TypeScript Language Basics
- Basic Types
- Interfaces
- Classes
- Namespaces and Modules
- Functions
- Generics
- [[Common Errors]]
- [[Integrating with Build Tools]]
- [[Compiler Options]]
- [[tsconfig.json]]
TypeScript Language Advanced
- Mixins
- Declaration Merging
- Type Inference
- Type Compatibility
- [[JSX]]
- Writing Definition Files
- Typings for NPM packages
- [[What's new in TypeScript]]
- [[Roadmap]]
- [[Breaking Changes]]
- [[API Breaking Changes]]
TypeScript Contributors
- [[Contributing to TypeScript]]
- [[TypeScript Design Goals]]
- [[Coding Guidelines]]
- [[Spec conformance testing]]
- [[Useful Links for TypeScript Issue Management]]
- [[Writing Good Design Proposals]]
- [[Compiler Internals]]
Building Tools for TypeScript
- [[Architectural Overview]]
- [[Using the Compiler API]]
- [[Using the Language Service API]]
- [[Dev Mode in Visual Studio]]
- [[FAQs for API Consumers]]