The main goal of our project is to provide a platform for contact details of the registered plasma donors in the city as soon as possible as it is too difficult to find a plasma donor. The future scope involves being a one stop solution for all the facilities concerned with blood availability connecting blood donors to those who need it across the country to avoid numerous heartbreaking deaths caused because a patient wasn't able to find a donor in time.
In Convalescent Plasma Therapy, plasma collected from recovered patients is infused into patients who are currently covid positive. Meeting blood requirements continues to be a challenge across India. The idea is to build a platform for such patients to find the donors on their finger tips at the earliest. Firstly, the recovered patients who wish to save life by donating plasma need to register and create his/her profile in our application providing required information. Donor can also share his/her winning story against coronavirus to motivate others. Volunteers from the city will authenticate and verify the donor meeting the medical eligibility. Patients can look for a donor from the home page mentioning the city and blood group in need. The verified donors from the city will be presented in the home page providing the contact details of the donor. Patients can call the appropriate donors . Patients can also read the corresponding donor's triumph story against covid.
The same platform can be used for finding blood in emergency, Where the blood banks are provided with the login to add the available blood types.
- Donors can add details - name, city, pincode.
- Patient search donor .
- Patients can search specifically for Donors.
- Donors can add Edit Profile.
- Patients can see nearby donors/patients in Radar.
- FAQs section to get all details regarding Plasma
After git repo cloned, just run following command to install all dependencies:
This site relies heavily on node and npm.
Make sure you are using at least node v.7+ and latest npm; if not install node to get node going on your machine.
- this repo
- E-Yanta-Hackathon2021
- cd into root directory
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
you can check more about this in frontend documentation
You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.
To learn React, check out the React documentation.
- cd into root directory
cd \E-yantra-Hackathon2021\FrontEnd
- Install local npm packages by running
npm install
- Run the front-end project by running
npm start
This site relies heavily on node and npm
Make sure you are using at least node v.7+ and latest npm; if not install node to get node going on your machine.
Install MongoDB if its not present in local
- Change the working directory
cd \E-yantra-Hackathon2021\Backend
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the app
node app.js
#before running backend make sure you have .env file with few varibles DATABASE = mongodb+srv://Aman:acmgit@[email protected]/ACM_SITE?retryWrites=true&w=majority ACCOUNT_SID =ACe76bd995e206ab993cdbe06d22004e7 AUTH_TOKEN =796ec1d88e088c5e177594f5e73ba789 JWT_AUTH_TOKEN =a11bd12f886322e3c43ccf839e0da2675c2cca95d848017a56d32cf7f4b10e80 JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN =78a63b0bdad412dd16d65fff96bc95353fa470f2dc8ba487040e187605f3af07 SMS_SECRET_KEY =dc17e4c9da8a90324fed9e981dbff62825858151c6e0054b9e9f34ce5c7bf6c0 ACCOUNT_SID = ACe76bd995e206ab993cdbe06d22004e73 AUTH_TOKEN = 796ec1d88e088c5e177594f5e73ba789
- Everything Reactive, Real-Time and Blazing Fast!
- Admin Website used to manage all platform features and settings in the single Web-based interface
- Donor registration, patient registration.