Urban Obsidian Jay
In LMSR.sol::L70, TRUST_priceRatio and DISTRUST_priceRatio are all rounding down.
Thus the sum of these values could be 1e18-1
As a result, ReputationMarket.sol::L1003, TRUST_VotePrice + DISTRUST_VotePrice could be less than market.basePrice.
In Summary:
Are there any limitations on values set by admins (or other roles) in the codebase, including restrictions on array lengths?
- ...
- Must maintain LMSR invariant (yes + no price sum to 1)
However, the sum may not be one.
function _calcVotePrice(Market memory market, bool isPositive) private pure returns (uint256) {
// odds are in a ratio of N / 1e18
uint256 odds = LMSR.getOdds(
// multiply odds by base price to get price; divide by 1e18 to get price in wei
// round up for trust, down for distrust so that prices always equal basePrice
1003 odds.mulDiv(market.basePrice, 1e18, isPositive ? Math.Rounding.Floor : Math.Rounding.Ceil);
function getOdds(
uint256 yesVotes,
uint256 noVotes,
uint256 liquidityParameter,
bool isYes
) public pure returns (uint256 ratio) {
// Compute exponentials e^(yes/b) and e^(no/b)
(UD60x18 yesExp, UD60x18 noExp) = _getExponentials(yesVotes, noVotes, liquidityParameter);
// sumExp = e^(yes/b) + e^(no/b)
UD60x18 sumExp = yesExp.add(noExp);
// priceRatio = e^(yes/b)/(sumExp) if isYes, else e^(no/b)/(sumExp)
70 UD60x18 priceRatio = isYes ? yesExp.div(sumExp) : noExp.div(sumExp);
// Unwrap to get scaled ratio
ratio = unwrap(priceRatio);
For example: Assuming that : basePrice := 0.01e18, TRUST_priceRatio := 0.9e18-1, DISTRUST_priceRatio :=0.1e18. At this point, - TRUST_VotePrice = floor(TRUST_priceRatio * basePrice / 1e18) = 0.9e16 - 1. - DISTRUST_VotePrice = ceil(DISTRUST_priceRatio * basePrice / 1e18) = 0.1e16. As a result, TRUST_VotePrice + DISTRUST_VotePrice = 1e16 - 1 = basePrice - 1.
- UD60x18 priceRatio = isYes ? yesExp.div(sumExp) : noExp.div(sumExp);
+ UD60x18 priceRatio = isYes ? yesExp.div(sumExp) : 1e18 - yesExp.div(sumExp);