I wanted to get a working C compiler on the Z80 playground, so I googled around.
There are a few different C-compilers, but ultimately this link lead me to the Aztec compiler:
You'll find the binaries installed in the C: Drive.
The following is a traditional sample program:
#include "STDIO.H"
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
printf("Hello, world\n");
return 0;
To compile this is a three step process:
- Convert from C -> Assembly.
- Compile.
- Link
Here's how I did completed the three steps. First of all compile the C to assembly:
C>cc hello
C Vers. 1.06D 8080 (C) 1982 1983 1984 by Manx Software Systems
Then assemble that:
C>as hello
8080 Assembler Vers. 1.06D
Finally link it, with the runtime:
C>ln hello.o t.lib c.lib
C Linker Vers. 1.06D
Base: 0100 Code: 0690 Data: 0030 Udata: 00dc Total: 0007a0
The end result is hello.com
which can be executed:
C>dir hello.com
Hello, world