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FIWARE | FACTS | Acceptance test project

This project contains the Facts' (PolicyManager) acceptance tests (component, integration and E2E testing). All test cases have been defined using Gherkin that it is a Business Readable, Domain Specific Language that lets you describe software’s behaviour without detailing how that behaviour is implemented. Gherkin has the purpose of serving documentation of test cases.

Test case implementation has been performed using Python and the BDD framework Behave.

Acceptance Project Structure

│   ├───commons
│   ├───features
│   │   ├───component
│   │   │   ├───steps
│   │   │   │   ├───
│   │   │   │   └───...
│   │   │   ├───
│   │   │   ├───context_update.feature
│   │   │   └───...
│   │   └───...
│   ├───fiwarecloto_client
│   ├───fiwarefacts_client
│   └───settings
│       └───settings.json

FIWARE Facts Automation Framework


  • BDD features
  • Behave support.
  • Settings using json files.
  • Test report using xUnit output and Behave output.
  • Assertions using Hamcrest (declaratively define "match" rules).
  • Fiware-Facts Client.
  • Fiware-Facts Cloto.
  • Logging.

Domain specific language implemented for building features: Fiware-Facts Acceptance DSL

Acceptance test execution

Execute the following command in the acceptance test project directory:

$> cd $FACTS_HOME/tests/acceptance
$> behave features/component --tags ~@skip

With this command, you will execute:

  • Test Cases with the environment configuration defined in settings/settings.json.
  • all .features implemented for *component testing.
  • Skipping all Scenarios tagged with skip.

For more options, execute:

$> behave --help


Test case execution using virtualenv

  1. Create a virtual environment somewhere:

    $> virtualenv $WORKON_HOME/venv
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    $> source $WORKON_HOME/venv/bin/activate)
  3. Go to $FACTS_HOME/tests/acceptance folder in the project.

  4. Install the requirements for the acceptance tests in the virtual environment:

    $> pip install -r requirements.txt --allow-all-external)

Test case execution using Vagrant (optional)

Instead of using virtualenv, you can use the provided Vagrantfile to deploy a local VM using Vagrant, that will provide all environment configurations for launching test cases.

  1. Download and install Vagrant.
  2. Go to FACTS_HOME/tests/acceptance folder in the project.
  3. Execute vagrant up to launch a VM based on the Vagrantfile provided.
  4. After Vagrant provision, your VM is properly configured to launch acceptance tests. You have to access to the VM using vagrant ssh and change to /vagrant directory that will have mounted your workspace (test/acceptance).

If you need more information about how to use Vagrant, you can see Vagrant Getting Started.


Project properties

Before executing the acceptance tests, you need configure the properties in the file settings/settings.json for each service properly:

    "environment": {
        "name": "qa"
    "facts_service": {
        "protocol": "http",
        "host": "",
        "port": "5000",
        "resource": "/v1.0",
        "os_tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "os_secondary_tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
        "facts_grace_period": 10
    "cloto_service": {
        "protocol": "http",
        "host": "",
        "port": "8000",
        "resource": "/v1.0",
        "os_username": "myusername",
        "os_password": "mypassword",
        "os_tenant_id": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
        "os_auth_url": "http://my-keystone:4731/v2.0"
    "rabbitmq_service": {
        "host": "",
        "port": "5672",
        "user": "qa",
        "password": "testing",
        "facts_messages": {
          "exchange_name": "facts",
          "exchange_type": "direct"
          "exchange_name": "windowsizes",
          "routing_key": "windowsizes"

RabbitMQ configuration for testing

The FACTS' component test cases are executed integrated with RabbitMQ. Then, before executing test cases, you should configure RabbitMQ to accept connections from a new remote user:

root@ubuntu1404:/etc/init.d# rabbitmqctl add_user {rabbitmq_username} {rabbitmq_password}
root@ubuntu1404:/etc/init.d# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / {rabbitmq_username} ".*" ".*" ".*"
root@ubuntu1404:/etc/init.d# rabbitmqctl set_user_tags {rabbitmq_username} administrator

That user credentials should be configured in the project properties (rabbitmq_service property) to be used by test cases. The rest of RabbitMQ configuration should be configured according to FACTS' configuration.

API endpoint

  • protocol: http or https
  • host: Host name or IP
  • port: API port
  • resource: Base API URI

OpenStack credentials

  • os_keystone_url: Keystone URL.
  • os_tenant_id: Tenant ID.
  • os_tenant_name: Tenant Name.
  • os_user_domain_name: Domain Name for the user (Keystone v3).
  • os_user: Username.
  • os_password: User password.

Multi-Tenancy features

It has been defined some scenarios to test the Multi-Tenancy support. To execute these test cases you will need to configure the property os_secondary_tenant_id to use a secondary tenant in such test. The configured user and password should have access to both 'normal' and secondary tenant.