Typecheck the open file Show the type of an identifier Show the documentation for an identifier Show the definition of an identifier List all currently active holes Generate an initial pattern match clause Generate an initial pattern match clause when trying to prove a type Generate a case split for a pattern variable Attempt to fill out holes by proof search Create a with-rule pattern match template for a clause of a function Create a case pattern match template for a hole Create a top level function with a type which solves the hole under the cursor Search names, types and documentation Evaluate the selected code Start or Refresh the REPL Send the selected code to the REPL iPKG completion Code completion Show type definition on hover Cleanup Idris binary files (*.ibc) Go to Definition and Peek Definition Go to Symbol (Outline symbols in currently open file) Search Symbol (Outline symbols in currently open project) Find All References Rename Symbol Change all occurrences Latex snippets Literate Idris Typecheck on file save Create a new project, with scaffolding Search for a function by type signature Highlight symbols matching the selected symbol Parameter hints