The following format for contributes are as follows:
- variables.json
- query.sql
- output.json
SQL files can have variables in the query. When retrieving query file, ensure that you check the variables.json file first for any variables to inject into the query:
@app.route('/queries/<query_name>', methods=['GET'])
def query_by_name(query_name):
varibles = requests.get(RAW_VARS_URL.replace('{query_name}', query_name)).json()['variables']
query = requests.get(RAW_SQL_URL.replace('{query_name}', query_name)).text
# ensure that if there are vars, then inject them into the query
for key, value in varibles.items():
print(key, value)
query = query.replace('{' + key + '}', str(value))
return jsonify({
'query': query