Big Fuzzy Salmon
A check in GovernanceStaker.claimReward()
will always cause DOS if alterClaimer()
is ever used.
if (deposit.claimer != msg.sender && deposit.owner != msg.sender) {
revert GovernanceStaker__Unauthorized("not claimer or owner", msg.sender);
The purpose of alterClaimer()
is to grant a user the ability to change his deposit.claimer
/// @notice For an existing deposit, change the claimer account which has the right to
/// withdraw staking rewards.
/// @param _depositId Unique identifier of the deposit which will have its claimer altered.
/// @param _newClaimer Address of the new claimer.
/// @dev The new claimer may not be the zero address. The message sender must be the owner of
/// the deposit.
function alterClaimer(DepositIdentifier _depositId, address _newClaimer) external virtual {//@audit-issue using alterClaimer() will Dos claimReward()
Deposit storage deposit = deposits[_depositId];
_revertIfNotDepositOwner(deposit, msg.sender);
_alterClaimer(deposit, _depositId, _newClaimer);
When a user uses this function, he will not be able to successfully call GovernanceStaker.claimReward()
/// @notice Claim reward tokens earned by a given deposit. Message sender must be the claimer
/// address of the deposit. Tokens are sent to the claimer address.
/// @param _depositId Identifier of the deposit from which accrued rewards will be claimed.
/// @return Amount of reward tokens claimed, after the fee has been assessed.
function claimReward(DepositIdentifier _depositId) external virtual returns (uint256) {
Deposit storage deposit = deposits[_depositId];
if (deposit.claimer != msg.sender && deposit.owner != msg.sender) {//@audit
revert GovernanceStaker__Unauthorized("not claimer or owner", msg.sender);
return _claimReward(_depositId, deposit, msg.sender);
check the if statement which the @audit tag is on.. It will cause reverts when claimer is changed from original claimer which will be owner to a new address.
reverts in GovernanceStaker.claimReward()
Breaks core functionality of alterClaimer() because it can't be used. and if it is used GovernanceStaker.claimReward()
will revert
Manual Review
The alterClaimer()
function should be removed or the check in GovernanceStaker.claimReward()
should be changed to
if ( deposit.owner != msg.sender) {//@audit
revert GovernanceStaker__Unauthorized("not claimer or owner", msg.sender);