- Title: Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection
- Authors: Borui Jiang, Ruixuan Luo, Jiayuan Mao, Tete Xiao, Yuning Jiang
- Link: http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Borui_Jiang_Acquisition_of_Localization_ECCV_2018_paper.pdf
- Tags: Neural Network, Object Detection, ECCV 2018
- Year: 2018
- Current object detectors predict usually a set of bounding boxes, each having a classification score ("how likely it is to be of an object class") and regressed bounding box dimensions ("where is the box and how high/wide is it").
- These results are then filtered through NMS, suppressing all bounding boxes that overlap strongly with another box that has higher classification score.
- Sometimes the regressed dimensions are also iteratively refined (e.g. in two-stage detectors one can argue that there is one refinement after the RPN).
- The authors observe that this structure is problematic, as there is no uncertainty-related information regarding the regressed dimensions.
- For instance in NMS, the suppression works based on classification scores, but e.g. a too large bounding box might get a higher classification score than one with optimal fit, due to including more context and thereby making the classification more certain.
- The classification scores are also very non-monotonic with respect to the bounding box dimensions:
Increasing the bounding box size might first lead to higher classification scores, then lower ones, then higher again.
- This makes iterative refinement hard or impossible.
- They propose IoU-Net, which predicts for each bounding box the expected IoU with the ground truth.
- That predicted IoU is then used in NMS as a replacement for the classification score, thereby selecting for the bounding boxes that the model thinks have highest IoU.
- The predicted IoU can also be used to perform iterative refinement, as it is more monotonic than the classification score.
- They propose "Precise RoI Pooling" (PrRoI Pooling), which is a version of RoI-Pooling/RoI-Align that does not suffer from quantization inaccuracies.
- Predicting IoUs
- They feed each RoI's features through two fully connected layers to regress an IoU value for that RoI.
- They use one such branch per class.
- During training they augment the ground truth bounding boxes to generate examples with lower IoUs.
- Visualization:
- Relationship between predicted IoUs and real IoUs (right) vs. classification scores and real IoUs (left):
- IoU-guided NMS
- This is essentially the same as classical NMS.
- They use the predicted IoU values to estimate which box to keep if two are sufficiently overlapping.
- When one box is suppressed, the remaining box's class score is updated to
max(s_1, s_2)
, wheres_1
are the class scores of the two boxes.
- Optimization-based refinement of bounding boxes
- The branch to predict IoUs is differentiable.
- They use this to iteratively improve predicted bounding boxes so that the predicted IoU is maximized.
- I.e. they backpropagate to the bounding box coordinates and change them according to the gradient.
- They scale up the gradients according to the bounding box size on the given axis, which is similar to optimizing in log-space.
- They add some early stopping criteria to not execute this indefinitely.
- Precise RoI Pooling
- During bounding box refinement they use a more accurate (quantization free) RoI-Pooling.
- They use bilinear sampling to approximate the feature value of any continuous location within the feature map.
- Then they use integration to calculate the pooled value (makes it sound like they always use global pooling?).
- So while this method computes the integrals over all possible values within the given range, RoI Align only samples at N=4 locations per side.
- Visualization of the differences:
- Predicting IoUs
- They train and test on COCO.
- Their model runs at about 300ms per image on a Titan X.
- IoU-guided NMS
- IoU-guided NMS performs slightly better than Soft-NMS and significantly better than classical NMS.
- IoU-guides NMS shines especially for high IoU APs, improving over Soft-NMS by 1 to 3 percentage points.
- Optimization-based refinement
- Using optimization-based refinement also improves APs by around 1 to 3 percentage points (over no refinement).
- Again, the improvement is most significant for high IoUs, reaching 5 to 6 percentage points better values.
- Joint Training