Getting Started With AWS Elastigroup
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2 .models .elastigroup .aws import *
session = SpotinstSession ()
client = session .client ("elastigroup_aws" )
# Initialize group strategy
strategy = Strategy (risk = 100 , utilize_reserved_instances = False , fallback_to_od = True , availability_vs_cost = "balanced" )
# Initialize group capacity
capacity = Capacity (minimum = 0 , maximum = 10 , target = 0 , unit = "instance" )
# Initialize group tags
tag_creator = Tag (tag_key = "Creator" , tag_value = "Spotinst-Python-SDK" )
tag_name = Tag (tag_key = "Name" , tag_value = "Spotinst-Elastigroup-Instance" )
tags = [tag_creator , tag_name ]
# Initialize group security group id list
securityGroupIds = ["sg-46e6b33d" ]
# Initialize group instances iam roles. You can specifiy either the Name or ARN for the IAM role
iam_role = IamRole (name = 's3ReadOnly' )
iam_role = IamRole (arn = 'arn:aws:iam:us-east-1:123456789012:environment/s3ReadOnly' )
# Initialize Launch Specification
launchSpec = LaunchSpecification (image_id = "ami-f173cc91" , key_pair = "spotinst-oregon" , tags = tags , security_group_ids = securityGroupIds , monitoring = True , iam_role = iam_role )
# Initialize Availability Zones
az_list = [AvailabilityZone (name = "us-west-2a" , subnet_ids = ["subnet-5df28914" ])]
# Initialize spot and on demand instance types
instance_types = InstanceTypes (ondemand = "c3.large" , spot = ["c3.large" , "c4.large" ], preferred_spot = ["c4.large" ])
# Initialize Compute
compute = Compute (product = "Linux/UNIX" , instance_types = instance_types , availability_zones = az_list , launch_specification = launchSpec )
# Initialize Elastigroup
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute )
# Create elastigroup and retrieve group id
group = client .create_elastigroup (group )
group_id = group ['id' ]
print ('group id: %s' % group_id )
# Update Elastigroup
capacity_update = Capacity (minimum = 0 , maximum = 15 , target = 0 )
strategy_update = Strategy (risk = None , on_demand_count = 2 )
group_update = Elastigroup (capacity = capacity_update , strategy = strategy_update )
update_result = client .update_elastigroup (group_update = group_update , group_id = group_id )
print ('update result: %s' % update_result )
# Delete Elastigroup
deletion_success = client .delete_elastigroup (group_id = group_id )
print ('delete result: %s' % deletion_success )
Additional Configurations Aws Elastigroup
scaling_policy_up_action = ScalingPolicyAction (type = 'percentageAdjustment' , adjustment = 20 )
scaling_policy_up_instance_dimension = ScalingPolicyDimension (name = 'InstanceId' )
scaling_policy_up = ScalingPolicy (metric_name = 'CPUUtilization' , statistic = 'average' ,
unit = 'percent' , namespace = 'AWS/EC2' , threshold = 90 ,
period = 300 , evaluation_periods = 1 , cooldown = 300 ,
operator = 'gte' , action = scaling_policy_up_action ,
dimensions = [scaling_policy_up_instance_dimension ])
scaling_policy_down_action = ScalingPolicyAction (type = 'adjustment' , adjustment = 1 )
scaling_policy_down_cluster_dimension = ScalingPolicyDimension (name = 'Cluster' , value = 'M2M' )
scaling_policy_down_env_dimension = ScalingPolicyDimension (name = 'Environment' , value = 'ia-staging' )
scaling_policy_down = ScalingPolicy (metric_name = 'overhead' , statistic = 'average' ,
unit = 'milliseconds' , namespace = 'Monitoring' , threshold = 0.8 ,
period = 300 , evaluation_periods = 1 , cooldown = 300 ,
operator = 'lt' , action = scaling_policy_down_action ,
dimensions = [scaling_policy_down_cluster_dimension ,
scaling_policy_down_env_dimension ]
target_tracking = TargetTrackingPolicy (policy_name = 'target_policy_1' , metric_name = 'CPUUtilization' ,
statistic = 'average' , source = 'cloudWatch' , unit = 'percent' , target = 50 ,
namespace = 'AWS/EC2' , cooldown = 300 )
scaling = Scaling (up = [scaling_policy_up ], down = [scaling_policy_down ], target = [target_tracking ])
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , scaling = scaling )
scheduled_ami_backup = ScheduledTask (frequency = 'hourly' , task_type = 'backup_ami' )
scheduled_roll = ScheduledTask (cron_expression = '00 17 * * 3' , task_type = 'roll' , batch_size_percentage = 30 )
scheduled_scale = ScheduledTask (cron_expression = '00 22 * * 3' , task_type = 'scale' ,
start_time = '2018-05-23T10:55:09Z' , scale_target_capacity = 0 ,
scale_min_capacity = 0 ,
scale_max_capacity = 3 )
scheduling = Scheduling (tasks = [scheduled_ami_backup , scheduled_roll , scheduled_scale ])
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , scheduling = scheduling )
availability_zones = AvailabilityZone (name = "us-west-2" ,subnet_ids = ["subnet_ids" ,"subnet_ids" ])
stateful_instance = StatefulInstance (
should_keep_private_ip = False ,
original_instance_id = "original_instance_id" ,
name = "Test" ,
product = "Linux/UNIX" ,
spot_instance_types = ["m1.medium" , "c3.xlarge" , "m3.xlarge" ] ,
region = "us-west-2" ,
availability_zones = [availability_zones ])
client .import_stateful_instance (stateful_instance = "stateful_instance" )
client .get_stateful_instances (group_id = "group_id" )
client .deallocate_stateful_instance (group_id = "group_id" , stateful_instance_id = "stateful_instance_id" )
client .get_stateful_import_status (stateful_migration_id = "stateful_migration_id" )
client .delete_stateful_import (stateful_migration_id = "stateful_migration_id" )
client .pause_stateful_instance (group_id = "group_id" , stateful_instance_id = "stateful_instance_id" )
client .resume_stateful_instance (group_id = "group_id" , stateful_instance_id = "stateful_instance_id" )
client .recycle_stateful_instance (group_id = "group_id" , stateful_instance_id = "stateful_instance_id" )
ecs_auto_scale_down = EcsAutoScalerDownConfiguration (evaluation_periods = 3 )
ecs_auto_scale_attribute = EcsAutoScalerAttributeConfiguration (key = 'the_key' , value = 'the_value' )
ecs_auto_scale_headroom = EcsAutoScalerHeadroomConfiguration (cpu_per_unit = 4096 , memory_per_unit = 4096 , num_of_units = 30 )
ecs_auto_scale = EcsAutoScaleConfiguration (is_enabled = True , is_auto_config = False , cooldown = 900 , headroom = ecs_auto_scale_headroom , down = ecs_auto_scale_down , attributes = [ecs_auto_scale_attribute ])
ecs = EcsConfiguration (cluster_name = 'test-ecs' , auto_scale = ecs_auto_scale )
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (ecs = ecs )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
kubernetes_auto_scale_down = KubernetesAutoScalerDownConfiguration (evaluation_periods = 5 )
kubernetes_auto_scale_headroom = KubernetesAutoScalerHeadroomConfiguration (cpu_per_unit = 2000 , memory_per_unit = 4000 , num_of_units = 2 )
kubernetes_auto_scale = KubernetesAutoScalerConfiguration (is_enabled = True , cooldown = 300 , headroom = kubernetes_auto_scale_headroom , down = kubernetes_auto_scale_down , is_auto_config = False )
kubernetes = KubernetesConfiguration (integration_mode = 'pod' , cluster_identifier = 'test-k8s' , auto_scale = kubernetes_auto_scale )
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (kubernetes = kubernetes )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
nomad_down = NomadAutoScalerDownConfiguration (evaluation_periods = 3 )
nomad_constraints = NomadAutoScalerConstraintsConfiguration (key = '${node.class}' , value = 'value' )
nomad_scale_headroom = NomadAutoScalerHeadroomConfiguration (cpu_per_unit = 10 , memory_per_unit = 1000 , num_of_units = 2 )
nomad_auto_scale = NomadAutoScalerConfiguration (is_enabled = True , cooldown = 180 , headroom = nomad_scale_headroom , constraints = [nomad_constraints ], down = nomad_down )
nomad = NomadConfiguration (master_host = "" , master_port = 443 , acl_token = '123' , auto_scale = nomad_auto_scale )
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (nomad = nomad )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
docker_swarm_down = DockerSwarmAutoScalerDownConfiguration (evaluation_periods = 4 )
docker_swarm_headroom = DockerSwarmAutoScalerHeadroomConfiguration (cpu_per_unit = 1000000000 , memory_per_unit = 800000000 , num_of_units = 3 )
docker_swarm_auto_scale = DockerSwarmAutoScalerConfiguration (is_enabled = True , cooldown = 300 , headroom = docker_swarm_headroom , down = docker_swarm_down )
docker_swarm = DockerSwarmConfiguration (master_host = '' , master_port = 1234 , auto_scale = docker_swarm_auto_scale )
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (docker_swarm = docker_swarm )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
code_deploy_deployment_groups = CodeDeployDeploymentGroupsConfiguration (application_name = 'test-app' , deployment_group_name = 'test-grp' )
code_deploy = CodeDeployConfiguration (clean_up_on_failure = False , terminate_instance_on_failure = False , deployment_groups = [code_deploy_deployment_groups ])
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (code_deploy = code_deploy )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
route53_record_set = Route53RecordSetsConfiguration (use_public_ip = True , name = '' )
route53_domains = Route53DomainsConfiguration (hosted_zone_id = 'Z3UFMBCGJMYLUT' , record_sets = [route53_record_set ])
route53 = Route53Configuration (domains = [route53_domains ])
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (route53 = route53 )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
deployment_strategy = BeanstalkDeploymentStrategy (action = 'REPLACE_SERVER' , should_drain_instances = True )
deployment_preferences = DeploymentPreferences (automatic_roll = True , batch_size_percentage = 50 , grace_period = 600 ,
strategy = deployment_strategy )
elastic_beanstalk = ElasticBeanstalk (environment_id = '123' , deployment_preferences = deployment_preferences )
third_party_integrations = ThirdPartyIntegrations (elastic_beanstalk = elastic_beanstalk )
group = Elastigroup (name = "TestGroup" , description = "Created by the Python SDK" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , third_parties_integration = third_party_integrations )
Getting Started With GCP Elastigroup
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2 .models .elastigroup .gcp import *
session = SpotinstSession ()
gcp_eg = session .client ("elastigroup_gcp" )
###################### Capacity ######################
capacity = Capacity (minimum = 0 , maximum = 0 , target = 0 )
###################### Strategy ######################
strategy = Strategy (
preemptible_percentage = 100 ,
on_demand_count = 0 ,
draining_timeout = 0 ,
fallback_to_od = False )
####################### Scaling ######################
dim = ScalingPolicyDimension (name = "name" , value = "value" )
action = ScalingPolicyAction (scaling_type = "adjustment" , adjustment = 0 )
up = ScalingPolicy (
source = "spectrum" ,
policy_name = "policy_name" ,
namespace = "namespace" ,
metric_name = "metric_name" ,
dimensions = [dim ],
statistic = "average" ,
unit = "seconds" ,
threshold = 0 ,
period = 60 ,
evaluation_periods = 1 ,
cooldown = 0 ,
action = action ,
operator = "gte" )
down = ScalingPolicy (
source = "spectrum" ,
policy_name = "policy_name" ,
namespace = "namespace" ,
metric_name = "metric_name" ,
dimensions = [dim ],
statistic = "average" ,
unit = "seconds" ,
threshold = 0 ,
period = 60 ,
evaluation_periods = 1 ,
cooldown = 0 ,
action = action ,
operator = "gte" )
scaling = Scaling (up = [up ], down = [down ])
############## ThirdPartiesIntegration ##############
docker_swarm = DockerSwarmConfiguration (master_host = "master_host" , master_port = 1 )
third_parties_integration = ThirdPartiesIntegration (docker_swarm = docker_swarm )
###################### Compute ######################
subnet = Subnet (region = "us-west2" , subnet_names = ["subnet_names" ])
health = Health (grace_period = 0 )
gpu = Gpu (gpu_type = "nvidia-tesla-v100" , count = 1 )
custom = CustomInstanceTypes (v_cPU = 1 , memory_giB = 1 )
instance_types = InstanceTypes (ondemand = "ondemand" , preemptible = ["preemptible" ], custom = [custom ])
label = Label (key = "key" , value = "value" )
metadata = Metadata (key = "key" , value = "value" )
named_ports = NamedPorts (name = "name" , ports = [1 ,2 ,3 ])
backend_services = BackendServices (
backend_service_name = "backend_service_name" ,
location_type = "regional" ,
scheme = "EXTERNAL" ,
named_ports = named_ports )
backend_service_config = BackendServiceConfig (backend_services = [backend_services ])
initialize_params = InitializeParams (
disk_size_gb = 1 ,
disk_type = "disk_type" ,
source_image = "source_image" )
disk = Disk (
auto_delete = False ,
boot = False ,
device_name = "device_name" ,
initialize_params = initialize_params ,
interface = "SCSI" ,
mode = "READ_WRITE" ,
source = "source" ,
disk_type = "disk_type" )
access_configs = AccessConfig (name = "name" , access_type = "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT" )
alias_ip_ranges = AliasIpRange (ip_cidr_range = "ip_cidr_range" , subnetwork_range_name = "subnetwork_range_name" )
network_interfaces = NetworkInterface (
network = "network" ,
access_configs = [access_configs ],
alias_ip_ranges = [alias_ip_ranges ])
launch_specification = LaunchSpecification (
labels = [label ],
metadata = [metadata ],
tags = ["tags" ],
backend_service_config = backend_service_config ,
startup_script = "startup_script" ,
disks = [disk ],
network_interfaces = [network_interfaces ],
service_account = "service_account" ,
ip_forwarding = False )
compute = Compute (
launch_specification = launch_specification ,
instance_types = instance_types ,
gpu = gpu ,
health = health ,
availability_zones = ["us-west2-a" ],
subnets = [subnet ])
#################### Elastigroup ####################
elastigroup = Elastigroup (
name = "name" ,
description = "description" ,
capacity = capacity ,
strategy = strategy ,
scaling = scaling ,
third_parties_integration = third_parties_integration ,
compute = compute )
# Create elastigroup and retrieve group id
print ("Create Group" )
group = gcp_eg .create_elastigroup (group = elastigroup )
group_id = group ['id' ]
print ('group id: %s' % group_id )
# Update New Elastigroup
capacity = Capacity (maximum = 10 )
update_group = Elastigroup (capacity = capacity )
print ("Update Group" )
print (gcp_eg .update_elastigroup (group_id = group_id , group_update = update_group ))
# Get New Elastigroup
print ("Get New Group Config" )
print (gcp_eg .get_elastigroup (group_id = group_id ))
# Get all Elastigroups
print ("Get All Group Configs" )
print (gcp_eg .get_elastigroups ())
# Delete Elastigroup
print ("Delete New Group" )
deletion_success = gcp_eg .delete_elastigroup (group_id = group_id )
print ('delete result: %s' % deletion_success )
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2 .models .mrscaler .aws import *
session = SpotinstSession ()
client = session .client ("mrscaler_aws" )
################ Scaling ################
action = Action (
type = "adjustment" ,
adjustment = 2 ,
min_target_capacity = 1 ,
target = 5 ,
minimum = 0 ,
maximum = 10 )
dimension = Dimension (name = "test_dim" )
up = Metric (
metric_name = "metric_name" ,
statistic = "average" ,
unit = "percent" ,
threshold = 100 ,
adjustment = 2 ,
namespace = "AWS/ElasticMapReduce" ,
period = 300 ,
evaluation_periods = 1 ,
cooldown = 600 ,
dimensions = [dimension ],
operator = "gte" )
down = Metric (
metric_name = "metric_name" ,
statistic = "average" ,
unit = "percent" ,
threshold = 100 ,
adjustment = 2 ,
namespace = "AWS/ElasticMapReduce" ,
period = 300 ,
evaluation_periods = 1 ,
cooldown = 600 ,
dimensions = [dimension ],
operator = "gte" )
scaling = Scaling (up = [up ], down = [down ])
################ Copmute ################
c_file = File (bucket = "test_bucket" , key = "test_key" )
configurations = Configurations (file = c_file )
volume_specification = VolumeSpecification (volume_type = "gp2" , size_in_gb = 10 )
ebs_config = SingleEbsConfig (volume_specification = volume_specification , volumes_per_instance = 1 )
ebs_configuration = EbsConfiguration (ebs_block_device_configs = [ebs_config ], ebs_optimized = True )
capacity = Capacity (target = 1 , maximum = 1 , minimum = 1 , unit = 'instance' )
master_group = MasterGroup (instance_types = ["m1.medium" , "c3.xlarge" , "m3.xlarge" ], target = 1 , life_cycle = "SPOT" )
core_group = CoreGroup (instance_types = ["m1.medium" , "c3.xlarge" , "m3.xlarge" ], target = 1 , life_cycle = "SPOT" )
task_group = TaskGroup (instance_types = ["m1.medium" , "c3.xlarge" , "m3.xlarge" ], capacity = capacity , life_cycle = "SPOT" )
instance_groups = InstanceGroups (master_group = master_group , core_group = core_group , task_group = task_group )
s_file = File (bucket = "test_bucket" , key = "test_key" )
steps = Steps (file = s_file )
ba_file = File (bucket = "test_bucket" , key = "test_key" )
bootstrap_actions = BootstrapActions (file = ba_file )
compute = Compute (ebs_root_volume_size = 10 , availability_zones = [{"name" : "us-west-2a" ,"subnetId" : "subnet-79da021e" }], instance_groups = instance_groups )
################ Strategy ################
cloning = Cloning (origin_cluster_id = "j-6T5B467690OT" , include_steps = False )
provisioning_timeout = ProvisioningTimeout (timeout = 600 , timeout_action = "terminate" )
strategy = Strategy (cloning = cloning , provisioning_timeout = provisioning_timeout )
name = "SDK-Test"
description = "This was created with the SDK"
region = "us-west-2"
emr = EMR (name = name , description = description , region = region , strategy = strategy , compute = compute , scaling = scaling )
emr = client .create_emr (emr )
from spotinst_sdk2 import SpotinstSession
from spotinst_sdk2 .models .ocean .aws import *
session = SpotinstSession ()
client = session .client ("ocean_aws" )
################ Compute ################
launch_specification = LaunchSpecifications (security_group_ids = ["sg-12345" ],
image_id = "ami-12345" , key_pair = "Noam-key" )
instance_types = InstanceTypes (whitelist = ["c4.8xlarge" ])
compute = Compute (instance_types = instance_types ,
subnet_ids = ["subnet-1234" ], launch_specification = launch_specification )
################ Strategy ################
strategy = Strategy (utilize_reserved_instances = False , fallback_to_od = True , spot_percentage = 100 )
################ Capacity ################
capacity = Capacity (minimum = 0 , maximum = 0 , target = 0 )
################# Ocean #################
ocean = Ocean (name = "Ocean SDK Test" , controller_cluster_id = "ocean.k8s" ,
region = "us-west-2" , capacity = capacity , strategy = strategy , compute = compute )
client .create_ocean_cluster (ocean = ocean )