This tool help to find logic bug using differential fuzzing accross multiple eth2 client implementation.
After setup and installation, your workspace should look as following:
├── beacon-fuzz
├── lighthouse
├── nimbus-eth2
├── prysm
└── teku
Clone this repository
git clone
Clone the repository of lighthouse:
git clone
Install nimbus dependencies:
sudo apt install libpcre3-dev
Clone the repository of nimbus and compile the nimbus fuzzing library:
git clone
cd nimbus-eth2
git checkout devel
NIMFLAGS="-d:disableLTO" make libnfuzz.a
Finally, set the following variable with the current path of nimbus:
export CARGO_NIMBUS_DIR=~/path/to/nimbus-eth2
Set the following variable with the current path of prysm:
export CARGO_PRYSM_DIR=beacon-fuzz/beaconfuzz_v2/libs
Install teku dependencies:
# Install Java 11 or greater
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk clang
# Ensure `JAVA_HOME` is set.
# (If `echo $JAVA_HOME` is displays no output) it should probably be set to something like:
export JAVA_HOME="$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -f $(command -v java))))"
Probably want to add it to your .profile
(This is /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
in ubuntu)
Add $JAVA_HOME/lib/server
to your runtime library path via either of the following methods:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$JAVA_HOME/lib/server"
This needs to be set at runtime - i.e. whenever you want to run the teku fuzzer, not when you're building it.
via ldconfig
echo "$JAVA_HOME/lib/server" >> /etc/
sudo ldconfig
Clone teku repository:
git clone --branch 0.12.9
to the root teku directory:
cd path/to/teku
BFUZZ_TEKU_DIR="$(realpath -e .)" && export BFUZZ_TEKU_DIR
Build teku:
cd teku
./gradlew installDist fuzz:build -x test --stacktrace
Compile the project using the Makefile
cd beacon-fuzz/beaconfuzz_v2
Install rust fuzzers:
cargo +nightly install cargo-fuzz
cargo +nightly install honggfuzz
Compile and run the fuzzers:
make fuzz_*
fuzz_attestation fuzz_block fuzz_proposer_slashing
fuzz_attestation-struct fuzz_block-struct fuzz_proposer_slashing-struct
fuzz_attester_slashing fuzz_deposit fuzz_voluntary_exit
fuzz_attester_slashing-struct fuzz_deposit-struct fuzz_voluntary_exit-struct
there is two differents kind of fuzzing targets:
: Mutation fuzzing using honggfuzzfuzz_*-struct
: structural fuzzing using libfuzzer + arbitrary
- You can pass libfuzzer flags using
cargo fuzz
likecargo fuzz run -- -help=1
- Useful:
to disable memory usage limits
- Useful:
- You can pass extra Java parameters via the
env var- This can be anything that you'd normally add as a flag when running a java program i.e.
java -XX:DumpLoadedClassList=hello.classlist hello.jar
- e.g.
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-Xmx6g -Xcheck:jni'
to set the max heap size for the JVM to 6GiB and do extra JNI parameter checking.
- This can be anything that you'd normally add as a flag when running a java program i.e.