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Petter Måhlén edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 13 revisions

This document is intended as a quick overview of the core concepts in Mobius.

Mobius Loop

A Mobius loop is a part of an application, usually including a user interface. In a Spotify context, there is usually one loop per feature such as “the album page”, “login flow”, etc., but a loop can also be UI-less and for instance be tied to the lifecycle of an application or a user session.

A Mobius loop receives Events, which are passed to an Update function. As a result of running the Update function, the Model might change, and Effects might get dispatched. The Model can be observed by the user interface, and the Effects are received and executed by an Effect Handler.


Events occur in and around the loop and act as triggers for state-changing business logic, for example:

  • User actions in the UI, such as submitting a query by typing into a text field, or clicking on a checkbox.

  • Responses from backend services.

  • System events like changes in network availability.

Events (denoted by type parameter E in code) in Mobius are implemented as immutable data objects.

Events often have different payloads, if any. So a QueryUpdated event almost certainly has the actual query string attached, whereas a ClearHistory event probably doesn’t need any payload. A SearchResultReceived event includes the response from the search backend, and so on.


The model (type parameter M) is an immutable representation of the loop’s state from a business logic perspective - that is, decoupled from the UI. The Model and the Event must contain all the data that the Update function needs in order to make decisions when an Event happens, since the Update function must be pure and therefore cannot read state externally.

What’s presented in the UI should be derivable from the model, but it doesn’t have to be identical. So concatenated strings, formatted dates, etc., don’t need to be included in the model. Instead they can be calculated when the UI is updated.

Note: The expression “from a business logic perspective” means that canLogin is a good name for a field in the model, but loginButtonEnabled is not. The latter is more appropriate in the UI.


Sometimes, you need to change or fetch information that currently isn’t in the Model (for example, data that resides in a backend service). You do this in Mobius with Effects. The term ‘Effect’ was chosen because it is similar to ‘side effect’.

The word Effect has two meanings:

  • A description of something that should occur (when precision is required, we use the term "effect description"), and

  • what actually occurs when the description gets executed (this is the real "effect", called "effect execution" when precision is required).

We almost always mean effect descriptions when we use the word Effect. In code, Effects are instances of an immutable type referenced by type parameter F.

A common example of an Effect is sending a backend request. Even if this doesn’t mutate any state, it’s still an impure function as it involves a network call, and leads to different results depending on the network connection and the current state of the backend services.

Similar to Events, Effects normally have different payloads depending on what they describe.

Update Function

This is the heart of a Mobius loop. It has the following signature:

Next<M, F> update(M model, E event)

Picking that apart, the method takes a Model with the current state and an Event, and returns a Next object. The Next object may contain a new Model if the state should be changed for the next Update invocation, and always has a (possibly empty) set of Effects that should be triggered. Update functions must be pure.

The Update function is declarative, in the sense that it declares what should happen, but doesn’t actually do anything itself.

For each incoming Event, Mobius invokes the Update function and atomically changes the Model (if needed) before handling the next Event. This sequencing of Events, combined with the immutability of Events, Effects and Models, means that there are no data races.

Init Function

You frequently need to start things when initialising or resuming a view. This can entail firing off requests to load data, etc. It is solved by the Init function, which has the following signature:

First<M, F> init(M model)

That is, given a Model, it returns a Model and a set of Effects to run.

Init is useful when starting a loop from scratch, and when resuming a paused loop. Its purpose is to ensure that the loop is in a valid state. An example: if a loop is paused in an Error state because loading data from the backend has failed, the Init method can return a Loading state and an Effect that retries the backend request.

Effect Handler

Once the Update function has dispatched an Effect, something needs to execute it. That is the job of Effect Handlers. An Effect Handler consumes Effects and (usually) produces Events.

A common example of an Effect Handler task is to send a request to a backend service and when a response arrives, translate the response into an Event for the Update function. Effect Handlers are not allowed to throw exceptions, instead they should convert errors into Events that the Update function can react to (eg. triggering a fallback mechanism or giving the user feedback).


Building user interfaces (not necessarily graphical) is what Mobius has been created to do, but UIs are optional. It's often a good idea to build a UI-less Mobius loop for managing the state evolution of something without a user interface.

The primary way of connecting your UI to the business logic in the Update function is by observing Model changes. Each time the Model changes, the UI will get notified and can update its state accordingly. This means that the UI is similar to an Effect Handler, but consumes Models (not Effects) while still producing Events. Typically, parts of the Model will be bound to widgets ("views" in Android parlance) in the UI, so that a boolean field in the Model can enable or disable a button, etc.