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The Monoiad

an epic journey through monoids

mono+oid means one … oid. or maybe “one noid”?


  • compile this
  • show large graph of algebraic structures, then zoom in to monoid
    • monoid is kind of the powerhouse – massive strength to weight ratio, very common, not too complex, but has enough laws to be interesting.


Greg Pfeil


(right here)

Hiring Scala & Haskell devs (and many other roles) – if you find anything in this talk intriguing, you should talk to me about applying. Don’t let this talk dissuade you at all, though – understanding this is by no means a prerequisite for any position we have. (But my co-workers have certainly helped me work through some of these ideas).



name:                 monoiad
build-type:           Simple
cabal-version:        >=1.10

  exposed-modules:    Monoiad
                    , Monoiad.Isomorphic
                    , Monoiad.Category
                    , Monoiad.Instances.Add, Monoiad.Instances.Cartesian, Monoiad.Instances.CatCartesian, Monoiad.Instances.CatCocartesian, Monoiad.Instances.Cocartesian, Monoiad.Instances.Conjunction, Monoiad.Instances.Disjunction, Monoiad.Instances.First, Monoiad.Instances.Last, Monoiad.Instances.Max, Monoiad.Instances.Min, Monoiad.Instances.Multiply


default-extensions: AllowAmbiguousTypes,    ConstraintKinds
                  , ExistentialQuantification, FlexibleContexts
                  , FlexibleInstances,      InstanceSigs
                  , LambdaCase,             MultiParamTypeClasses
                  , PolyKinds,              RankNTypes
                  , TypeFamilies,           TypeOperators
                  , UndecidableInstances
build-depends:      base >=4.10 && <4.11, text
default-language:   Haskell2010
module Monoiad where

import Prelude hiding (Category(..), Monoid(..), product)

The Monoiad

monoid: a category with a single object

-ad: an epic poem, usually with a cyclical journey of discovery

monad: a monoid in the category of endofunctors

in media res

let nums = [8, 2, 4, 5, -2, 8, 3]
in fold nums


where do these answers come from?

foldr min maxBound nums
foldr max minBound nums
foldr (+) 0        nums
foldr (*) 1        nums

What’s a monoid?

in abstract algebra

class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: a

in abstract algebra

class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: a

associativity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
associativity x y z =
  product (product x y) z == product x (product y z)
leftIdentity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> Bool
leftIdentity x = product unit x == x
rightIdentity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> Bool
rightIdentity x = product x unit == x
fold :: Monoid a => [a] -> a
fold = foldr product unit
where the product is closed (total), associative, and the unit is both the left and right identity of the product

Ok, that’s everything. You totally get monoids now. Thanks for coming.

Some examples?


module Monoiad.Instances.Conjunction where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Bool where
  product = (&&)
  unit = True

-- True && (False && True) == False == (True && False) && True
-- False && True == False == True && False
module Monoiad.Instances.Disjunction where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Bool where
  product = (||)
  unit = False

-- True || (False || True) == True == (True || False) || True
-- True || False == True == False || True


module Monoiad.Instances.Add where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Int where
  product = (+)
  unit = 0

-- 4 + (2 + 3) == 9 == (4 + 2) + 3
-- 7 + 0 == 7 == 0 + 7
module Monoiad.Instances.Multiply where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Int where
  product = (*)
  unit = 1

-- 4 * (2 * 3) == 24 == (4 * 2) * 3
-- 7 * 1 == 7 == 1 * 7

Int (continued)

module Monoiad.Instances.Max where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Int where
  product = max
  unit = minBound

-- max 12 (max 7 32) == 32 == max (max 12 7) 32
-- max 26 minBound == 26 == max minBound 26
module Monoiad.Instances.Min where
import Monoiad
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid Int where
  product = min
  unit = maxBound

-- min 12 (min 7 32) == 7 == min (min 12 7) 32
-- min 26 maxBound == 26 == min maxBound 26


instance Monoid [Char] where
  product = (++)
  unit = ""

-- "mon" ++ ("oi" ++ "ad") == "monoiad" == ("mon" ++ "oi") ++ "ad"
-- "foo" ++ "" == "foo" == "" ++ "foo"

Why do we care?

  • concepts that transcend languages
  • monoids are at a “sweet spot”
  • concurrency


So, all of these things fit that trait I put up before, but let’s take a step back.

A ⊗ A → A η → A

∀x, y, z ∈ A (x ⊗ y) ⊗ z ≅ x ⊗ (y ⊗ z) η ⊗ x ≅ x ≅ x ⊗ η

(a, ⊗, μ)

This definition is a bit more abstract, and so maybe it can help us think of cases that aren’t quite instances of that type class.

And we weaken the equality of our laws to isomorphism. And what is isomorphism?

module Monoiad.Isomorphic where
import Data.Text
import Data.Void
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)

data Iso arr a b =
  Isomorphism { apply :: arr a b, unapply :: arr b a }

textToString :: Iso (->) Text String
textToString = Isomorphism unpack pack
"monoiad" /= ['m', 'o', 'n', 'o', 'i', 'a', 'd']

now we can do this …

class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: a

associativity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
associativity x y z =
  product (product x y) z == product x (product y z)
leftIdentity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> Bool
leftIdentity x = product unit x == x
leftIdentity :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => a -> Bool
leftIdentity x = product x unit == x

at the type level

class TMonoid (arr :: k -> k -> *) where
  type Product arr :: k -> k -> k
  type Unit arr :: k

at the type level

class TMonoid (arr :: k -> k -> *) where
  type Product arr :: k -> k -> k
  type Unit arr :: k

  associativity :: Iso arr (Product arr (Product arr a b) c)
                           (Product arr a (Product arr b c))
  leftIdentity :: Iso arr (Product arr (Unit arr) x) x

  rightIdentity :: Iso arr (Product arr x (Unit arr)) x

at the type level

module Monoiad.Instances.Cartesian where
import Monoiad.Isomorphic
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance TMonoid (->) where
  type Product (->) = (,)
  type Unit (->) = ()

  associativity :: Iso (->) ((a, b), c) (a, (b, c))
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  leftIdentity :: Iso (->) ((), a) a
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism snd ((,) ())
  rightIdentity :: Iso (->) (a, ()) a
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism fst (flip (,) ())

at the type level

module Monoiad.Instances.Cocartesian where
import Data.Void
import Monoiad.Isomorphic
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance TMonoid (->) where
  type Product (->) = Either
  type Unit (->) = Void

  associativity :: Iso (->) (Either (Either a b) c)
                            (Either a (Either b c))
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  leftIdentity :: Iso (->) (Either Void a) a
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism (either absurd id) Right
  rightIdentity :: Iso (->) (Either a Void) a
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism (either id absurd) Left

in category theory

module Monoiad.Category where
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Void
import Monoiad.Isomorphic hiding (Monoid(..))
import Prelude hiding (Monad(..), Monoid(..), product)
class Category arr where
  compose :: arr b c -> arr a b -> arr a c

  identity :: arr a a
instance Category (->) where
  compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
  compose f g = \x -> f (g x)
  identity :: a -> a
  identity = \x -> x

a category with one object

context.png (stolen from Emily Riehl’s Category Theory in Context)

monoid object in a monoidal category

monoids all the way down

Let’s take a step back to (*, Tuple2, Unit) and our original type class definition:
class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: a

monoids all the way down

but now let’s use the “proper” definition I mentioned …
class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: () -> a

monoids all the way down

and tweak it once more …
class Monoid a where
  product :: (a, a) -> a
  unit :: () -> a

monoids all the way down

and tweak it once more …
class Monoid a where
  product :: (a, a) -> a
  unit :: () -> a
instance TMonoid (->) where
  type Product (->) = (,)
  type Unit (->) = ()

monoids all the way down

Do you notice anything?

The argument to each function is respectively the Product and Unit of our type-level Cartesian instance.

So, we can make that explicit …

class TMonoid arr => Monoid arr a where
  product :: arr (Product arr a a) a
  unit :: arr (Unit arr) a
instance Monoid (->) Bool where
  product p = fst p && snd p
  unit _ = True
instance Monoid (->) a where
  product :: Either a a -> a
  product = either id id
  unit :: Void -> a
  unit = absurd
So now we have some notion of “a monoid object in a type-level monoid”, yeah?


class Category arr where
  compose :: arr b c -> arr a b -> arr a c

  identity :: arr a a

monoidal categories

type MonoidalCategory arr = (TMonoid arr, Category arr)

monoid object in a monoidal category

class MonoidalCategory arr => Monoid arr a where
  product :: arr (Product arr a a) a
  unit :: arr (Unit arr) a
module Monoiad.Instances.CatCartesian where
import Monoiad.Category
import Monoiad.Instances.Cartesian
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid (->) Bool where
  product p = fst p && snd p
  unit _ = True
module Monoiad.Instances.CatCocartesian where
import Data.Void
import Monoiad.Category
import Monoiad.Instances.Cocartesian
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Monoid (->) a where
  product = either id id
  unit :: Void -> a
  unit = absurd

other monoidal categories


newtype Op arr a b = Op { unOp :: arr b a }

instance Category arr => Category (Op arr) where
  compose f g = Op (compose (unOp g) (unOp f))
  identity = Op identity

instance TMonoid arr => TMonoid (Op arr) where
  type Product (Op arr) = Product arr
  type Unit (Op arr) = Unit arr

  associativity = Isomorphism (Op (unapply associativity))
                              (Op (apply associativity))
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism (Op (unapply leftIdentity))
                             (Op (apply leftIdentity))
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism (Op (unapply rightIdentity))
                              (Op (apply rightIdentity))


instance Monoid (Op (->)) a where
  -- :: a -> (a, a)
  product = Op (\x -> (x, x))
  -- :: a -> ()
  unit = Op (const ())
This is mostly useful in a language with linear types. So, a comonoid (or in general, any co-thing) is a monoid in the opposite (or dual) category.

type constructors

Unfortunately, Scala doesn’t make it easy to abstract over all of these things, but we can use some consistent naming to approximate it.
  • ([*] → *,, cats.Identity)

Compose[F[_], G[_], A] ≅ F[G[A]] Identity[A] ≅ A

Compose[Compose[List, Set, ?], Maybe, ?] ≅ Compose[List, Compose[Set, Maybe, ?], ?] // ≅ List[Set[Maybe[A]]] Compose[Identity, List, ?] ≅ List ≅ Compose[List, Identity, ?]

This has been happening behind the scenes mostly so far, but we’ll discuss it now as we start to use it in earnest.

{-# language PolyKinds #-}
We will stare at this slide for a while … maybe bounce between it and TMonoid a few times to understand the parallel.
data (f :: * -> *) ~> (g :: * -> *) =
  NT { unNT :: forall a. f a -> g a }

instance TMonoid (~>) where
  type Product (~>) = Compose
  type Unit (~>) = Identity

  -- Compose (Compose f g) h ≅ Compose f (Compose g h)
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  -- Compose Identity F ≅ F ≅ Compose F Identity
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism (NT (runIdentity . getCompose))
                             (NT (Compose . Identity))
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism undefined undefined


“a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors”

type Monad m = (Functor m, Monoid (~>) m)
-- product :: forall a. Compose m m a -> m a -- join
-- unit :: forall a. Identity a -> m a       -- return

mjoin :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
mjoin = unNT product . Compose
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
return = unNT unit . Identity
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ma >>= f = mjoin (fmap f ma)
And here, we’ll have to specialize MonoidF to Monad, and then show how flatMap can be implemented … and explain why we get map “for free”.

Too Many Monoids!

They’re easy to create out of thin air.
module Monoiad.Instances.First where
import Monoiad.Category
import Monoiad.Instances.Cartesian
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Eq a => Monoid (->) a where
  product (x, y) = if x == unit () then y else x
  unit = undefined -- any value of type `a`
module Monoiad.Instances.Last where
import Monoiad.Category
import Monoiad.Instances.Cartesian
import Prelude hiding (Monoid(..), product)
instance Eq a => Monoid (->) a where
  product (x, y) = if y == unit () then x else y
  unit = undefined -- any value of type `a`
Basically, anything you might pass to foldRight.

“strengthening” monoids

digraph "" {

  Monoid [style=bold]

  Semigroup -> magma
  quasigroup -> magma [color=orange]
  loop -> quasigroup [color=red]
  CommutativeSemigroup -> Semigroup [color=blue]
  Monoid -> Semigroup [color=red]
  Band -> Semigroup [color=purple]
  CommutativeMonoid -> CommutativeSemigroup [color=red]
  CommutativeMonoid -> Monoid [color=blue]
  Semilattice -> CommutativeSemigroup [color=purple]
  Semilattice -> Band [color=blue]
  Group -> Monoid [color=orange]
  Group -> loop
  CommutativeGroup -> Group [color=blue]
  CommutativeGroup -> CommutativeMonoid [color=orange]
  BoundedSemilattice -> Semilattice [color=red]
  BoundedSemilattice -> CommutativeMonoid [color=purple]
  • associativity – black
  • identity – red
  • commutativity – +, *, max (but not String concatenation) – blue
  • idempotency – max, mix (but not +, *) – purple
  • invertible – + for ℤ (but not for ℕ) – orange

renaming monoids

  • Monad (kind polymorphism)
  • Alternative (quantified constraints)
  • Comonoid

relating monoids

As we’ve already seen, you often have multiple instances for a single type. This is a pretty contentious aspect of type classes. There are a number of approaches for dealing with this, and I’m not here to advocate for any of them in particular. But I am here to show that they’re not just “different” instances, but rather a set of instances that have particular relationshps to each other.


A ring without “negation” (i.e., no subtraction)
newtype Additive arr a b = Add { sum :: arr a b }
newtype Multiplicative arr a b = Multiply { prod :: arr a b }

class (TMonoid (Additive arr), TMonoid (Multiplicative arr)) => TRig arr where
  type Add arr a b
  type Add arr a b = Product (Additive arr) a b
  type Zero arr
  type Zero arr = Unit (Additive arr)
  type Multiply arr a b
  type Multiply arr a b = Product (Multiplicative arr) a b
  type One arr
  type One arr = Unit (Multiplicative arr)


  :: Iso arr (Multiply arr a (Add arr b c))
             (Add arr (Multiply arr a b) (Multiply arr a c))
leftAnnihilate :: Iso arr (Multiply arr (Zero arr) a) (Zero arr)
rightAnnihilate :: Iso arr (Multiply arr a (Zero arr)) (Zero arr)
type RigCategory arr = (TRig arr, Category arr)


instance TMonoid (Additive (->)) where
  type Product (Additive (->)) = Either
  type Unit (Additive (->)) = Void
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism (Add (either absurd id)) (Add Right)
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism (Add (either id absurd)) (Add Left)

instance TMonoid (Multiplicative (->)) where
  type Product (Multiplicative (->)) = (,)
  type Unit (Multiplicative (->)) = ()
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism (Multiply snd) (Multiply ((,) ()))
  rightIdentity =
    Isomorphism (Multiply fst) (Multiply (flip (,) ()))


instance TRig (->) where
  distribute :: Iso (->) (a, Either b c) (Either (a, b) (a, c))
  distribute = Isomorphism
        (a, Left b) -> Left (a, b)
        (a, Right c) -> Right (a, c))
        Left (a, b) -> (a, Left b)
        Right (a, c) -> (a, Right c))
  leftAnnihilate :: Iso (->) (Void, a) Void
  leftAnnihilate = Isomorphism fst absurd
  rightAnnihilate :: Iso (->) (a, Void) Void
  rightAnnihilate = Isomorphism snd absurd


A pair of bounded semilattices, where each distributes over the other, and each identity annihilates the other. You can actually extract two rigs out of this – one each with the meet and join being either position.
newtype Meet a = Meet { meet' :: a }
newtype Join a = Join { join' :: a }

class ( MonoidalCategory arr
      , Monoid arr (Meet l), Monoid arr (Join l)
      ) => BoundedLattice arr l where
  meet :: arr (Product k l l) l
  minimum :: arr (Unit k) l
  join :: arr (Product k l l) l
  maximum :: arr (Unit k) l


newtype Diamond arr a b = Diamond { diamond :: arr a b }
newtype Star arr a b = Star { star :: arr a b }

class (TMonoid (Diamond arr), TMonoid (Star arr)) => TDuoid arr where
  type ProductD arr :: k -> k -> k
  type ProductD arr = Product (Diamond arr)
  type UnitD arr :: k
  type UnitD arr = Unit (Diamond arr)
  type ProductS arr :: k -> k -> k
  type ProductS arr = Product (Star arr)
  type UnitS arr :: k
  type UnitS arr = Unit (Star arr)


swap :: arr (ProductD arr (ProductS arr a b) (ProductS arr c d))
            (ProductS arr (ProductD arr a c) (ProductD arr b d))
split :: arr (UnitD arr) (ProductS arr (UnitD arr) (UnitD arr))
merge :: arr (ProductD arr (UnitS arr) (UnitS arr)) (UnitS arr)
switch :: arr (UnitD arr) (UnitS arr)


data Day f g c = forall a b. Day (a -> b -> c)   (f a)  (g b)
--    liftA2 :: Applicative f => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c

instance TMonoid (Diamond (~>)) where
  type Product (Diamond (~>)) = Day
  type Unit (Diamond (~>)) = (->) ()
  associativity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism undefined undefined

instance TMonoid (Star (~>)) where
  type Product (Star (~>)) = Compose
  type Unit (Star (~>)) = Identity
  associativity = undefined undefined
  leftIdentity = Isomorphism undefined undefined
  rightIdentity = Isomorphism undefined undefined


instance TDuoid (~>) where
  swap :: Day (Compose f g) (Compose h i)
       ~> Compose (Day f h) (Day g i)
  swap = undefined
  split :: (->) () ~> Compose ((->) ()) ((->) ())
  split = undefined
  merge :: Day Identity Identity ~> Identity
  merge = undefined
  switch :: (->) () ~> Identity
  switch = NT (\f -> Identity (f ()))

other duoids

  • parallel & sequential applicative instances
  • overlay & connect algebraic graph operations


  • bimonoids
  • meadow
  • tropical semiring
  • boolean algebra(?)

and back home again

class Category arr where
  compose :: arr b c -> arr a b -> arr a c
  identity :: arr a a

and back home again

class Category arr where
  compose :: arr b c -> arr a b -> arr a c
  identity :: arr a a
class Monoid a where
  product :: a -> a -> a
  unit :: a

and back home again

class Category arr where
  compose :: forall a b. (forall z. (arr z b, arr a z)) -> arr a b
  identity :: arr a a
class Monoid a where
  product :: (a, a) -> a
  unit :: a


  • a monoid is some closed associative operation with an identity
  • monoids show up everywhere (and way too often)
  • we can best understand “important” monoids in terms of
    • what additional properties they have
    • how they relate to other monoids
  • monoids are often hidden behind other interpretations

