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Running the Docker Image

Thomas edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 17 revisions

Running the Docker Image

  • If using the local Devnet, follow these instructions to start that image.
  • If connecting to an Ethereum client, make sure that is running first with websocket enabled.

Download the latest version:

$ docker pull smartcontract/chainlink:latest

Create an environment file and populate with your variables, for example:

$ touch /home/$USER/.env

And populate it with values. You will need to change the ETH_CHAIN_ID to the network you're connecting to.


Now you can run the Docker image:

$ docker run -it --env-file=/home/$USER/.env smartcontract/chainlink n

In a new window, you can interact with the Docker instance by using the command-line API. For example:

$ docker run -it --env-file=/home/$USER/.env smartcontract/chainlink j