Nice Basil Panda
Rewards for clients distributed based of revenue they brought, but revenue is not being changed when buyer cancel his purchase
Here is a function that ditribute rewards which uses getSettlements
from auctionHouse
function updateRewardsForAuctions(uint32 lastNounId) public whenNotPaused {
uint256 startGas = gasleft();
RewardsStorage storage $ = _getRewardsStorage();
if (!$.auctionRewardsEnabled) revert RewardsDisabled();
bool sawValidClientId = false;
uint256 nextAuctionIdToReward_ = $.nextAuctionIdToReward;
if (lastNounId < nextAuctionIdToReward_ + $.auctionRewardParams.minimumAuctionsBetweenUpdates)
revert LastNounIdMustBeHigher();
$.nextAuctionIdToReward = lastNounId + 1;
--> INounsAuctionHouseV2.Settlement[] memory settlements = auctionHouse.getSettlements(
lastNounId + 1,
INounsAuctionHouseV2.Settlement memory lastSettlement = settlements[settlements.length - 1];
if (!(lastSettlement.nounId == lastNounId && lastSettlement.blockTimestamp > 1))
revert LastNounIdMustBeSettled();
uint32 maxClientId = nextTokenId() - 1;
ClientRewardsMemoryMapping.Mapping memory m = ClientRewardsMemoryMapping.createMapping({
maxClientId: maxClientId
for (uint256 i; i < settlements.length; ++i) {
INounsAuctionHouseV2.Settlement memory settlement = settlements[i];
if (settlement.clientId != 0 && settlement.clientId <= maxClientId) {
sawValidClientId = true;
-->, settlement.amount);
function getSettlements(
uint256 startId,
uint256 endId,
bool skipEmptyValues
) external view returns (Settlement[] memory settlements) {
for (uint256 id = startId; id < endId; ++id) {
settlementState = settlementHistory[id];
if (skipEmptyValues && settlementState.blockTimestamp <= 1) continue;
settlements[actualCount] = Settlement({
blockTimestamp: settlementState.blockTimestamp,
--> amount: uint64PriceToUint256(settlementState.amount),
winner: settlementState.winner,
nounId: id,
clientId: settlementState.clientId
contracts/NounsAuctionHouseV2.sol#L516 But client reward does decrease when user rage quit via cancel stream, since he withdraw some funds. But client's revenue is not being updated
function cancelStream(uint256 nounId) public {
require(isStreamActive(nounId), 'stream not active');
// transfer noun to treasury
nounsToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, nounsRecipient, nounId);
// cancel stream
streams[nounId].canceled = true;
Stream memory stream = streams[nounId];
ethStreamedPerTick -= stream.ethPerTick;
ethStreamEndingAtTick[stream.lastTick] -= stream.ethPerTick;
// calculate how much needs to be refunded
uint256 ticksLeft = stream.lastTick - currentTick;
uint256 amountToRefund = stream.ethPerTick * ticksLeft;
(bool sent, ) ={ value: amountToRefund }('');
require(sent, 'failed to send eth');
emit StreamCanceled(nounId, amountToRefund, ethStreamedPerTick);
2 scenarios
- user rageQuit
- settlement.amount * auctionRewardBps) / 10_000 > (_auction.amount * immediateTreasuryBPs) / 10_000
No response
Whenever this condition met settlement.amount * auctionRewardBps) / 10_000 > (_auction.amount * immediateTreasuryBPs) / 10_000
The user buys nft for (_auction.amount * immediateTreasuryBPs) / 10_000
immediately returns the NFT, later receives settlement.amount * auctionRewardBps) / 10_000
There are two impacts:
- Rewards are not being distributed fairly across clients whenever user ragequit due to client revenue not changing
- under certain internal conditions, clients can steal funds from system: (settlement.amount * auctionRewardBps) / 10_000 > (_auction.amount * immediateTreasuryBPs) / 10_000
No response
I think its should be the longer user vest the less rewards he should earn. If he forwards, he receives more rewards.
SettlementState storage settlementState = settlementHistory[_auction.nounId];
settlementState.blockTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp);
- settlementState.amount = ethPriceToUint64(_auction.amount);
+ settlementState.amount = ethPriceToUint64(amountToSendTreasury);
settlementState.winner = _auction.bidder;
if (_auction.clientId > 0) settlementState.clientId = _auction.clientId;
emit AuctionSettled(_auction.nounId, _auction.bidder, _auction.amount);
if (_auction.clientId > 0) emit AuctionSettledWithClientId(_auction.nounId, _auction.clientId);
+ function increaseSettlement(uint nounId, uint amoun) external onlyEscrow {
+ SettlementState storage settlementState = settlementHistory[nounId];
+ settlementState.amount = settlementState.amount + ethPriceToUint64(amoun);
+ }
function fastForwardStream(uint256 nounId, uint32 ticksToForward) public {
require(ticksToForward > 0, 'ticksToForward must be positive');
require(nounsToken.ownerOf(nounId) == msg.sender, 'not noun owner');
Stream memory stream = streams[nounId];
uint32 currentTick_ = currentTick;
require(isStreamActive(stream, currentTick_), 'stream not active');
// move last tick
require(ticksToForward <= stream.lastTick - currentTick_, 'ticksToFoward too large');
uint32 newLastTick = stream.lastTick - ticksToForward;
ethStreamEndingAtTick[stream.lastTick] -= stream.ethPerTick;
streams[nounId].lastTick = newLastTick;
if (newLastTick > currentTick_) {
// stream is still active, so register the new end tick
ethStreamEndingAtTick[newLastTick] += stream.ethPerTick;
} else {
// no more ticks left, so finished the stream
ethStreamedPerTick -= stream.ethPerTick;
uint256 ethToStream = ticksToForward * stream.ethPerTick;
+ auctionHouse.increaseSettlement(nounId, ethToStream);
emit StreamFastForwarded(nounId, ticksToForward, newLastTick, ethStreamedPerTick);