Implements: ICollection<string>
Represents a collection of strings that is very efficient at retrieving all the stored words with a common prefix.
Initializes a new instance of Trie that is empty.
Trie(IEnumerable<string> collection)
Initializes a new instance of Trie that contains every item from the input collection.
int Count
Gets the number of elements contained in the Trie. Complexity: O(1)
void Add(string value)
Adds an element to the Trie. Complexity: O(L)
void Clear()
Removes all elements from the Trie.
void AddAll(IEnumerable<string> collection)
Adds the elements of the specified collection to the Trie. Complexity: O(N*L)
void CopyTo(string[] array, int arrayIndex)
Copies the elements of the Trie to an Array, starting at a particular Array index. Complexity: O(N*L)
bool Remove(string value)
Removes a specific element from the Trie. Complexity: O(L)
void RemoveAll(IEnumerable<string> collection)
Removes the elements of the specified collection from the Trie. Complexity: O(N*L)
bool Contains(string value)
Determines whether the Trie contains a specific value. Complexity: O(L)
bool ContainsAll(IEnumerable<string> collection)
Determines whether the Trie contains a specific collection of values. Complexity: O(N*L)
bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix)
Determines whether the Trie contains a specific prefix. Complexity: O(L)
string[] GetWithPrefix(string prefix)
Gets the strings stored in the Trie that begin with the chosen prefix. Complexity: O(N*L)
string[] ToArray()
Returns an Array containing all the elements stored in the Trie.