Diego releases are tested against Cloud Foundry, Garden. Compatible versions of Garden are listed with Diego on the Github releases page.
The Diego git repository is tagged with every release. To move the git repository to match a release, do the following:
cd diego-release/
# checking out release v0.1437.0
git checkout v0.1437.0
git clean -ffd
On the CF Release GitHub Releases page, recommended versions of Diego, and Garden are listed with each CF Release. This is the easiest way to correlate releases.
Alternatively, you can use records of CF and Diego compatibility captured from
automated testing. First look up the release candidate SHA for your CF release.
This is listed as the commit_hash
in the release yaml file. Find the SHA in
to look up tested versions of Diego Release, Garden. For old versions of
diego-release, you have to make sure you are using a compatible version of ETCD
as well.
Example: Let's say you want to deploy Diego alongside CF final release 222
. The release file
in the cf-release repository contains the line commit_hash: 53014242
Finding 53014242
in diego-cf-compatibility/compatibility-v2.csv
reveals Diego
0.1437.0, Garden 0.308.0, and ETCD 16 have been verified to be compatible.
Not every cf-release commit will appear in the diego-cf compatibility table, but many will work with some version of Diego.
If you can't find a specific cf-release SHA in the table, deploy the diego-release that matches the most recent cf-release relative to that commit. To do this, go back through cf-release's git log from your commit until you find a Final Release commit and then look up that commit's SHA in the diego-cf compatibility table.