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  • Title: Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Authors: Matteo Hessel, Joseph Modayil, Hado van Hasselt, Tom Schaul, Georg Ostrovski, Will Dabney, Dan Horgan, Bilal Piot, Mohammad Azar, David Silver
  • Link:
  • Tags: Neural Network, reinforcement
  • Year: 2017


  • What

    • They combine several previous improvements for reinforcement learning to one algorithm.
    • The combination beats previous methods by a good margin.
    • They analyze which of the used improvements has most influence on the result.
  • How

    • They use the following improvements:
      • Double Q-learning
        • Uses two networks during training.
        • One predicts Q-values, the other is updated.
        • Usually done by using a copy with freezed parameters.
      • Prioritized Replay
        • Samples experiences from the replay memory based on the difference between predicted and real Q-values.
        • Recent experiences also get higher priority.
      • Dueling Networks
        • Splits the Q-value prediction into a value stream (mean value over all values) and an advantage stream (advantage of specific actions over others).
      • Multi-Step Learning
        • Splits direct reward + Q(next state, next action) into direct reward + direct reward of next N actions + Q(next Nth state, next Nth action) (weighted with discrount factor).
        • I.e. per training example, some experiences from the future are directly used to compute the rewards and only after some point the Q-function is used.
      • Distributional RL
        • Seems to be nothing else but switching the regression (of Q-values) to classification in order to avoid standard mode problems with regression.
        • The range of possible reward values is partitioned into N bins.
      • Noisy Nets
        • Gets rid of the exploration factor in epsilon-greedy strategies.
        • Instead it uses a noisy fully connected layer where the noise weights are learned by the network.
        • As the network becomes more accurate at predicting good Q-values, it automatically decreases the noise.
    • They combine all of the mentioned methods.
    • They use a KL term for weighting in Prioritized Replay (to account for the Distributional RL).
    • Training
      • They start training after 80k frames.
      • They use Adam.
      • When using epsilon-greedy instead of noise nets, they anneal epsilon to 0.01 at 250k frames.
      • For multi-step learning they use n=3 future experiences.
  • Results

    • They evaluate Rainbow 57 Atari games.
    • Rainbow beats all other methods used on their own, both in learning speed and maximum skill level.
    • It performs far better than the classic DQN approach.
    • Average performance:
      • average performance
    • Ablation
      • Removing the priority replay, multi-step learning or distributional RL significantly worsens the performance.
      • Removing noise nets also harms the performance, although a bit less.
      • Removing double Q-learning or dueling networks seems to have no significiant effect.
      • Visualization:
        • ablation
    • Learning curves by game:
      • by game