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Billing Account Module

This module allows managing resources and policies related to a billing account:

  • IAM bindings
  • log sinks
  • billing budgets and their notifications

Managing billing-related resources via application default credentials requires a billing project to be set. To configure one via Terraform you can use a snippet similar to this one:

provider "google" {
  billing_project       = "my-project"
  user_project_override = true
# tftest skip


IAM bindings

Billing account IAM bindings implement the same interface used for all other modules.

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  iam = {
    "roles/billing.admin" = [
      "serviceAccount:[email protected]"
  iam_bindings = {
    conditional-admin = {
      members = [
        "serviceAccount:[email protected]"
      role = "roles/billing.admin"
      condition = {
        title = "pf-dev-conditional-billing-admin"
        expression = (
          "resource.matchTag('123456/environment', 'development')"
  iam_bindings_additive = {
    sa-net-iac-user = {
      member = "serviceAccount:[email protected]"
      role   = "roles/billing.user"
  iam_by_principals = {
    "group:[email protected]" = ["roles/billing.admin"]
# tftest modules=1 resources=3 inventory=iam.yaml

Log sinks

Billing account log sinks use the same format used for log sinks in the resource manager modules (organization, folder, project).

module "log-bucket-all" {
  source      = "./fabric/modules/logging-bucket"
  parent_type = "project"
  parent      = "myprj"
  id          = "billing-account-all"

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  logging_sinks = {
    all = {
      destination =
      type        = "logging"
# tftest modules=2 resources=3 inventory=logging.yaml

Billing budgets

Billing budgets expose all the attributes of the underlying resource, and allow using external notification channels, or creating them via this same module.

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  budgets = {
    folder-net-month-current-100 = {
      display_name = "100 dollars in current spend"
      amount = {
        units = 100
      filter = {
        period = {
          calendar = "MONTH"
        resource_ancestors = ["folders/1234567890"]
      threshold_rules = [
        { percent = 0.5 },
        { percent = 0.75 }
# tftest modules=1 resources=1 inventory=budget-simple.yaml

PubSub update rules

Update rules can notify pubsub topics.

module "pubsub-billing-topic" {
  source     = "./fabric/modules/pubsub"
  project_id = "my-prj"
  name       = "budget-default"

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  budgets = {
    folder-net-month-current-100 = {
      display_name = "100 dollars in current spend"
      amount = {
        units = 100
      filter = {
        period = {
          calendar = "MONTH"
        resource_ancestors = ["folders/1234567890"]
      threshold_rules = [
        { percent = 0.5 },
        { percent = 0.75 }
      update_rules = {
        default = {
          pubsub_topic =
# tftest modules=2 resources=2 inventory=budget-pubsub.yaml

Monitoring channels

Monitoring channels can be referenced in update rules either by passing in an existing channel id, or by using a reference to a key in the budget_notification_channels variable, that allows managing ad hoc monitoring channels.

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  budget_notification_channels = {
    billing-default = {
      project_id = "tf-playground-simple"
      type       = "email"
      labels = {
        email_address = "[email protected]"
  budgets = {
    folder-net-month-current-100 = {
      display_name = "100 dollars in current spend"
      amount = {
        units = 100
      filter = {
        period = {
          calendar = "MONTH"
        resource_ancestors = ["folders/1234567890"]
      threshold_rules = [
        { percent = 0.5 },
        { percent = 0.75 }
      update_rules = {
        default = {
          disable_default_iam_recipients   = true
          monitoring_notification_channels = ["billing-default"]
# tftest modules=1 resources=2 inventory=budget-monitoring-channel.yaml

Budget factory

This module also exposes a factory for billing budgets, that works in a similar way to factories in other modules: a specific folder is searched for YAML files, which contain one budget description per file. The file name is used to generate the key of the resulting map of budgets, which is merged with the one coming from the budgets variable. The YAML files support the same type of the budgets variable.

module "billing-account" {
  source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
  id     = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
  budget_notification_channels = {
    billing-default = {
      project_id = "tf-playground-simple"
      type       = "email"
      labels = {
        email_address = "[email protected]"
  factories_config = {
    budgets_data_path = "data/billing-budgets"
# tftest modules=1 resources=2 files=test-1  inventory=budget-monitoring-channel.yaml
# tftest-file id=test-1 path=data/billing-budgets/folder-net-month-current-100.yaml
display_name: 100 dollars in current spend
  units: 100
    calendar: MONTH
  - folders/1234567890
- percent: 0.5
- percent: 0.75
    disable_default_iam_recipients: true
    - billing-default


name description type required default
id Billing account id. string
budget_notification_channels Notification channels used by budget alerts. map(object({…})) {}
budgets Billing budgets. Notification channels are either keys in corresponding variable, or external ids. map(object({…})) {}
factories_config Path to folder containing budget alerts data files. object({…}) {}
iam IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. map(list(string)) {}
iam_bindings Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
iam_bindings_additive Individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. map(object({…})) {}
iam_by_principals Authoritative IAM binding in {PRINCIPAL => [ROLES]} format. Principals need to be statically defined to avoid cycle errors. Merged internally with the iam variable. map(list(string)) {}
logging_sinks Logging sinks to create for the billing account. map(object({…})) {}
projects Projects associated with this billing account. list(string) []


name description sensitive
billing_budget_ids Billing budget ids.
monitoring_notification_channel_ids Monitoring notification channel ids.