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shahar603 edited this page Mar 6, 2020 · 8 revisions

Analysed webcast telemetry of rocket launches

Analysed webcast Telemetry From a Launch

Get only the analysed telemetry of a single launch.

Supply a launch provider using the company (see Company endpoint) parameter and identify the launch using flight_number, mission_id or launch_library_id query parameter. You can also ommit the company parameter by supplying only the launch_library_id query parameter.

Query format


Query Parameters

Param Sample Type Description
company spacex string The launch provider's name. Used for identification
mission_id crs-18 string Identification using the mission name (requires the company parameter)
flight_number 26 number Identification using the flight number from the launch provider's first flight (requires the company parameter
launch_library_id 1337 number Identification using the id used in the launch library API
start 45,maxq number,string Start time/event of the returned telemetry
end 419,meco number,string End time/event of the returned telemetry
start_offset 5,-6 number Time to add to the start field (or the time at the event)
end_offset 5,-6 number Time to add to the end field (or the time at the event)
event meco string Return only the telemetry at the moment of the event
event_offset 3,-2 number Time to add to the event field
frame_rate `215 number Frequency of the data points in the returned telemetry
interval 2 number Time between each data points in the returned telemetry
stage 1 number Return only telemetry from the given stage


Get the analysed webcast telemetry from SpaceX's 83rd flight (AMOS-17)


curl -s | jq


      "stage": 2,
      "telemetry": [
        { "time": 0, "velocity": 0.277, "altitude": 0, "velocity_y": -0.219, "velocity_x": 0.168, "acceleration": 10.698 "downrange_distance": 0, "angle": 90, "q": 0.046996480116054146 },
        { "time": 1, "velocity": 1.97, "altitude": 0.001, "velocity_y": 2.039, "velocity_x": -0.038, "acceleration": 11.285, "downrange_distance": 0, "angle": 90, "q": 2.3762015600538513 },
        { "time": 506, "velocity": 7424.372, "altitude": 163.85, "velocity_y": -32.707, "velocity_x": 7424.301, "acceleration": -0.016, "downrange_distance": 1585.22, "angle": -0.252, "q": 0 }

Fields in the analysed telemetry

Name Description
time Time since launch
velocity Velocity of the rocket
altitude Altitude of the rocket
velocity_y The vertical component of the velocity
velocity_x The horizontal component of the velocity
acceleration The acceleration of the rocket (without gravitational acceleration)
downrange_distance The rocket's distance from the launch pad
angle The velocity vector's angle (to the horizon)
q The aerodynamic pressure
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