Playing audio books triggred by a RFID card powered by .NET Core running on a Raspberry Pi!
Inspired by the tonies box, the phoniebox project, and this amazing blog article I decided to build a self-made music box for my daughter, as well. Instead of using an existing software I implemented my own just to try out the cross-plattform functionality of .NET Core.
- The software inside the box runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+.
- Evertyhing is powered by an accu which gets loaded by an power adapter.
- There is a button to switch the whole box on and off.
- A RFID-reader is connected to the Raspberry Pi via USB and simply forwards the read IDs as keyboard input.
- The media files are stored on a 64GB usb stick. I am planning on switching to a bigger external disk as soon as the stick gets too full.
- The audio output is realized via some cheap USB speakers.
- There are five arcade buttons to control the box (volume up/down, next/previous track, play/pause).
The concept of the software is actually straight-forward. It waits for the ID of a RFID card to be entered, then looks to which folder the given ID is mapped, and then plays all included files as playlist. All the media-handling is based on libvlcsharp.
- Just pick an existing issue or file your own.
- Kaffee? :-)