Welcome to the Alliance Dashboard, developed by BIG Labs as part of the TFL (Terraform Labs) Bounty project. This README file provides a brief overview of the dashboard and its functionalities.
The Alliance Dashboard is a web-based tool designed to provide comprehensive information and insights for the TFL Bounty project. It allows users to access key data related to integrated alliances, whitelisted assets, value locked on each chain, take rate, reward weight, and additional yield for every asset.
Integrated Alliances: The dashboard provides visibility into which chains have integrated with the Alliance module.
Whitelisted Assets: Users can explore the assets that are whitelisted within the Alliance chains. This information helps users understand which assets are supported.
Value Locked: The dashboard displays the total value locked (TVL) on each chain within the Alliance module.
Take Rate: Users can view the take rate, which represents the percentage of rewards taken by native stakers, for different assets on each chain.
Reward Weight: The dashboard provides the reward weight for each asset on each chain, giving users insights into the potential returns for participating in the staking.
Additional Yield: Users can explore the additional yield generated by each asset on each chain. This information helps users identify assets that offer higher potential returns.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
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