Setup a GitHub account (http://github.com/), if you haven't yet
Fork the muhafiz repository (http://github.com/sonsuzdongu/muhafiz)
Clone your fork locally and enter it (use your own GitHub username in the statement below)
% git clone [email protected]:<username>/muhafiz.git % cd muhafiz
Add a remote to the canonical muhafiz repository, so you can keep your fork up-to-date:
% git remote add muhafiz git://github.com/sonsuzdongu/muhafiz.git % git fetch muhafiz
Periodically, you should update your fork or personal repository to match the canonical muhafiz repository. In each of the above setups, we have added a remote to the muhafiz repository, which allows you to do the following:
% git checkout master
% git pull muhafiz master
- OPTIONALLY, to keep your remote up-to-date -
% git push origin master
If you're tracking other branches -- for example, the "develop" branch, where new feature development occurs -- you'll want to do the same operations for that branch; simply substibute "develop" for "master".
forking https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md