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  • methylation_global contains the average, weighted average and fractional methylation values genome-wide per donor. Files in this directory show these values in the CHM13 reference genome, with and without centromeric satellites, as well as in hg38.

  • methylation_bins contain matrices of weighted averge methylation when splitting the genome in 10kbp and 100kbp bins. It also contains BED files showing the donor-corrected correlation between each bin's methylation level and the donor age.

  • centromere contains both annotation and methylation data regarding centromeric regions and subfamilies. This directory shows the intervals defined as centromeric, the weighted average methylation level in these regions per donor, and the correlation between methylation levels in centromeres and centromeric repeat subfamilies with age.

  • pmd contains both the methylation level and the donor-corrected correlation for regions identified as PMDs in the 7 datasets described in the manuscript.

  • hmr contains the coverage, count and size of HMRs proximal and distal to promoters for each donor.

Data files

  • sample_donor_age.txt is a 3 column data frame with the sample id, the donor id, and the age for each sample.

  • data_quality.txt shows the summary statistics for mapping and quality control metrics for whole genome bisulfite sequencing data for each dataset. These include: percentage of reads mapped ambiguously and uniquely, bisulfite conversion rate, coverage and depth of CpGs, and upper bound on CpG->TpG mutations.