High Licorice Jellyfish
Users can Stop their earning power from being reduced by manipulating unclaimed rewards to block the bump mechanism. By front-running bump transactions in Ethereum and maintaining a specific unclaimed reward balance, users can keep reword accumulating with high earning powr .
The vulnerability arises because bumper tips are taken from the user's accumulatedrewards
. When a user becomes ineligible and their earning power drops to 0,when the oracles
change the earning power or admin set new calculator
. can prevent this by manipulating their unclaimed reward balance.In GovernanceStaker.sol
.a user could use the underflow to revert the function
function bumpEarningPower(
DepositIdentifier _depositId,
address _tipReceiver,
uint256 _requestedTip
) external virtual {
// underflow causes a revert if the requested tip is more than unclaimed rewards
if (_newEarningPower < deposit.earningPower && @>>>(_unclaimedRewards - _requestedTip) < maxBumpTip)
revert GovernanceStaker__InsufficientUnclaimedRewards();
//code .....
Using this attack : User earning power: 1000 (should reduce to 0) Accumulated rewards: 100 Required bumper tip: 15
- User monitors mempool for bump attempts
- When a bump is detected, front-run with the claim.
- Claim most rewards, and leave less than the required tip.
function _claimReward(DepositIdentifier _depositId, Deposit storage deposit, address _claimer) {
uint256 _reward = deposit.scaledUnclaimedRewardCheckpoint / SCALE_FACTOR;
uint256 _payout = _reward - 10; // Leave only 10 tokens
deposit.scaledUnclaimedRewardCheckpoint =
deposit.scaledUnclaimedRewardCheckpoint - (_reward * SCALE_FACTOR);
-Bump transaction fails,
// underflow causes a revert if the requested tip is more than unclaimed rewards
if (_newEarningPower < deposit.earningPower && @>>>(_unclaimedRewards - _requestedTip) < maxBumpTip)
revert GovernanceStaker__InsufficientUnclaimedRewards();
User keeps original high earning power, Continues earning at 1000 power instead of 0, the user could reapaet this prosses until the end of the reword duration .
Users maintain a high earning power indefinitely, Continue earning rewards at elevated rates even when ineligible,drain protocol rewards unfairly from legitimate users.
https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-11-tally/blob/main/staker/src/GovernanceStaker.sol#L471-L514 https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-11-tally/blob/main/staker/src/GovernanceStaker.sol#L710-L745
Manual Review
For earning power decreases (when _newEarningPower < deposit.earningPower), remove the tip.