- 1.8 11/13/88
- correct processing of control characters
- 1.71 11/23/87
- added option for font selection
- changed margin to accept 1 digit
- 1.7 10/05/87
- added options for orientation, margins, and tabs
- changed title format
- 1.6l 06/19/86
- expand tabs and use HP LJ printer codes
- fine tune cpi and lpi
- use Int 17h for quicker printing
- 1.5 06/13/86
- minimal changes for HP LaserJet
- 1.4 08/14/85
- account for TABs and long lines
- remove Int 17h due to bad spoolers
- 1.2 09/12/84
- 1.1 04 27/84