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There are six statistical companions to the robustness experiment reported on in Section 4, one for each replication/ model:

In addition, there is an experiment package for reproducing and replicating a) the robustness experiment (for all models) and b) the original ASE'13 experiment (baseline).


(for executing the JMetal experiments)

  • Java SDK 1.7
  • Apache Ant 1.9.6

(for re-generating the companion)

  • R 3.3.1 plus rmarkdown package
  • Pandoc 1.12.3+

Preparatory steps

  • Clone the repo or download its content.

  • cd replication/

  • Make sure that JAVA_HOME is set, e.g.:

    export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`
  • ant clean

How to reproduce and replicate

Robustness experiment (Section IV)

This is how to re-run each of the seven robustness experiments (ToyBox, axTLS):

(There are four factor combinations, each requires a separate experimental run.)

  1. ant run -Dspl=Ptoybox1of3 -Dname=normal-F -Ddatabed=Ptoybox1of3-normal-15-F -Drepeats=50 -Dalgo=IBEA (normal distribution, without feature interactions)
  2. ant run -Dspl=Ptoybox1of3 -Dname=normal-FI100 -Ddatabed=Ptoybox1of3-normal-15-FI100 -Drepeats=50 -Dalgo=IBEA (normal distribution, with feature interactions)
  3. ant run -Dspl=Ptoybox1of3 -Dname=x264-F -Ddatabed=Ptoybox1of3-normal-15-F -Drepeats=50 -Dalgo=IBEA (x264 distribution, without feature interactions)
  4. ant run -Dspl=Ptoybox1of3 -Dname=x264-FI100 -Ddatabed=Ptoybox1of3-normal-15-FI100 -Drepeats=50 -Dalgo=IBEA (x264 distribution, with feature interactions)
  5. Collect the results from the four newly created sub-directories: normal-F, normal-FI100, x264-F, and x264-FI100

Repeat the above steps for the following pairwise combinations of JMetal problem classes and databeds:

ASE'13 experiment (exact)

  1. ant run (Note: The defaults correspond to the ASE'13 study setting.)
  2. Collect the results from a newly created sub-directory NSGAIIDMStudy.

How to collect measurement data

The Ant runs result in JMetal 4 output directories (-Dname=<outdir>) containing the measurement data on Hypervolume (HV), PCORRECT, TimeTo50C, and TimeToAnyC. To facilitate data postprocessing and analysis, there is a helper to turn the nested dir/file structures into one R data frame (in long format):

Rscript data/collect.R <outdir> <csv>


Rscript data/collect.R x264-FI100 x264-FI100.csv

The resulting CSV file can be sourced using read.table & friends in R.


The original setup by Sayyad et al. is a customized and extended fork of JMetal 4.0 (as released in 2011). To allow us to run a differentiated replication, as well as to parametrize the experimental runs without the need for modifying the Java sources directly, we contributed the following changes:


(For each model/problem, there is one Java class and the four databeds.)


  • NSGAIIDMStudy: Has been modified to process Ant parameters, rather than setting hard-coded values on heuristics, data files (attribute-value data, true Pareto fronts), and output locations (diff).
