Do you want to adapt these animations for your own purposes, experiment with them or improve them in some way? Great! Here are a few pointers for understanding the files, the animation syntax, the formats and what you can do with them.
I have tried to keep the SVG code as readable as possible, so you should be able to do quite a lot of editing from a text editor.
If you've never touched SVG code or CSS animation before, I recommend that you check out my Draw with Code zine for a overview and step-by-step tutorial.
You can use a simple text editor but I recommend using an IDE like Atom, Brackets or VS Code, with an SVG Preview plugin. More info and links to these editors & plugins can be found in the tools page of the zine.
using an IDE will also allow you to fold nested content, and only unfold the specific parts you're interested in, allowing you to navigate through a 1588-line complex SVG and maintain an overview:
Every element in every animation either has its own
, or is in a<g>
(group) with anid
. If you're still not sure which part of the image the code refers to, try commenting it out (Select it, then use the shortcut Ctrl + \ in Atom). If the right thing disappears, great! -
You can move things around by editing their
attributes directly or you can apply different types oftransform
to elements or groups of elements. But just a word of warning: if you're changing/adding transforms, you may need to adjust that element'sstyle="transform-origin:[x]px [y]px [z]px;"
value, or it will scale / rotate from the wrong place. -
If the animation is distracting you while you're trying to make other changes, you can comment out the CSS animation: look for
rulesets in<style>
, or the<script>
section if it's an anime.js animation. In practice, that<script>
section is huge, so I usually don't comment it all out while I'm working- I just change<script>
(delete the opening<
character) to make the whole thing invalid. Replace it again, and your animation comes back to life. -
You can also edit SVG in a graphical editor like Inkscape or Illustrator. But there may be some snags along the way - see the Making Static Images document for more info.
The SVG files which contain text and are animated with CSS have embedded fonts,
so that they will look right when used as an <img>
(and thus can't access external
resources like Google Fonts etc). Fonts can make an SVG quite heavy, so I've only
used a subset of my chosen typeface (Dosis), which is just Basic Latin, .
, :
, ?
and the macron vowels used in Māori (ĀāĒēĪīŌōŪū
). If you want to use a different
typeface, or a different subset of Dosis, you can read Amelia Bellamy-Royd's
article on embedding data URI fonts
and use Font Squirrel's webfont generator.
NOTE: Editing or writing complex CSS animations can be a horrible ordeal - if you're doing anything more than a little tweak, I would recommend making changes in anime.js and then converting the animation to CSS.
CSS animations are contained within the <style>
section near the top of the SVG,
they look like this:
#request { animation: slide-request 20s linear infinite; }
@keyframes slide-request {
0%, 12% { transform: translateX(6px); }
14%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); }
#port-arrow { animation: fade-port-arrow 20s linear infinite; }
@keyframes fade-port-arrow {
0%, 16% { opacity: 0; transform: scaleX(0); }
17% { opacity: 1; }
22%, 100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 1; }
What's going on? let's break it down:
#request { /* select the element with an id of 'request' and apply these rules: */
animation: slide-request 20s linear infinite;
/* ↑ 'animation' is actually a shorthand form for all of these rules: ↓ */
animation-name: slide-request; /* do whatever '@keyframes slide request' says */
animation-duration: 20s; /* take 20s to do it */
animation-timing-function: linear; /* don't use an easing function */
animation-iteration-count: infinite; /* loop forever */
The animation slide-request
doesn't mean anything until we define it and set
some keyframes, like this:
@keyframes slide-request { /* these are the keyframes for 'slide-request': */
0%, 12% { transform: translateX(6px); }
/* start (at 0% of the duration), with the object translated 6px to the right
of its original position, where it was drawn. Hold it there until 12% through
the animation-duration. (That would be 2.4s, if the duration is 20s) */
14%, 100% { transform: translateX(0); }
/* at 14% through the animation-duration (2.8s if duration is 20s), the element
should be back at its 'true' position. So between 12% & 14%, the element's
'translateX' property will be animating, and it will be sliding to the left.
Hold after 14%, until the end of the animation (100%). */
#port-arrow { animation: fade-port-arrow 20s linear infinite; }
/* apply the 'fade-port-arrow' keyframes to the element with an id of 'port-arrow'*/
@keyframes fade-port-arrow { /* these are the 'fade-port-arrow' keyframes: */
0%, 16% { opacity: 0; transform: scaleX(0); }
/* Start with the element invisible: 0% opacity, and infinitely small.
Hold it like that until 16% (3.2s if duration = 20s), then start animating. */
17% { opacity: 1; }
/* by 17% of the duration (3.3s), the element is already fully opaque, but
still only 1/6th of its full scale */
22%, 100% { transform: scaleX(1); opacity: 1; }
/* by 22% (4.4s), the element is at its full size, and is still fully opaque.
Hold like that, until the end of the animation (100%). */
Looking at these animations, you might think they are needlessly complex. If each element is only actually animating for a second or so, why are the animations both 20 seconds long?
Well, yes, CSS animations are needlessly complex, if you want to make more
than a couple of changes. In the SVG that I took the above code from, there were
in fact 7 different sets of @keyframes
, applied to different elements - all
with a duration of 20 seconds. This is because there is no 'timeline' or
'playlist' concept in CSS, so if I want different animations to happen at
different times, but stay in sync through multiple loops, the only way to do so
(or, the only way that I know) is to make every animation the same length. That
way they all loop back to the start at the same time, and everything stays in
sync. It works, but it's infuriating when it comes to making changes to the
overall sequence.
I've tried to at least list the keyframes that happen first earlier in the file, and the later ones later, but there's often a lot of overlap so it's an imprecise art.
For animations made with anime.js, you'll see two sections of code within the <script>
section of the SVG. The first part looks like this, but goes on much, much longer:
!function(n,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?
module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e)
:n.anime=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";var n={update:null,begin:
Don't worry, you don't have to touch this - that's the anime.js javascript library, minified (squished to the point of being unreadable) to make the filesize smaller. After that solid block of gibberish, you'll find the animation timeline that I've written. It will look something like this:
const tl = anime.timeline({
autoplay: true,
loop: true,
duration: 500,
easing: 'easeInOutQuad'
targets: ['#a', '#b', '#c'],
opacity: [0, 1],
delay: anime.stagger(600),
duration: 1200
}, 1000)
targets: '#arrow',
scale: [0, 1],
}, '-=250')
targets: '#label-pātaka',
opacity: [0, 1],
easing: 'linear'
duration: 1000
}, '+=400')
This is an anime.js timeline, and it's what you should be editing. It may look complicated, but it's less so than CSS animation, and very flexible once you get used to it. You can check out the documentation for more specifics, but let's break it down:
const tl = anime.timeline({ // 'tl' is an anime timeline object.
autoplay: true, // it will play as soon as the page loads.
loop: true, // it will loop once it is finished.
duration: 500, // each step will last 500ms (unless stated otherwise).
easing: 'easeInOutQuad' // each step will animate slowly at the start,
// then quickly, then slowly again at the end.
}) // end of the definition of 'tl'.
(see easeInOutQuad
and other easings visualized on
tl // take the 'tl' timeline object
.add({ // and add this to it:
targets: ['#a', '#b', '#c'],// an animation targeting the elements with an
// id(#) of 'a', and 'b', and 'c'.
opacity: [0, 1], // transitioning their opacity from 0 to 1
// (fading them in).
delay: anime.stagger(500), // stagger their fade-ins: #b will start 500ms
// after #a starts, then #c 500ms later.
duration: 750 // each fade-in will last 750ms (this statement
// overrides the default duration of 500 from 'tl').
}, 500) // delay! this whole section will start at 500ms
// (this is an absolute time point, not relative)
So the timing so far is:
0: 'tl' starts
500: '#a' starts its fade-in ⊤
1000: '#b' starts its fade-in | ⊤
1250: '#a' finishes ↓ |
1500: '#c' starts its fade-in | ⊤
1750: '#b' finishes ↓ |
2250: '#c' finishes ↓
ok, next section:
.add({ // add this to the timeline:
targets: '#arrow', // an animation targeting the element with an
// id of 'arrow'.
scale: [0, 1], // grow the element from a scale of 0% to 100%
// (a scale of 0 means the element is not visible)
}, '-=250') // relative, negative delay! this section will start 250ms
// *before* the previous part of the timeline ends.
That relative, negative delay means that the arrow will start growing before the previous animation is entirely finished:
1750: '#b' finishes ↓ |
2000: '#arrow' starts scaling up | ⊤
2250: '#c' finishes ↓ |
2500: '#arrow' finishes ↓
Note that because tl
set the default duration as 500
, and we didn't specify otherwise, #arrow
will take 500ms to animate on.
Last section:
.add({ // add this to the timeline:
targets: '#label-pātaka', // an animation targeting the element with an
// id of 'label-pātaka'.
opacity: [0, 1], // fade it in from 0% to 100%.
easing: 'linear' // use a 'linear' easing, not 'easeInOutQuad'
duration: 750 // take 750ms, not 500ms
}, '+=500') // relative delay! this section will start 500ms
// *after* the previous part of the timeline ends.
The relative delay means that the label will start fading in 500ms after the previous animations are finished:
2000: '#arrow' starts scaling up | ⊤
2250: '#c' finishes ↓ |
2500: '#arrow' finishes ↓
3000: '#label-pātaka' starts fading in ⊤
3750: '#label-pātaka' finishes ↓
Those relative delays are super-helpful when you want to make timing changes to a timeline. In a complex CSS animation, you would have to adjust EVERY! SINGLE! CHANGE! from that point on. 😩 With anime.js, if you're using relative delays, everything just slides to a new point in time, maintaining the sequence with the animations around it. So you can delete sections or add new ones, and the rest of the timeline will be OK. Have a play around with the animations, and check out the anime.js documentation if anything doesn't make sense.
I would recommend using the folding function in your IDE if you want to find your way around:
If you're planning to make any changes to the timing of these animations, rather than just changing colors or swapping out elements, I highly recommend that you do so with anime.js rather than CSS, whenever you have the choice. However, you may need the end product to be a CSS animation (eg. for sharing on SBB or Github).
In this case you'll need to convert the anime.js timeline into CSS animations, which would be extremely difficult to attempt by hand. So I've written a script to make it much easier - you can find it and its documentation in the 📁️ js