A .sh script which stores some apt commands for quick app installs for my personal use
Update the packages installed in the system
Installs the following packages
a. Gnome Tweaks
b. Neofetch
c. BetterDiscord
d. Librewolf
e. Discord
f. Code-OSS(flatpak)
g. CodeBlocks
h. VirtualBox
i. Webapp Manager(Linux Mint)
j. Microsoft Teams
k. wget
l. MailSpring
m. Lutris
n. OnlyOffice(flatpak)
o. Gnome Weather
p. Snapd
q. adb
r. Wps 2019(Snap with Internet access disabled)
s. Connect the wps-2019 snap with audio,removable devices and printers.
t. Snap Store