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File metadata and controls

104 lines (79 loc) · 4.42 KB   Test StatusTest CoverageCrate VersionRust Version

A library for creating pretty keyset layout diagrams using correct fonts and icons

This project is primarily intended to serve as the backend for pykeyset, but can also be used directly in Rust.


use keyset::{Drawing, Font, kle, Profile};

// JSON output from
let kle = r#"[
    [{"f": 4}, "¬\n`", "!\n1", "\"\n2", "£\n3", "$\n4", "%\n5", "^\n6", "&\n7", "*\n8", "(\n9", ")\n0", "_\n-", "+\n=", {"w": 2, "f": 3, "a": 6}, "Backspace"],
    [{"w": 1.5}, "Tab", {"f": 5, "a": 4}, "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", {"f": 4}, "{\n[", "}\n]", {"x": 0.25, "w": 1.25, "h": 2, "w2": 1.5, "h2": 1, "x2": -0.25, "f": 3, "a": 6}, "Enter"],
    [{"w": 1.25, "w2": 1.75, "l": true}, "Caps<br>Lock", {"f": 5, "a": 4}, "A", "S", "D", {"n": true}, "F", "G", "H", {"n": true}, "J", "K", "L", {"f": 4}, ":\n;", "@\n'", "~\n#"],
    [{"w": 1.25, "f": 3, "a": 6}, "Shift", {"f": 4, "a": 4}, "|\n\\", {"f": 5}, "Z",  "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", {"f": 4}, "<\n,", ">\n.", "?\n/", {"w": 2.75, "f": 3, "a": 6}, "Shift"],
    [{"w": 1.5}, "Ctrl", "Win", {"w": 1.5}, "Alt", {"p": "space", "w": 7}, "", {"p": "", "w": 1.5}, "AltGr", "Win", {"w": 1.5}, "Ctrl"]

// Approximation of Cherry profile
let profile = r#"{
    "type": "cylindrical",
    "depth": 0.5,
    "bottom": { "width": 18.29, "height": 18.29, "radius": 0.38 },
    "top": { "width": 11.81, "height": 13.91, "radius": 1.52, "y-offset": -1.62 },
    "legend": {
        "5": { "size": 4.84, "width": 9.45, "height": 11.54, "y-offset": 0 },
        "4": { "size": 3.18, "width": 9.53, "height": 9.56, "y-offset": 0.40 },
        "3": { "size": 2.28, "width": 9.45, "height": 11.30, "y-offset": -0.12 }
    "homing": {
        "default": "scoop",
        "scoop": { "depth": 1.5 },
        "bar": { "width": 3.85, "height": 0.4, "y-offset": 5.05 },
        "bump": { "diameter": 0.4, "y-offset": -0.2 }

// Use `keyset` to load layout, profile and font
let keys = kle::from_json(kle)?;
let profile = Profile::from_json(profile)?;
let font = Font::default();
// Or load an actual font with Font::from_ttf(std::fs::read("font.ttf")?)?

// Set drawing options
let options = drawing::Options {
    profile: &profile,
    font: &font,

// Create drawing
let drawing = Drawing::new(&keys, &options);

// Save output
let path = std::env::current_dir()?;
std::fs::write(path.join("output.svg"), drawing.to_svg())?;
std::fs::write(path.join("output.png"), drawing.to_png(96.0)?)?;
std::fs::write(path.join("output.pdf"), drawing.to_pdf())?;


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

You can install the pre-commit hook (which checks formatting, etc) by running:

pip install -U pre-commit
pre-commit install


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at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.