Certain stations are missing the Reflective Vest #34615
A: Mapping
Area: Maps, or tools used for mapping
DB: Beginner Friendly
Difficulty: Great for beginners. Unambiguous in scope, and explains how to achieve the result.
Issue: Needs Replicating
This issue needs reproducing, as only one person has reported it.
P3: Standard
Priority: Default priority for repository items.
S: Requires Content PR
Status: Requires a change to SS14, for which there is no open PR currently.
T: New Feature
Type: New feature or content, or extending existing content
Certain stations such as core and atlas are missing the Reflective Vest, which is a shame since its only available roundstart and via gambling.
Either it needs to be available roundstart to the stations where its missing, or there should be other ways of reasonably obtaining them.
The stations in which it is unavailable roundstart:
these are the stations i could observe not having any, if there are any i missed, or if any of the stations listed do have a reflective vest, please inform me.
Go to any of these stations
Hit the armory
No reflect vest?
None right now, but i can get some later
Additional context
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