- Grimoire - Community Clojure Documentation
- CDS - Clojure Documentation Site
- Design Patterns
- Venantius - blog
- 4Clojure - learning site
- Portacle - A portable Common Lisp Development Environment
- ChrysaLisp - Assembler/C-Script/Lisp 64 bit OS. MIMD, multi CPU, multi threaded, multi core, multi user.
- BuildYourOwnLisp - Build your own LISP in C
- SBCL - Steel Bank Common Lisp
- [PicoLisp]: mature interpreted LISP from Germany
- Lisp became God' Own Language - I always considered C the language of Gods, but apparently I was wrong
- A Self-Learning, Modern Computer Science Curriculum - in github.io
- Teach Yourself Computer Science