') {
+ //-- is there only 1 redirection?
+ if ($(data).find('ul').first().find('li').length == 1 && Wiki.settings.redirect) {
+ var wikipediaPage = $(data).find('a').first().attr('href');
+ //-- extract page from link
+ if (parsedata.parse.text["*"].substring(0, 25) == '
') {
+ wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage.split('title=');
+ wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[wikipediaPage.length - 1].split('&');
+ wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[0];
+ } else {
+ wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage.split('/');
+ wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[wikipediaPage.length - 1];
+ }
+ Wikipedia.Get(wikipediaPage, options, callback);
+ callback = null; //-- prevent callback from firing twice
+ }
+ Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", $(data).find('p').first()) + "
" + Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", $(data).find('ul').first());
+ } else {
+ Wiki.article.title = $(data).find('.infobox tr:first-child th').text();
+ if (typeof $(data).find('.infobox .image img').attr('src') !== "undefined") {
+ Wiki.article.logo = 'http:' + $(data).find('.infobox .image img').attr('src');
+ } else {
+ Wiki.article.logo = false;
+ }
+ Wiki.article.ipa = $(data).find('.IPA').text();
+ Wiki.article.description = $(data).find('p').first();
+ //-- remove superscript text
+ Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", Wiki.article.description);
+ if (Wiki.settings.removeIPA) {
+ Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove(".IPA", Wiki.article.description);
+ Wiki.article.description = Wiki.article.description.replace('[]', '');
+ }
+ if (!Wiki.settings.descriptionLinks) {
+ Wiki.article.description = $(Wiki.article.description).text();
+ }
+ $.each(data.find('.thumb a.image img'), function (index, image) {
+ Wiki.article.gallery.push('http:' + $(image).attr('src'))
+ });
+ $.each($(data).find('table.infobox tr'), function (index, element) {
+ if ($(element).has('td')) {
+ Wiki.article.info.push({
+ name: $(element).find('th').text(),
+ info: $(element).find('td').text()
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof callback == 'function') { // make sure the callback is a function
+ callback.call(this); // brings the scope to the callback
+ } else {
+ return Wiki.article;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $.fn.Wikipedia = function(wikipediaPage, options){
+ var wikiContainer = this;
+ wikiContainer.html('');
+ wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.loader);
+ if (typeof options.locale !== "undefined" && options.locale.indexOf('_') > -1) {
+ options.locale = options.locale.substr(0, options.locale.length - (options.locale.indexOf('_')+1));
+ }
+ Wikipedia.Get(wikipediaPage, options, function(){
+ wikiContainer.html('');
+ if (Wiki.settings.showTitle) {
+ wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.title[0]+Wiki.article.title+Wiki.settings.elements.title[1]);
+ }
+ wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.description[0]+Wiki.article.description+Wiki.settings.elements.description[1]);
+ if (Wiki.settings.descriptionLinks) {
+ $.each($(wikiContainer).find('.wikipediaDescription a'), function(index, element) {
+ var href = $(element).attr('href');
+ console.log(element);
+ if(href.indexOf("#") >= 0){
+ //-- remove anchor
+ $(element).parent('li').remove();
+ } else {
+ //-- is the link like index.php?title=
+ if (href.indexOf("php") >= 0){
+ //-- check if page exist
+ if ($(element).hasClass('new')){
+ $(element).replaceWith($(element).text());
+ } else {
+ href = href.split('title=');
+ href = href[href.length-1].split('&');
+ href = href[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ href = href.split('/');
+ href = href[href.length-1];
+ }
+ if (href) {
+ href = 'javascript:$(\''+wikiContainer.selector+'\').Wikipedia(\''+href+'\');';
+ $(element).attr('href', href);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (Wiki.article.logo && Wiki.article.logo) {
+ wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.logo[0]+'
+ }
+ if (Wiki.settings.maxThumbnails > 0 && Wiki.article.gallery.length > 0) {
+ var data = '';
+ $.each(Wiki.article.gallery, function(index, image){
+ data += Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.child[0]+'
'+ Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.child[1];
+ if ((index+1) >= Wiki.settings.maxThumbnails) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ $(data).find('img').css({'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto', 'max-width': Wiki.settings.thumbMaxWidth, 'max-height': Wiki.settings.thumbMaxHeight}).wrap('
+ wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.parent[0]+data+Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.parent[1]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/js/jquery.wikipedia.2.0.js b/js/jquery.wikipedia.2.0.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f159e8..0000000
--- a/js/jquery.wikipedia.2.0.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery Plugin - Wikipedia V2.0
- *
- * todo: add description here
- *
- * Autor:
- * Version 1.0 : Marcel Grolms - www.suabo.de 2013
- * Version 2.0 : Laurens Laman - https://github.com/LauLaman
- *
- */
- //-- declare var in global scope
- window.Wikipedia = {};
- var Wiki = {
- settings: {
- showTitle: false,
- showInfo: true,
- maxThumbnails: 0,
- cutFirstInfoTableRows: 0,
- maxInfoTableRows: 0,
- thumbMaxWidth : '180px',
- thumbMaxHeight: '180px',
- locale: 'nl',
- removeIPA: true,
- descriptionLinks: true,
- redirect: true,
- elements: {
- loader : '
- title : ['
', '
- description : ['
', '
- logo : ['
', '
- gallery: {
- parent: ['
- child: ['
', ''],
- }
- }
- },
- article: {
- logo: false,
- gallery:[],
- info:[]
- }
- };
- Wikipedia = {
- strRemove: function(theTarget, theString) {
- return $("
- $(theTarget, theString).remove().end()
- ).html();
- },
- Get: function(wikipediaPage, options, callback){
- //check if pagetitle is set
- if(wikipediaPage == undefined) {
- console.log('Kein Wikipedia Suchtitel!Keine Abfrage gestartet!');
- return;
- }
- if(options != undefined) {
- //we got more options
- $.extend(Wiki.settings, options);
- }
- Wiki.article = {
- gallery:[],
- info:[]
- };
- $.getJSON('http://'+Wiki.settings.locale+'.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=parse&format=json&callback=?', {page:wikipediaPage, prop:'text|images', uselang: Wiki.settings.locale}, function(parsedata) {
- var data = $(parsedata.parse.text["*"]).wrap('
- //-- is this a rediredct page?
- if(parsedata.parse.text["*"].substring(0,3) == '
' || parsedata.parse.text["*"].substring(0,25) == '
') {
- //-- is there only 1 redirection?
- if ($(data).find('ul').first().find('li').length==1 && Wiki.settings.redirect) {
- var wikipediaPage = $(data).find('a').first().attr('href');
- //-- extract page from link
- if (parsedata.parse.text["*"].substring(0,25) == '
') {
- wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage.split('title=');
- wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[wikipediaPage.length-1].split('&');
- wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[0];
- } else {
- wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage.split('/');
- wikipediaPage = wikipediaPage[wikipediaPage.length-1];
- }
- Wikipedia.Get(wikipediaPage, options, callback);
- callback = null; //-- prevent callback from firing twice
- }
- Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", $(data).find('p').first()) + "
"+ Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", $(data).find('ul').first());
- } else {
- Wiki.article.title = $(data).find('.infobox tr:first-child th').text();
- if (typeof $(data).find('.infobox .image img').attr('src') !== "undefined") {
- Wiki.article.logo = 'http:'+ $(data).find('.infobox .image img').attr('src');
- } else {
- Wiki.article.logo = false;
- }
- Wiki.article.ipa = $(data).find('.IPA').text();
- Wiki.article.description = $(data).find('p').first();
- //-- remove superscript text
- Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove("sup", Wiki.article.description);
- if (Wiki.settings.removeIPA) {
- Wiki.article.description = Wikipedia.strRemove(".IPA", Wiki.article.description);
- Wiki.article.description = Wiki.article.description.replace('[]', '');
- }
- if (!Wiki.settings.descriptionLinks) {
- Wiki.article.description = $(Wiki.article.description).text();
- }
- $.each(data.find('.thumb a.image img'), function(index, image){
- Wiki.article.gallery.push('http:'+$(image).attr('src'))
- });
- $.each($(data).find('table.infobox tr'), function(index, element) {
- if($(element).has('td')){
- Wiki.article.info.push({
- name: $(element).find('th').text(),
- info: $(element).find('td').text()
- });
- }
- });
- }
- if (typeof callback == 'function') { // make sure the callback is a function
- callback.call(this); // brings the scope to the callback
- } else{
- return Wiki.article;
- }
- });
- }
- };
- $.fn.Wikipedia = function(wikipediaPage, options){
- var wikiContainer = this;
- wikiContainer.html('');
- wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.loader);
- Wikipedia.Get(wikipediaPage, options, function(){
- wikiContainer.html('');
- if(Wiki.settings.showTitle) {
- wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.title[0]+Wiki.article.title+Wiki.settings.elements.title[1]);
- }
- wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.description[0]+Wiki.article.description+Wiki.settings.elements.description[1]);
- if (Wiki.settings.descriptionLinks) {
- $.each($(wikiContainer).find('.wikipediaDescription a'), function(index, element) {
- var href = $(element).attr('href');
- console.log(element);
- if(href.indexOf("#") >= 0){
- //-- remove anchor
- $(element).parent('li').remove();
- } else {
- //-- is the link like index.php?title=
- if(href.indexOf("php") >= 0){
- //-- check if page exist
- if ($(element).hasClass('new')){
- $(element).replaceWith($(element).text());
- } else {
- href = href.split('title=');
- href = href[href.length-1].split('&');
- href = href[0];
- }
- } else {
- href = href.split('/');
- href = href[href.length-1];
- }
- if (href) {
- href = 'javascript:$(\''+wikiContainer.selector+'\').Wikipedia(\''+href+'\');';
- $(element).attr('href', href);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (Wiki.article.logo && Wiki.article.logo) {
- wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.logo[0]+'
- }
- if (Wiki.settings.maxThumbnails > 0 && Wiki.article.gallery.length > 0) {
- var data = '';
- $.each(Wiki.article.gallery, function(index, image){
- data += Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.child[0]+'
'+ Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.child[1];
- if ((index+1) >= Wiki.settings.maxThumbnails) {
- return false;
- }
- });
- $(data).find('img').css({'width': 'auto', 'height': 'auto', 'max-width': Wiki.settings.thumbMaxWidth, 'max-height': Wiki.settings.thumbMaxHeight}).wrap('
- wikiContainer.append(Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.parent[0]+data+Wiki.settings.elements.gallery.parent[1]);
- }
- });
- }