The current library only exposes a subset of the functions provided by Frank Denis' Libsodium library. Exposing additional methods is quite doable and the following guide outlines how to do so. Once finished, please submit a PR so we can keep this library up to date!
This library is designed to be a drop in replacement for preexisting libdsodium ports and therefore must have API parity. Make sure to consult the API docs to see find the signatures the native modules we export to React Native should have.
All methods should exported as synchronous methods:
in Java, functions exported from
should use
@ReactMethod(isBlockingSynchronousMethod = true)
in Objective-C, functions exported from our module should use the RCT_EXPORT_BLOCKING_SYNCHRONOUS_METHOD
macro provided by RCTBridgeModule.h
Sometimes we need to return multiple buffers to JS. React Native does not support returning nested Array
s or Map
s of Array
s, so in order to achieve this, we copy the buffers consecutively into a single buffer. The process is straightforward and is demonstrated in each language by the crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305
Only one variable length return buffer is supported and should be placed last, however, length prefixing would allow for multiple if the usecase arises. If you end up implementing this, we'd love to merge it so definitely submit a PR!
If you encounter a libsodium error that doesn't have a corresponding error type (eg. ERR_BAD_KEY
), you can add extend the error types in the native modules with the error you need. These should be string literals indicating the fault to the user.
In order to be able to call functions from the native C library in React-Native, we must make bindings from the Native language of our target platforms, Java on Android and Objective-C/Swift on iOS, to the prebuilt dynamic library compiled from the C library.
These bindings may be found [here for iOS and .
Our JNI bindings are written in C++ and accessed via the interface defined in
For most methods, bindings for new methods can easily be adapted from the existing methods. Inputs are typically received from Java as either jbyteArray
for Buffers
, or jint
for Numbers
. When libsodium expects a pointer, eg. size_t *
for writing a buffer length to, the appropriate JNI type is a jintArray
and cast to the correct pointer type, see sodium_pad
for an example.
Libsodium mostly operates on memory so buffers are the most common argument type. Buffers will be passed as jbyteAray
and are handled in one of two ways, depending on if the memory is returned or not.
For memory that is only consumed and not returned to java, helpers are provided: as_[const_][unsigned_]char_array
, eg.:
unsigned char *m = as_unsigned_char_array(jenv, j_m);
Returned memory must be handled differently so that Java may access the returned data:
// accepting memory, the correct types may be found from the libsodium headers
unsigned char *c = (unsigned char *) (*jenv)->GetByteArrayElements(jenv, j_c, 0);
rest of function
// returning memory
(*jenv)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jenv, j_c, (jbyte *) c, 0);
For variable length results, libsodium takes a pointer argument to which it writes the number of bytes written to the return buffer. These arguments should be accepted to the function as jintArray j_arglen_p
and handled like so:
// accepting memory, the type should alwasy be unsigned long long *
unsigned long long *clen_p = (unsigned long long *) (*jenv)->GetIntArrayElements(jenv, j_clen_p, 0);
rest of function
// returning memory
(*jenv)->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jenv, j_clen_p, (jint *) clen_p, 0);
Numbers may simply be passed as jint
s and passed directly to the libsodium function.
npx react-native run-android
shall output any compiler warnings or errors, usually due to incompatible pointer types. You should go through and make sure each has been address so that there are no compiler warnings. Note, this does not guarantee the function shall run correctly.
Once we have the JNI bindings, we need create a module exposing these bindings to React Native. The React Native docs describe this process in general. Here, though, we are only concerned with extending
React Native only exposes certain argument types, none of which allow for memory to be shared between the JavaScript runtime and the native module. Therefore JS Number
arguments are taken as type int
data is passed to the Native Modules using Array
s (other libraries often use String
s, Array
s were chosen for more efficient conversion from to and from Uint8Array
s, feel free to open an issue if you feel otherwise).
In Java, this means buffer arguments are expected as ReadableArray
s and the return type should be WritableArray
The resulting signature looks something like this:
@ReactMethod(isBlockingSynchronousMethod = true)
public WritableArray crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(ReadableArray c, int tag, ...) {
Various helpers have been provided for correctly formatting arguments or return values. The existing bindings may be used as reference for their usage, please make sure to bound check the inputs where needed.
Constants should be exported to React Native at the top of the module file. You can refer to how this is currently done and extend the current exports. Since SWIG generates the bindings before referring to dynamic library, the values of constants are not known up front and must be accessed at runtime by their respective call functions.
Since the underlying language is in C, Obj-C bindings are chosen over Swift bindings as this makes it easier to cast pointers to the types expected by libsodium's functions.
Unlike the Java bindings, these have to be witten by hand. Macros are provided to make this as easy as possible. The libsodium docs should be referred to for the relevant function signatures. Consult the macro definitions to find the relevant one for each argument and be sure the bounds are checked where necessary!
The existing methods should provide a good reference, however, if you encounter any troubles feel free to open and issue or comment in the discussions.
Buffer arguments are passed from JS as Array
s and should be received in Obj-C as NSArray
s (for rationale, see Java section above) and argumenst passed from JS as Number
s should be received as NSNumber
Macros are provided copy the data into buffers and return C pointers of the desired type. In the case where libsodium expects a pointer to a libsodium type, eg. crypto_generichash_state *
, you should derive an unsigned char *
from the argument and then cast to the desired libsodium type. You can crypto_generichash
Constants should be exported to React Native at the top of the module file. You can refer to how this is currently done and extend the current exports. Some constants, particularly struct sizes, cannot be known at compile time and therefore must be hardcoded.
Now that we have native bindings to our C functions exposed in React Native, we can update our JavaScript wrapper found in index.js.
Most of the work is done in our native code, so these are quite simple: use the provided map function to format arguments and pass them to the native function. The return result should be checked for errors (errors always return a String
Once you have made the bindings, please port the corresponding test from sodium-test.
Thank you!