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Parameter File Description
infile (string): name of the input file containing particle data (in case of parallel reading and/or interpolation this is only a partial name)
simtype (integer): type of the data reader to be used
0: tabular binary file
1: block binary file
2: Gadget2 binary
3: Enzo
4: Gadget Millenium
5: plain binary file MPI2
6: Mesh
7: HDF5
8: Gadget HDF5
10: Visivo
11: Tipsy
13: Ramses
swap_endian (bool, defaul=false): if true, values read from binary input files are byte-swapped directly after reading
if (simtype==0,1,5) i.e. only for binary files
num_columns (integer): number of columns (case simtype = 0, i.e. tabular)
num_blocks (integer): number of blocks (case simtype = 0/5, i.e. blocks)
number of column/block containing the following particle property: (-1 means that this property is missing in the input file or it is not to be read)
type (integer): index of the type
x (integer): index of the x-coordinate
y (integer): index of the y-coordinate
z (integer): index of the z-coordinate
r (integer): index of the smoothing length
I (integer): index of the intensity
C1 (integer): index of the C1 value
C2 (integer, optional): index of the C2 value
C3 (integer, optional): index of the C3 value
if (simtype==2 or simtype==4)
interpolation_mode (integer, default=0): Only relevant for animations
0: no interpolation between files
1: linear interpolation
2: higher order interpolation
ptypes (integer, default=1): number of different particle types
numfiles (integer, default=1): number of files containing one data set
readparallel (integer, default=1): number of tasks reading the input data set. numfiles must be a multiple of readparallel
if (interpolation_mode>0)
id_label (string): label for the block containing the particle IDs
ptype<n> (integer, n=[0..ptypes-1]): Gadget type of the nth kind of particles to render
size_fix<n> (float, n=[0..ptypes-1], default=0): if >0, use this value as radius for particles of kind n
if (size_fix<n> == 0)
size_label<n> (string): name of the quantity to use for particle size (HSML is a good choice)
size_present<n> (integer): bit-coded 2^ptype for which types this block contains data
size_fac<n> (float, default=1): factor applied to particle sizes
color_is_vector<n> (bool, default=false): indicates if color is a vector or a scalar quantity
color_label<n> (string, default="XXXX"): label for block that contains particle color
color_present<n> (integer): bit-coded 2^ptype for which types this block contains data
color_fac<n> (float, default=1): factor to multiply color with
intensity_label<n> (string, default="XXXX"): label for block that contains particle intensity
intensity_present<n> (integer): bit-coded 2^ptype for which types this block contains data
if color_is_vector, the following properties correspond to RGB color of the particle
C1 (integer): index of the R component
C2 (integer): index of the G component
C3 (integer): index of the B component
C1 (integer): index of the quantity to use in a color lookup table
minrad_pix (float, default=1): minimum radius (in pixels) that a particle can have; smaller particles are automatically enlarged
projection (bool, default=true): enables perspective projection
geometry_file (string, default=" "): name of the geometry file, if any
if (geometry_file!=" ")
geometry_start (integer, default=0): first line in the geometry file that should be used
geometry_incr (integer, default=1): distance of two consecutive lines to be used
camera_{xyz} (double): X/Y/Z-coordinate of the camera
lookat_{xyz} (double): X/Y/Z-coordinate of the look-at point
sky_{xyz} (double): X/Y/Z-coordinate of the sky vector
fov (double, default=45): horizontal field of view in degrees
EyeSeparation (double, default=0): horizontal eye separation in degrees. If set, turns on stereo mode
define z-coordinate range of particles to be visualized
zmin (double, default=0): near cutoff distance
zmax (double, default=1e23): far cutoff distance
a_eq_e (bool, default=true): condition A = E in the radiative transfer equation
sort_type (integer, default=0): sorting only makes a difference if a_eq_t==false
0: nosort
1: by z
2: by value
3: by reversed value
4: by size
visualization properties for particles of type<n> :
color_log<n> (bool, default=true): if true, apply the log10() function to the physical quantity associated to the color
color_asinh<n> (bool, default=false): apply hyperbolic arcsine function to the physical quantity associated to the color
color_min<n> (float, optional): if provided, use this as lower limit for the color values (after application of logarithm and/or asinh)
color_max<n> (float, optional): if provided, use this as upper limit for the color values (after application of logarithm and/or asinh)
intensity_log<n> (bool, default=true): if true, apply the log10 function to the intensity value
intensity_min<n> (float, optional): if provided, use this as lower limit for the intensity values (after application of the logarithm)
intensity_max<n> (float, optional): if provided, use this as upper limit for the intensity values (after application of the logarithm)
brightness<n> (float, default=1): multiplicative factor of the intensity
palette<n> (string): name of the file containing the colormap only used if color_is_vector<n> == false
scene_file (string): name of the input text file containing scene description.
The first line of this file contains the list of the parameters whose value you want to change for each frame. The following lines contains the values of these parameters for the current frame.
Example: 3 frames with different camera positions
camera_x camera_y camera_z
250000. 250000. 550000.
250000. 256279. 549734.
250000. 262546. 549337.
scene_start (integer, default=1): frame number in the scene description file (i.e. line number - 1) from which starting the generation of the images
scene_inc (integer, default=1): incremental step for the images to be generated (e.g. scene_inc = 2 means to generate an image every two lines of the file)
pictype (integer, default=0): format of the output image
0 = TGA (uncompressed)
1 = ASCII PPM (very large)
2 = binary PPM
3 = TGA (run length encoded)
outfile (string): output file name (partial name if multiple outputs are written)
colorbar (bool, default=false): if true, add a colorbar
xres (integer, default=800): number of image pixels in x direction
yres (integer, default=xres): number of image pixels in y direction
boost (bool, default=false) enable booster: random subsample of the dataset
quality_factor (float, default=1.0) percentage of particle to sample with the booster
gpu_info (bool, default=true) if true, print detailed information about GPUs
particle_mem_factor (integer, default=3) factor applied to particle sizes to allocate global memory
Rendering tile scheme parameters:
tile_boundary_width (integer, default=8) width of the boundary around the image tile
tile_x-side (integer, default=8)
tile_y-side (int, default=tile_x_side) x and y side dimension of the image tile, in terms of pixels