This page will guide you through the installation steps. A good knowledge of the Lustre filesystem is required.
ct_gdrive is the true copytool, copying data from Lustre to Google Drive and vice versa, but wouldn't work without lhsmtool_cmd, an open source and generic Lustre/HSM agent that launches a command when an action (archive, restore) is requested by the Lustre/HSM coordinator. lhsmtool_cmd comes with the Lustre/HSM magic but does not perform the copy itself, it just spawns sub-commands like ct_gdrive and provides a seekable file descriptor suitable to use directly with the official Google API Client library. This design is very efficient.
So, you will need:
daemon (lhsmtool_cmd.c) available inrobinhood-tools-3.x.lustre2.x.elx.rpm
To build the latest Robinhood v3 RPMs including robinhood-tools on RHEL:
$ git clone [email protected]:cea-hpc/robinhood.git
$ cd robinhood
$ git checkout b_3.0
$ sh ./
$ ./configure --with-lustre=/path/to/lustre-source-dir (with no / at the end)
$ make rpms
- Lustre 2.5+
- Python 2.7 (or Python 2.6 with
) - Google API Client Library for Python
- Robinhood with its SQL database
- automatically triggers HSM archival requests
- uses Lustre changelogs instead of constantly scanning the filesystem!!
- At least one HSM agent node: dedicated Lustre client(s) with a good network connection to Google Drive
- for both
- for both
- A Robinhood server
- A Google Drive account (eg. unlimited Drive for Education account)
Create a Drive API project in the Drive API Developer Console with a ct_gdrive application,
download client_secret.json
and then use to complete OAuth2 Flow and
store credentials for the first time.
$ python --client-secret client_secret.json --creds-dir /path/to/creds/
Go to the following link in your browser:
Enter verification code:
Authentication successful.
Storing credentials to creds/ct_gdrive_creds.json
By default, the auth scope used by ct_gdrive is drive.file (per-file access to files created or opened by the app). Thus ct_gdrive cannot access your other Google Drive files.
You can now use the copytool along with lhsmtool_cmd by specifying the same
credentials directory in lhsm_cmd.conf
(example provided).
Google Drive has internal write limits that even the Google Developer Platform support isn't able to increase right now. However, it's worth asking them to increase your QPS "because you have a lot of files". Use the Apply for higher quota link in the Google API manager:
Please see the official Lustre documentation to learn how to enable Lustre/HSM on your Lustre 2.5+ filesystem.
In a nutshell, start the Lustre/HSM coordinator thread and set max_requests to 1 (for testing purposes):
$ ssh mds
$ lctl set_param mdt.$FSNAME-MDT0000.hsm_control=enabled
$ lctl set_param mdt.$FSNAME-MDT0000.hsm.max_requests=1
On your HSM agent node, be sure to configure /etc/lhsm_cmd.conf to use ct_gdrive.
This configuration file should contain the Google fileID of your parent folder in Google Drive, where you want
all your HSM files to be stored. Also, if you have any issue, you can change --logging_level=WARNING
archive = /path/to/ --action=push --fd={fd} --fid={fid} --logging_level=WARNING --lustre-root=/lustre --gdrive-root=0B4bz2HUB5rZtallfYU03ABCDEFg --creds-dir /path/to/creds/
restore = /path/to/ --action=pull --fd={fd} --fid={fid} --logging_level=WARNING --lustre-root=/lustre --gdrive-root=0B4bz2HUB5rZtallfYU03ABCDEFg --creds-dir /path/to/creds/
Then start your lhsmtool_cmd HSM agent:
$ lhsmtool_cmd --abort-on-error --fanout 16 -vv /lustre/ |& tee -a /var/log/lhsmtool_cmd.log
Archive some files manually first:
$ lfs hsm_state (0x00000000)
$ md5sum
$ lfs hsm_archive
$ lfs hsm_state
$ (0x00000009) exists archived, archive_id:1
lfs hsm_archive
should trigger an ARCHIVE request to the copytool.
If successful, release an already archived file:
$ lfs hsm_release
$ lfs hsm_state (0x0000000d) released exists archived, archive_id:1
$ du
Note: releasing file data in Lustre won't trigger any copytool action.
Finally, restore a previously released file by accessing the file data:
$ md5sum
The next steps are to:
- use Robinhood to automatically triggers archive requests
- increase max_requests to start migrating files in parallel
Robinhood v3 is much more flexible than v2 especially with Lustre/HSM. A full installation of Robinhood v3 is beyond the scope of this document, please refer to the official Robinhood v3 documentation.
We recommend to define your file classes according to the size of the files. This will help migrate the largest files quickly, as small files are more difficult to archive.
Example of robinhood options (initial scan, read changelogs, archive immediately). On RHEL you can put that in /etc/sysconfig/robinhood
RBH_OPT="-F --scan --readlog --run=lhsm_archive --detach"
Also, an example of lhsm_archive rules is provided below:
#### Lustre/HSM archive configuration ####
lhsm_archive_parameters {
nb_threads = 4;
## archive 100K files max at once
max_action_count = 100000;
#max_action_volume = 10TB;
# suspend policy run if action error rate > 10% (after 100 errors)
suspend_error_pct = 10%;
suspend_error_min= 100;
lhsm_archive_rules {
# ignore empty or tiny files, or very large file (Google Drive limit is 5 TB per file)
ignore_fileclass = emptyfiles;
ignore_fileclass = smallfiles;
ignore_fileclass = hugefiles;
# big files should be 3 days old before being archived
rule archive_big {
target_fileclass = bigfiles;
action_params { archive_id = 1; }
condition { last_mod >= 3d }
# fallback rule
rule default {
action_params { archive_id = 1; }
condition { last_mod >= 1d }
# run every hour
lhsm_archive_trigger {
trigger_on = periodic;
check_interval = 1h;
You may want to run the lhsm_archive policy manually first:
$ robinhood --run="lhsm_archive(class:stdfiles,max-count=10K)" --once