enabled: true
get a namespace in the key value engine secret/
with the appropriate policy mapped to the project's Keycloak group.
In addition, a secret including a token whose access is restricted to the project's Vault namespace is created, enabling Argocd to retrieve Vault secrets. Manifests must include the appropriate secret name in the kubernetes manifests, as shown in the example of the argocd-vault plugin.
Projects with the key sonarqube.enabled : true
benefit from the creation of a Sonarqube project mapped to the project's keycloak group, and a private key is generated to transmit code analyses to the sonar server.
The key minio.enabled: true
is used to create an s3 bucket dedicated to the project, along with the appropriate access mapping to the project's Keycloak group.
By default, a 10GB quota is applied to the bucket.
For each projects with the key arc.enabled: true
, a set of Github Actions runners is deployed following the settings in arc.runners