A mirror of Isabelle/Pure and Isabelle/jEdit components from the official Isabelle repository.
This repository mirrors the development of Isabelle/Scala components (Isabelle/Pure, Isabelle/PIDE, Isabelle/jEdit) from the official repository at http://isabelle.in.tum.de/repos/isabelle/.
The code here is structured as Eclipse projects to be compatible with Scala IDE. This is different from the official repository, which has the Scala source files located in different directories and brings them together using shell scripts.
The repository is mirrored by importing changesets from the main Isabelle Mercurial repository and relocating them to match the Scala IDE structure. Only changesets concerning Isabelle/Scala code are mirrored.
Import is performed by running the sync-isa-commits.sh
script in the repository folder and
indicating the location of a locally-cloned Isabelle Mercurial repository:
./sync-isa-commits.sh ISABELLE_HG_REPO_DIR [FROM_REV] [TO_REV]
and TO_REV
parameters are optional revision ranges (number-based) to import.
If they are omitted, the default range is from current repository revision to the tip
Note: commits regarding the restructuring of code are added with adjusted commit date to preserve development history dates. The actual mirroring started in March 2012.