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Running the Docker Image

Thomas edited this page Jul 9, 2018 · 17 revisions

Download the latest version:

docker pull smartcontract/chainlink:latest

Create a persistent volume:

docker volume create --name chainlink

Create an environment file and populate with your variables, for example:

touch /home/$USER/.env

And populate it with values. You will need to change the ETH_CHAIN_ID to the network you're connecting to and the ETH_URL to the address of the machine running your Ethereum node.


Now you can run the Docker image:

docker run -p 6688:6688 \
           -p 6689:6689 \
           -v chainlink:/chainlink \
           -it --env-file=/home/$USER/.env \
           smartcontract/chainlink n

The first time running the image, it will ask you for a password. This is your keystore password and you will need to keep that safe, since it will hold Ethereum that the node will use to pay for gas fees. When you start the node again, it will ask for the password unless you supply it with a file containing the password (with the -p option).

You can now connect to your Chainlink node's UI interface by navigating to http://localhost:6689.