Problem: SSH keyfile RSA encryption (default now) was not supported by a library gerrit trigger used, so use of a passphrase would make it impossible to use a key to speak to gerrit
- Solution: Fixed with patch, released in gerrit trigger 2.15.1
Problem: Gerrit Trigger will send a SEVERE warning on Jenkins Startup that it cannot identify Gerrit version
- Solution: safe to ignore, it still works, but see JENKINS-18391
Problem: Modern Versions of Gerrit do not include the 'verified' review label, which the Gerrit Trigger uses for voting by default
- Solution 1: add the label to projects
- Solution 2: remove the verified label from gerrit trigger response in jenkins
- Manage Jenkins > Gerrit Trigger > edit next to server name > Advanced button at bottom
- Under "Gerrit Verified Commands" remove the "--verified " section from each and it won't send this (just normal code review vote)
- Solution: rm and recreate the folder every time (using sh rm and the workflow dir step, or shell)
- Solution: configure a local git user for jenkins user, in the Dockerfile
Problem: By default repo sets the SSH user name used to upload to gerrit using committer email and not username
- Solution: Explicitly Set the Reviewer username for the review URL
- 'git config --global review.http://reviewhost:8080/.username $USER'
- See:
- Solution: ensure you have external connectivity to
- Possible other solution: use the --repo-url argument to point it at a local repo, and clone from there
- Solution: don't mount it as a volume, repo installs hooks using symlinks in a way that is not compatible with Docker volumes
Problem: gerrit needs to have a user configured for jenkins & baked into the image in order for the jenkins gerrit trigger to work
- Solution: create the user in a Gerrit container and copy in the DB into your container
- This is conveniently set up in: util/ - see gerrit/Dockerfile for the COPY
Problem: Jenkins Gerrit Trigger Needs a User With Stream Event Permissions, which are not on by default
For an unDockerized Gerrit config, you'd simply create a new group "Streaming Events Users", add the jenkins user to it, and add give that group permission for streaming events in Projects > All Projects > Access within Gerrit UI
For Dockerized configs, the "All Projects" access configuration is in a git repo in gerrit, and landing the configuration for this repo within your gerrit container is a problem
Solution: Add the jenkins user to group "Non-Interactive Users" which has the Stream Events permission by default
- Solution: Explicitly set names for containers
Problem: How do I preload git repos into my gerrit container? It has its own git stores under $GERRIT_BASE/git/
- Solution: you can simply do
git clone --bare
for your repos while gerrit isn't running, when gerrit starts it'll pick them up