diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fb2214df..3434d6e8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -84,30 +84,30 @@ Re-run the analysis: [Launch processing](#launch-processing)
## Training
-### create_training_joblib.py
-The function creates a joblib that allocates data from the testing set of the SCT model to the testing set of the ivadomed model. The output (new_splits.joblib) needs to be assigned on the config.json in the field "split_dataset": {"fname_split": new_splits.joblib"}.
-Multiple datasets (BIDS folders) can be used as input for the creation of the joblib. The same list should be assigned on the config.json file in the path_data field.
-### compare_with_sct_model.py
-The comparison is being done by running `sct_deepseg_sc` on every subject/contrast that was used in the testing set on ivadomed.
-One thing to note, is that the SCT scores have been marked after the usage of the function `sct_get_centerline` and cropping around this prior.
-In order to make a fair comparison, the ivadomed model needs to be tested on a testing set that has the centerline precomputed.
-The function `compare_with_sct_model.py` prepares the dataset for this comparison by using `sct_get_centerline` on the images and using this prior on the TESTING set.
+### config_generator.py
+The script helps create joblibs that are going to represent splits of our dataset. It will create a joblibs
folder containing the data split for each sub-experiment (i.e. hard_hard, soft_soft ...). The way we leverage the aforementioned python script is by running the bash script utils/create_joblibs.sh
that will execute the following command for each sub-experiment:
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/hard_hard.json \
+ --datasets path/to/data
+ --ofolder path/to/joblib \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+ --seeds 15
+in which one has to specify the config template for the sub-experiment, the dataset path, the joblibs output folder, the contrasts used for the experiment and the random generation seed(s) respectively.
-The output folder will contain as many folders as inputs are given to `compare_with_sct_model.py`, with the suffix SCT. These folders "siumulate" output folders from ivadomed (they contain evaluation3dmetrics.csv files) in order to use violinpolots visualizations from the script `visualize_and_compare_testing_models.py`
+### training_scripts
+Once the joblibs describing how the data is split are generated, one can start training the different models within a sub-experiment. Notice that there are 3 folders in training_scripts
, 2 of them are related to a specific MTS contrast and the last one is used to train models with the other contrasts. This flaw is due to the incompatibility of ivadomed's dataloader dealing with MTS contrasts properly, at the time of writing. We expect to address this problem in the next months so we can have a single bash script executing all the training experiments smoothly.
+For clarity, we go over a few examples about how to use the current training scripts.
+1. One wants to train MTS contrast-specific models. Then choose the right MTS contrast acq-MTon_MTS
or acq-T1w_MTS
and run the associated bash script.
+2. One wants to train contrast-specific (without MTS) models AND generalist models (including MTS) then run the bash script in training_scripts/all/training_run.sh
+All training runs are using the ivadomed's framework and logging training metrics in a results
folder (optionally with wandb).
+### inference.sh
+Once the models are trained, one can use the evaluation/inference.sh
bash script to segment SC for tests participants and qualitatively analyze the results. Again like in all bash scripts mentioned in this project, one has to change a few parameters to adapt to one's environment (e.g. dataset path ...).
-Problems with this approach:
-1. _centerline.nii.gz derivatives for the testing set files are created in the database
-2. The order that processes need to be done might confuse people a bit:
- i. Joblib needs to be created
- ii. The ivadomed model needs to be trained
- iii. compare_with_sct_model script needs to run
- iv. The ivadomed model needs to be tested
+### Evaluation on spine-generic-multi-subject (MICCAI 2023)
+Once the inference is done for all models and to reproduce the results presented in our paper, one would have to run the compute_evaluation_metrics.py
after specifying the experiment folder paths inside that python script. A spine-generic-test-results
folder will be created, in which a json file with the DICE and Relative Volume Difference (RVD) metrics for each experiments on the test set. To obtain the aggregated results **per_contrast** and **all_contrast**, run the miccai_results_models.py
script. It generates aggregated results by the aforementioned category of models and the associated Latex table used in the paper.
## Compute CSA on prediction masks
diff --git a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_all.json b/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_all.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 62edfe8d..00000000
--- a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_all.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- "command": "train",
- "gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_all_output",
- "model_name": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_all_model",
- "debugging": true,
- "object_detection_params": {
- "object_detection_path": null,
- "safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- },
- "loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
- "subject_selection": {
- "n": [],
- "metadata": [],
- "value": []
- },
- "target_suffix": ["_seg-manual"],
- "extensions": [".nii.gz"],
- "roi_params": {
- "suffix": null,
- "slice_filter_roi": null
- },
- "contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T1w", "T2w", "T2star"],
- "testing": ["T1w", "T2w", "T2star"],
- "balance": {}
- },
- "patch_filter_params": {
- "filter_empty_mask": true,
- "filter_empty_input": true
- },
- "slice_axis": "axial",
- "multichannel": false,
- "soft_gt": false
- },
- "split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": "super_duper_seg_sc_all_output/split_datasets.joblib",
- "random_seed": 42,
- "center_test": [],
- "method": "per_patient",
- "balance": null,
- "train_fraction": 0.6,
- "test_fraction": 0.2
- },
- "training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
- "loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
- },
- "training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
- "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
- },
- "scheduler": {
- "initial_lr": 1e-3,
- "lr_scheduler": {
- "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
- "max_lr": 1e-3
- }
- },
- "balance_samples": {
- "applied": false,
- "type": "gt"
- },
- "mixup_alpha": null,
- "transfer_learning": {
- "retrain_model": null,
- "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
- "reset": true
- }
- },
- "default_model": {
- "name": "Unet",
- "dropout_rate": 0.3,
- "bn_momentum": 0.1,
- "depth": 4,
- "is_2d": false,
- "final_activation": "sigmoid"
- },
- "Modified3DUNet": {
- "applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "attention": false,
- "n_filters": 8
- },
- "uncertainty": {
- "epistemic": false,
- "aleatoric": false,
- "n_it": 0
- },
- "postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5}
- },
- "evaluation_parameters": {},
- "transformation": {
- "Resample": {
- "hspace": 1,
- "wspace": 1,
- "dspace": 1
- },
- "CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
- },
- "RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
- "scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "ElasticTransform": {
- "alpha_range": [25.0, 35.0],
- "sigma_range": [3.5, 5.5],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomGamma": {
- "log_gamma_range": [-1.0, 1.0],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBiasField": {
- "coefficients": 0.5,
- "order": 3,
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBlur": {
- "sigma_range": [0.0, 2.0],
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "NumpyToTensor": {},
- "NormalizeInstance": {
- "applied_to": ["im"]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2star.json b/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2star.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f130b70a..00000000
--- a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2star.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- "command": "train",
- "gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t2star_output",
- "model_name": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t2star_model",
- "debugging": true,
- "object_detection_params": {
- "object_detection_path": null,
- "safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- },
- "loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
- "subject_selection": {
- "n": [],
- "metadata": [],
- "value": []
- },
- "target_suffix": ["_seg-manual"],
- "extensions": [".nii.gz"],
- "roi_params": {
- "suffix": null,
- "slice_filter_roi": null
- },
- "contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T2star"],
- "testing": ["T2star"],
- "balance": {}
- },
- "patch_filter_params": {
- "filter_empty_mask": true,
- "filter_empty_input": true
- },
- "slice_axis": "axial",
- "multichannel": false,
- "soft_gt": false
- },
- "split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2star_output/split_datasets.joblib",
- "random_seed": 42,
- "center_test": [],
- "method": "per_patient",
- "balance": null,
- "train_fraction": 0.6,
- "test_fraction": 0.2
- },
- "training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
- "loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
- },
- "training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
- "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
- },
- "scheduler": {
- "initial_lr": 1e-3,
- "lr_scheduler": {
- "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
- "max_lr": 1e-3
- }
- },
- "balance_samples": {
- "applied": false,
- "type": "gt"
- },
- "mixup_alpha": null,
- "transfer_learning": {
- "retrain_model": null,
- "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
- "reset": true
- }
- },
- "default_model": {
- "name": "Unet",
- "dropout_rate": 0.3,
- "bn_momentum": 0.1,
- "depth": 4,
- "is_2d": false,
- "final_activation": "sigmoid"
- },
- "Modified3DUNet": {
- "applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "attention": false,
- "n_filters": 8
- },
- "uncertainty": {
- "epistemic": false,
- "aleatoric": false,
- "n_it": 0
- },
- "postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5}
- },
- "evaluation_parameters": {},
- "transformation": {
- "Resample":
- {
- "hspace": 1,
- "wspace": 1,
- "dspace": 1
- },
- "CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
- },
- "RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
- "scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "ElasticTransform": {
- "alpha_range": [25.0, 35.0],
- "sigma_range": [3.5, 5.5],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomGamma": {
- "log_gamma_range": [-1.0, 1.0],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBiasField": {
- "coefficients": 0.5,
- "order": 3,
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBlur": {
- "sigma_range": [0.0, 2.0],
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "NumpyToTensor": {},
- "NormalizeInstance": {
- "applied_to": ["im"]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2w.json b/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2w.json
deleted file mode 100644
index aa227486..00000000
--- a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t2w.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- "command": "train",
- "gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t2w_output",
- "model_name": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t2w_model",
- "debugging": true,
- "object_detection_params": {
- "object_detection_path": null,
- "safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- },
- "loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
- "subject_selection": {
- "n": [],
- "metadata": [],
- "value": []
- },
- "target_suffix": ["_seg-manual"],
- "extensions": [".nii.gz"],
- "roi_params": {
- "suffix": null,
- "slice_filter_roi": null
- },
- "contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T2w"],
- "testing": ["T2w"],
- "balance": {}
- },
- "patch_filter_params": {
- "filter_empty_mask": true,
- "filter_empty_input": true
- },
- "slice_axis": "axial",
- "multichannel": false,
- "soft_gt": false
- },
- "split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2w_output/split_datasets.joblib",
- "random_seed": 42,
- "center_test": [],
- "method": "per_patient",
- "balance": null,
- "train_fraction": 0.6,
- "test_fraction": 0.2
- },
- "training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
- "loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
- },
- "training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
- "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
- },
- "scheduler": {
- "initial_lr": 1e-3,
- "lr_scheduler": {
- "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
- "max_lr": 1e-3
- }
- },
- "balance_samples": {
- "applied": false,
- "type": "gt"
- },
- "mixup_alpha": null,
- "transfer_learning": {
- "retrain_model": null,
- "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
- "reset": true
- }
- },
- "default_model": {
- "name": "Unet",
- "dropout_rate": 0.3,
- "bn_momentum": 0.1,
- "depth": 4,
- "is_2d": false,
- "final_activation": "sigmoid"
- },
- "Modified3DUNet": {
- "applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "attention": false,
- "n_filters": 8
- },
- "uncertainty": {
- "epistemic": false,
- "aleatoric": false,
- "n_it": 0
- },
- "postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5}
- },
- "evaluation_parameters": {},
- "transformation": {
- "Resample":
- {
- "hspace": 1,
- "wspace": 1,
- "dspace": 1
- },
- "CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
- },
- "RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
- "scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "ElasticTransform": {
- "alpha_range": [25.0, 35.0],
- "sigma_range": [3.5, 5.5],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomGamma": {
- "log_gamma_range": [-1.0, 1.0],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBiasField": {
- "coefficients": 0.5,
- "order": 3,
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBlur": {
- "sigma_range": [0.0, 2.0],
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "NumpyToTensor": {},
- "NormalizeInstance": {
- "applied_to": ["im"]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T1w_seed=15.json b/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T1w_seed=15.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9577f9e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T1w_seed=15.json
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ "command": "train",
+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
+ "path_output": "hard_hard_T1w_seed=15",
+ "model_name": "hard_hard_T1w_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-8",
+ "run_name": "hard_hard_T1w_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
+ "roi_params": {
+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
+ "contrast_params": {
+ "training_validation": [
+ "T1w"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "T1w"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
+ "patch_filter_params": {
+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_T1w_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
+ "training_parameters": {
+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
+ "uncertainty": {
+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "evaluation_parameters": {},
+ "transformation": {
+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
+ "CenterCrop": {
+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomAffine": {
+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ElasticTransform": {
+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomGamma": {
+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBiasField": {
+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T2star_seed=15.json b/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T2star_seed=15.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a989238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/miccai2023/hard_hard_T2star_seed=15.json
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ "command": "train",
+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
+ "path_output": "hard_hard_T2star_seed=15",
+ "model_name": "hard_hard_T2star_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "T2star"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "hard_hard_T2w_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_T2w_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 2
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "hard_hard_all_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "run_name": "hard_hard_all_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
+ "patch_filter_params": {
+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/all/split_datasets_all_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "evaluation_parameters": {},
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/tests/split_datasets_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
+ "uncertainty": {
+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 1
+ ],
+ "path_output": "hard_hard_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15",
+ "model_name": "hard_hard_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15",
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
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+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/T1w_MTS/split_datasets_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "hard_hard_rec-average_dwi_seed=15",
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": false
+ },
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
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+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T1w"
+ ],
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+ "T1w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "balance": null,
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_T2w_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
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+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 2
+ ],
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+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "run_name": "hard_soft_all_seed=15",
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+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/all/split_datasets_all_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/tests/split_datasets_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 1
+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "hard_soft_rec-average_dwi_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "group_name": "group-8",
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_seg-manual"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_rec-average_dwi_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T1w"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "T1w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_T1w_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "balance": null,
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "object_detection_path": null,
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "evaluation_parameters": {},
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 2
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "meanGT_hard_all_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
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+ "run_name": "meanGT_hard_all_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
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+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/all/split_datasets_all_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
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+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
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+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
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+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "meanGT_hard_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15",
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "fname_split": "joblibs/tests/split_datasets_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
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+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 1
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "meanGT_hard_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15",
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/T1w_MTS/split_datasets_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ 0
+ ],
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+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ "dwi"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_rec-average_dwi_seed=15.joblib",
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+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "DiceLoss"
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": 0.5
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "T1w"
+ ],
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+ "T1w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
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+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ ],
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+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
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+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "object_detection_path": null,
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
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+ "T2star"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
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+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
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+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
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+ },
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+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "depth": 4,
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+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ 48,
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+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ ],
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+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
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+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
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+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
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+ ],
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+ },
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ "T2w"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ },
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+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
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+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
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+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
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+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "depth": 4,
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+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
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+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ ]
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
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+ "value": []
+ },
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+ "_softseg"
+ ],
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+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ "T1w",
+ "T2w",
+ "T2star",
+ "dwi",
+ "MTS"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
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+ },
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+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
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+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
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+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
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+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "Unet",
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+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
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+ "applied": true,
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
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+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
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+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
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+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
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+ "fill_holes": {},
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+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
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+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
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+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
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+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
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+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBiasField": {
+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "meanGT_soft_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-9",
+ "run_name": "meanGT_soft_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/tests/split_datasets_flip-1_mt-on_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
+ "training_parameters": {
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+ "loss": {
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.0005,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
+ "uncertainty": {
+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
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+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 1
+ ],
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+ "model_name": "meanGT_soft_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "group_name": "group-9",
+ "run_name": "meanGT_soft_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
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+ "training_validation": [
+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "MTS"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
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+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/MTS/T1w_MTS/split_datasets_flip-2_mt-off_MTS_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
+ "training_parameters": {
+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
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+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
+ "uncertainty": {
+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "evaluation_parameters": {},
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+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
+ "CenterCrop": {
+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ElasticTransform": {
+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBiasField": {
+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
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+ "gpu_ids": [
+ 0
+ ],
+ "path_output": "meanGT_soft_rec-average_dwi_seed=15",
+ "model_name": "meanGT_soft_rec-average_dwi_seed=15",
+ "debugging": true,
+ "object_detection_params": {
+ "object_detection_path": null,
+ "safety_factor": [
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ]
+ },
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+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-8",
+ "run_name": "meanGT_soft_rec-average_dwi_seed=15",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
+ "loader_parameters": {
+ "path_data": [
+ "/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"
+ ],
+ "subject_selection": {
+ "n": [],
+ "metadata": [],
+ "value": []
+ },
+ "target_suffix": [
+ "_softseg"
+ ],
+ "extensions": [
+ ".nii.gz"
+ ],
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+ "suffix": null,
+ "slice_filter_roi": null
+ },
+ "contrast_params": {
+ "training_validation": [
+ "dwi"
+ ],
+ "testing": [
+ "dwi"
+ ],
+ "balance": {}
+ },
+ "patch_filter_params": {
+ "filter_empty_mask": true,
+ "filter_empty_input": true
+ },
+ "slice_axis": "axial",
+ "multichannel": false,
+ "soft_gt": true
+ },
+ "split_dataset": {
+ "fname_split": "joblibs/group-8/split_datasets_rec-average_dwi_seed=15.joblib",
+ "center_test": [],
+ "method": "per_patient",
+ "balance": null,
+ "train_fraction": 0.6,
+ "test_fraction": 0.2
+ },
+ "training_parameters": {
+ "batch_size": 8,
+ "loss": {
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
+ },
+ "training_time": {
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
+ "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
+ },
+ "scheduler": {
+ "initial_lr": 0.001,
+ "lr_scheduler": {
+ "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
+ "base_lr": 0.0001,
+ "max_lr": 0.001
+ }
+ },
+ "balance_samples": {
+ "applied": false,
+ "type": "gt"
+ },
+ "mixup_alpha": null,
+ "transfer_learning": {
+ "retrain_model": null,
+ "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
+ "reset": true
+ }
+ },
+ "default_model": {
+ "name": "Unet",
+ "dropout_rate": 0.3,
+ "bn_momentum": 0.1,
+ "depth": 4,
+ "is_2d": false,
+ "final_activation": "relu"
+ },
+ "Modified3DUNet": {
+ "applied": true,
+ "length_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "stride_3D": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ],
+ "attention": false,
+ "n_filters": 8
+ },
+ "uncertainty": {
+ "epistemic": false,
+ "aleatoric": false,
+ "n_it": 0
+ },
+ "postprocessing": {
+ "binarize_prediction": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
+ },
+ "evaluation_parameters": {},
+ "transformation": {
+ "Resample": {
+ "hspace": 1,
+ "wspace": 1,
+ "dspace": 1
+ },
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+ "size": [
+ 48,
+ 176,
+ 288
+ ]
+ },
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+ "degrees": 20,
+ "scale": [
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2,
+ 0.2
+ ],
+ "translate": [
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1,
+ 0.1
+ ],
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "ElasticTransform": {
+ "alpha_range": [
+ 25.0,
+ 35.0
+ ],
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 3.5,
+ 5.5
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im",
+ "gt"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log_gamma_range": [
+ -1.0,
+ 1.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.5,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "coefficients": 0.5,
+ "order": 3,
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "RandomBlur": {
+ "sigma_range": [
+ 0.0,
+ 2.0
+ ],
+ "p": 0.3,
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ],
+ "dataset_type": [
+ "training"
+ ]
+ },
+ "NumpyToTensor": {},
+ "NormalizeInstance": {
+ "applied_to": [
+ "im"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_all.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
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- "model_name": "super_duper_seg_sc_all_model",
- "debugging": true,
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- "object_detection_path": null,
- "safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- },
- "loader_parameters": {
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- "subject_selection": {
- "n": [],
- "metadata": [],
- "value": []
- },
- "target_suffix": ["_softseg"],
- "extensions": [".nii.gz"],
- "roi_params": {
- "suffix": null,
- "slice_filter_roi": null
- },
- "contrast_params": {
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- "testing": ["T1w", "T2w", "T2star"],
- "balance": {}
- },
- "patch_filter_params": {
- "filter_empty_mask": true,
- "filter_empty_input": true
- },
- "slice_axis": "axial",
- "multichannel": false,
- "soft_gt": true
- },
- "split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": null,
- "random_seed": 42,
- "center_test": [],
- "method": "per_patient",
- "balance": null,
- "train_fraction": 0.6,
- "test_fraction": 0.2
- },
- "training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
- "loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
- },
- "training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
- "early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
- },
- "scheduler": {
- "initial_lr": 1e-3,
- "lr_scheduler": {
- "name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
- "max_lr": 1e-3
- }
- },
- "balance_samples": {
- "applied": false,
- "type": "gt"
- },
- "mixup_alpha": null,
- "transfer_learning": {
- "retrain_model": null,
- "retrain_fraction": 1.0,
- "reset": true
- }
- },
- "default_model": {
- "name": "Unet",
- "dropout_rate": 0.3,
- "bn_momentum": 0.1,
- "depth": 4,
- "is_2d": false,
- "final_activation": "relu"
- },
- "Modified3DUNet": {
- "applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "attention": false,
- "n_filters": 8
- },
- "uncertainty": {
- "epistemic": false,
- "aleatoric": false,
- "n_it": 0
- },
- "postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1}
- },
- "evaluation_parameters": {},
- "transformation": {
- "Resample": {
- "hspace": 1,
- "wspace": 1,
- "dspace": 1
- },
- "CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
- },
- "RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
- "scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
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- "alpha_range": [25.0, 35.0],
- "sigma_range": [3.5, 5.5],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomGamma": {
- "log_gamma_range": [-1.0, 1.0],
- "p": 0.5,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBiasField": {
- "coefficients": 0.5,
- "order": 3,
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "RandomBlur": {
- "sigma_range": [0.0, 2.0],
- "p": 0.3,
- "applied_to": ["im"],
- "dataset_type": ["training"]
- },
- "NumpyToTensor": {},
- "NormalizeInstance": {
- "applied_to": ["im"]
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t1w.json b/config_templates/hard_hard.json
similarity index 72%
rename from config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t1w.json
rename to config_templates/hard_hard.json
index 2d82afe7..1388a4aa 100644
--- a/config/contrast-specific/seg_sc_t1w.json
+++ b/config_templates/hard_hard.json
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
"command": "train",
"gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t1w_output",
- "model_name": "contrast_specific_seg_sc_t1w_model",
+ "path_output": "hard_hard__seed=",
+ "model_name": "hard_hard__seed=",
"debugging": true,
"object_detection_params": {
"object_detection_path": null,
"safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-8",
+ "run_name": "hard_hard__seed=",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
"loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
+ "path_data": ["/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"],
"subject_selection": {
"n": [],
"metadata": [],
@@ -22,8 +29,8 @@
"slice_filter_roi": null
"contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T1w"],
- "testing": ["T1w"],
+ "training_validation": [""],
+ "testing": [""],
"balance": {}
"patch_filter_params": {
@@ -35,8 +42,7 @@
"soft_gt": false
"split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": "super_duper_seg_sc_t1w_output/split_datasets.joblib",
- "random_seed": 42,
+ "fname_split": "",
"center_test": [],
"method": "per_patient",
"balance": null,
@@ -44,20 +50,20 @@
"test_fraction": 0.2
"training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
+ "batch_size": 8,
"loss": {
"name": "DiceLoss"
"training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
"early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
"scheduler": {
"initial_lr": 1e-3,
"lr_scheduler": {
"name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
+ "base_lr": 1e-4,
"max_lr": 1e-3
@@ -82,8 +88,8 @@
"Modified3DUNet": {
"applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
+ "length_3D": [48, 176, 288],
+ "stride_3D": [48, 176, 288],
"attention": false,
"n_filters": 8
@@ -93,7 +99,16 @@
"n_it": 0
"postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5}
+ "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5},
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
"evaluation_parameters": {},
"transformation": {
@@ -104,12 +119,12 @@
"dspace": 1
"CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
+ "size": [48, 176, 288]
"RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
+ "degrees": 20,
"scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "translate": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
"applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
"dataset_type": ["training"]
diff --git a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2w.json b/config_templates/hard_soft.json
similarity index 68%
rename from config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2w.json
rename to config_templates/hard_soft.json
index 7abb5d9a..95e38679 100644
--- a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2w.json
+++ b/config_templates/hard_soft.json
@@ -1,29 +1,36 @@
"command": "train",
"gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2w_output",
- "model_name": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2w_model",
+ "path_output": "hard_soft__seed=",
+ "model_name": "hard_soft__seed=",
"debugging": true,
"object_detection_params": {
"object_detection_path": null,
"safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-8",
+ "run_name": "hard_soft__seed=",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
"loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
+ "path_data": ["/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"],
"subject_selection": {
"n": [],
"metadata": [],
"value": []
- "target_suffix": ["_softseg"],
+ "target_suffix": ["_seg-manual"],
"extensions": [".nii.gz"],
"roi_params": {
"suffix": null,
"slice_filter_roi": null
"contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T2w"],
- "testing": ["T2w"],
+ "training_validation": [""],
+ "testing": [""],
"balance": {}
"patch_filter_params": {
@@ -35,8 +42,7 @@
"soft_gt": true
"split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": null,
- "random_seed": 42,
+ "fname_split": "",
"center_test": [],
"method": "per_patient",
"balance": null,
@@ -44,20 +50,24 @@
"test_fraction": 0.2
"training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
+ "batch_size": 8,
"loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
"training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
"early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
"scheduler": {
"initial_lr": 1e-3,
"lr_scheduler": {
"name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
+ "base_lr": 1e-4,
"max_lr": 1e-3
@@ -82,8 +92,8 @@
"Modified3DUNet": {
"applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
+ "length_3D": [48, 176, 288],
+ "stride_3D": [48, 176, 288],
"attention": false,
"n_filters": 8
@@ -93,7 +103,16 @@
"n_it": 0
"postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1}
+ "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1},
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
"evaluation_parameters": {},
"transformation": {
@@ -104,12 +123,12 @@
"dspace": 1
"CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
+ "size": [48, 176, 288]
"RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
+ "degrees": 20,
"scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "translate": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
"applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
"dataset_type": ["training"]
diff --git a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t1w.json b/config_templates/meanGT_hard.json
similarity index 71%
rename from config/super-duper/seg_sc_t1w.json
rename to config_templates/meanGT_hard.json
index 46df1c43..7ac47d35 100644
--- a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t1w.json
+++ b/config_templates/meanGT_hard.json
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
"command": "train",
"gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "super_duper_seg_sc_t1w_output",
- "model_name": "super_duper_seg_sc_t1w_model",
+ "path_output": "meanGT_hard__seed=",
+ "model_name": "meanGT_hard__seed=",
"debugging": true,
"object_detection_params": {
"object_detection_path": null,
"safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-8",
+ "run_name": "meanGT_hard__seed=",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
"loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
+ "path_data": ["/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"],
"subject_selection": {
"n": [],
"metadata": [],
@@ -22,8 +29,8 @@
"slice_filter_roi": null
"contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T1w"],
- "testing": ["T1w"],
+ "training_validation": [""],
+ "testing": [""],
"balance": {}
"patch_filter_params": {
@@ -35,8 +42,7 @@
"soft_gt": true
"split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": null,
- "random_seed": 42,
+ "fname_split": "",
"center_test": [],
"method": "per_patient",
"balance": null,
@@ -44,20 +50,20 @@
"test_fraction": 0.2
"training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
+ "batch_size": 8,
"loss": {
"name": "DiceLoss"
"training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
"early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
"scheduler": {
"initial_lr": 1e-3,
"lr_scheduler": {
"name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
+ "base_lr": 1e-4,
"max_lr": 1e-3
@@ -78,12 +84,12 @@
"bn_momentum": 0.1,
"depth": 4,
"is_2d": false,
- "final_activation": "relu"
+ "final_activation": "sigmoid"
"Modified3DUNet": {
"applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
+ "length_3D": [48, 176, 288],
+ "stride_3D": [48, 176, 288],
"attention": false,
"n_filters": 8
@@ -93,7 +99,16 @@
"n_it": 0
"postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1}
+ "binarize_prediction": {"thr": 0.5},
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
"evaluation_parameters": {},
"transformation": {
@@ -104,12 +119,12 @@
"dspace": 1
"CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
+ "size": [48, 176, 288]
"RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
+ "degrees": 20,
"scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "translate": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
"applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
"dataset_type": ["training"]
diff --git a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2star.json b/config_templates/meanGT_soft.json
similarity index 69%
rename from config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2star.json
rename to config_templates/meanGT_soft.json
index 79c0cc9d..e7b09013 100644
--- a/config/super-duper/seg_sc_t2star.json
+++ b/config_templates/meanGT_soft.json
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
"command": "train",
"gpu_ids": [0],
- "path_output": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2star_output",
- "model_name": "super_duper_seg_sc_t2star_model",
+ "path_output": "meanGT_soft__seed=",
+ "model_name": "meanGT_soft__seed=",
"debugging": true,
"object_detection_params": {
"object_detection_path": null,
"safety_factor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ "wandb": {
+ "wandb_api_key": "18bbcc09542538f6d67167d2bb62b6415d3ce12b",
+ "project_name": "contrast-agnostic-softseg-sc-project",
+ "group_name": "group-9",
+ "run_name": "meanGT_soft__seed=",
+ "log_grads_every": 10
+ },
"loader_parameters": {
- "path_data": ["spine-generic-processed"],
+ "path_data": ["/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean"],
"subject_selection": {
"n": [],
"metadata": [],
@@ -22,8 +29,8 @@
"slice_filter_roi": null
"contrast_params": {
- "training_validation": ["T2star"],
- "testing": ["T2star"],
+ "training_validation": [""],
+ "testing": [""],
"balance": {}
"patch_filter_params": {
@@ -35,8 +42,7 @@
"soft_gt": true
"split_dataset": {
- "fname_split": null,
- "random_seed": 42,
+ "fname_split": "",
"center_test": [],
"method": "per_patient",
"balance": null,
@@ -44,20 +50,24 @@
"test_fraction": 0.2
"training_parameters": {
- "batch_size": 2,
+ "batch_size": 8,
"loss": {
- "name": "DiceLoss"
+ "name": "AdapWingLoss",
+ "epsilon": 1,
+ "theta": 0.5,
+ "omega": 8,
+ "alpha": 2.1
"training_time": {
- "num_epochs": 100,
- "early_stopping_patience": 25,
+ "num_epochs": 200,
+ "early_stopping_patience": 50,
"early_stopping_epsilon": 0.001
"scheduler": {
"initial_lr": 1e-3,
"lr_scheduler": {
"name": "CosineAnnealingLR",
- "base_lr": 1e-5,
+ "base_lr": 1e-4,
"max_lr": 1e-3
@@ -82,8 +92,8 @@
"Modified3DUNet": {
"applied": true,
- "length_3D": [224, 256, 320],
- "stride_3D": [224, 256, 320],
+ "length_3D": [48, 176, 288],
+ "stride_3D": [48, 176, 288],
"attention": false,
"n_filters": 8
@@ -93,7 +103,16 @@
"n_it": 0
"postprocessing": {
- "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1}
+ "binarize_prediction": {"thr": -1},
+ "remove_noise": {
+ "thr": -1
+ },
+ "keep_largest": {},
+ "fill_holes": {},
+ "remove_small": {
+ "unit": "vox",
+ "thr": 3
+ }
"evaluation_parameters": {},
"transformation": {
@@ -104,12 +123,12 @@
"dspace": 1
"CenterCrop": {
- "size": [224, 256, 320]
+ "size": [48, 176, 288]
"RandomAffine": {
- "degrees": 10,
+ "degrees": 20,
"scale": [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
- "translate": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ "translate": [0.1, 0.1, 0.1],
"applied_to": ["im", "gt"],
"dataset_type": ["training"]
diff --git a/evaluation/compute_evaluation_metrics.py b/evaluation/compute_evaluation_metrics.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca11e45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/compute_evaluation_metrics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8
+# Computes mean dice coefficient across manual segmentations from candidates and ground truth segmentations.
+# For usage, type: python compute_dice.py -h
+# Authors: Sandrine Bédard & Adrian El Baz
+import argparse
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import nibabel as nib
+import csv
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy import spatial
+from pathlib import Path
+# Initialize logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # default: logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO
+hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+def numeric_score(prediction, groundtruth):
+ """Computation of statistical numerical scores:
+ * FP = Soft False Positives
+ * FN = Soft False Negatives
+ * TP = Soft True Positives
+ * TN = Soft True Negatives
+ Robust to hard or soft input masks. For example::
+ prediction=np.asarray([0, 0.5, 1])
+ groundtruth=np.asarray([0, 1, 1])
+ Leads to FP = 1.5
+ Note: It assumes input values are between 0 and 1.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): Binary prediction.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Binary groundtruth.
+ Returns:
+ float, float, float, float: FP, FN, TP, TN
+ """
+ FP = float(np.sum(prediction * (1.0 - groundtruth)))
+ FN = float(np.sum((1.0 - prediction) * groundtruth))
+ TP = float(np.sum(prediction * groundtruth))
+ TN = float(np.sum((1.0 - prediction) * (1.0 - groundtruth)))
+ return FP, FN, TP, TN
+def get_vol(data, remove_lastdim=False):
+ """Get volume."""
+ ## Binarize
+ if remove_lastdim:
+ vol = np.sum(np.squeeze(np.where(np.asarray(data.get_fdata())>0.5, 1, 0), axis=3))
+ else:
+ vol = np.sum(np.where(np.asarray(data.get_fdata())>0.5, 1, 0))
+ #vol = np.sum(data.get_fdata())
+ px, py, pz = data.header['pixdim'][1:4]
+ vol *= px * py * pz
+ return vol
+def precision_score(prediction, groundtruth, err_value=0.0):
+ """Positive predictive value (PPV).
+ Precision equals the number of true positive voxels divided by the sum of true and false positive voxels.
+ True and false positives are computed on soft masks, see ``"numeric_score"``.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): First array.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Second array.
+ err_value (float): Value returned in case of error.
+ Returns:
+ float: Precision score.
+ """
+ FP, FN, TP, TN = numeric_score(prediction, groundtruth)
+ if (TP + FP) <= 0.0:
+ return err_value
+ precision = np.divide(TP, TP + FP)
+ return precision
+def recall_score(prediction, groundtruth, err_value=0.0):
+ """True positive rate (TPR).
+ Recall equals the number of true positive voxels divided by the sum of true positive and false negative voxels.
+ True positive and false negative values are computed on soft masks, see ``"numeric_score"``.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): First array.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Second array.
+ err_value (float): Value returned in case of error.
+ Returns:
+ float: Recall score.
+ """
+ FP, FN, TP, TN = numeric_score(prediction, groundtruth)
+ if (TP + FN) <= 0.0:
+ return err_value
+ TPR = np.divide(TP, TP + FN)
+ return TPR
+def specificity_score(prediction, groundtruth, err_value=0.0):
+ """True negative rate (TNR).
+ Specificity equals the number of true negative voxels divided by the sum of true negative and false positive voxels.
+ True negative and false positive values are computed on soft masks, see ``"numeric_score"``.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): First array.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Second array.
+ err_value (float): Value returned in case of error.
+ Returns:
+ float: Specificity score.
+ """
+ FP, FN, TP, TN = numeric_score(prediction, groundtruth)
+ if (TN + FP) <= 0.0:
+ return err_value
+ TNR = np.divide(TN, TN + FP)
+ return TNR
+def hausdorff_score(prediction, groundtruth):
+ """Compute the directed Hausdorff distance between two N-D arrays.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): First array.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Second array.
+ Returns:
+ float: Hausdorff distance.
+ """
+ if len(prediction.shape) == 4:
+ n_classes, height, depth, width = prediction.shape
+ # Reshape to have only 3 dimensions where prediction[:, idx, :] represents each 2D slice
+ prediction = prediction.reshape((height, n_classes * depth, width))
+ groundtruth = groundtruth.reshape((height, n_classes * depth, width))
+ if len(prediction.shape) == 3:
+ mean_hansdorff = 0
+ for idx in range(prediction.shape[1]):
+ pred = prediction[:, idx, :]
+ gt = groundtruth[:, idx, :]
+ mean_hansdorff += spatial.distance.directed_hausdorff(pred, gt)[0]
+ mean_hansdorff = mean_hansdorff / prediction.shape[1]
+ return mean_hansdorff
+ return spatial.distance.directed_hausdorff(prediction, groundtruth)[0]
+def accuracy_score(prediction, groundtruth, err_value=0.0):
+ """Accuracy.
+ Accuracy equals the number of true positive and true negative voxels divided by the total number of voxels.
+ True positive/negative and false positive/negative values are computed on soft masks, see ``"numeric_score"``.
+ Args:
+ prediction (ndarray): First array.
+ groundtruth (ndarray): Second array.
+ Returns:
+ float: Accuracy.
+ """
+ FP, FN, TP, TN = numeric_score(prediction, groundtruth)
+ N = FP + FN + TP + TN
+ if N <= 0.0:
+ return err_value
+ accuracy = np.divide(TP + TN, N)
+ return accuracy
+def mse(im1, im2):
+ """Compute the Mean Squared Error.
+ Compute the Mean Squared Error between the two images, i.e. sum of the squared difference.
+ Args:
+ im1 (ndarray): First array.
+ im2 (ndarray): Second array.
+ Returns:
+ float: Mean Squared Error.
+ """
+ im1 = np.asarray(im1)
+ im2 = np.asarray(im2)
+ if im1.shape != im2.shape:
+ raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")
+ err = np.sum((im1.astype("float") - im2.astype("float")) ** 2)
+ err /= float(im1.shape[0] * im1.shape[1])
+ return err
+def get_rvd(im1, im2):
+ """Relative volume difference.
+ The volume is here defined by the physical volume, in mm3, of the non-zero voxels of a given mask.
+ Relative volume difference equals the difference between the ground-truth and prediction volumes, divided by the
+ ground-truth volume.
+ Optimal value is zero. Negative value indicates over-segmentation, while positive value indicates
+ under-segmentation.
+ """
+ vol_pred = get_vol(im1)
+ vol_gt = get_vol(im2, remove_lastdim=True) # Pred mask 4th dim removal
+ if vol_gt == 0.0:
+ return np.nan
+ rvd = (vol_gt - vol_pred)
+ rvd /= vol_gt
+ return rvd
+def get_avd(im1, im2):
+ """Absolute volume difference.
+ The volume is here defined by the physical volume, in mm3, of the non-zero voxels of a given mask.
+ Absolute volume difference equals the absolute value of the Relative Volume Difference.
+ Optimal value is zero.
+ """
+ return abs(get_rvd(im1, im2))
+def compute_dice(im1, im2, empty_score=np.nan):
+ """Computes the Dice coefficient between im1 and im2.
+ Compute a soft Dice coefficient between im1 and im2, ie equals twice the sum of the two masks product, divided by
+ the sum of each mask sum.
+ If both images are empty, then it returns empty_score.
+ Args:
+ im1 (ndarray): First array.
+ im2 (ndarray): Second array.
+ empty_score (float): Returned value if both input array are empty.
+ Returns:
+ float: Dice coefficient.
+ """
+ im1 = np.asarray(im1)
+ im2 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(im2), axis=3) # Fix pred mask 4th dim
+ # Binarization threshold
+ im1 = np.where(im1>0.5, 1, 0)
+ im2 = np.where(im2>0.5, 1, 0)
+ if im1.shape != im2.shape:
+ raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: im1 and im2 must have the same shape.")
+ im_sum = im1.sum() + im2.sum()
+ if im_sum == 0:
+ return empty_score
+ intersection = (im1 * im2).sum()
+ return (2. * intersection) / im_sum
+def compute_folder_metrics(base_folder: str, exclude_list: list = []):
+ data_all_path = "../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean"
+ data_MTon_MTS = "../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ data_T1w_MTS = "../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ exp_folders = next(os.walk(base_folder))[1]
+ if exclude_list:
+ exp_folders = [f for f in exp_folders for excl in exclude_list if excl not in f]
+ for exp in exp_folders:
+ pred_mask_paths = [os.path.join(dirpath,f) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(os.path.join(base_folder, exp, "pred_masks")) for f in filenames if f.endswith("pred.nii.gz")]
+ prefix_paths = [pth.split('/')[-1].split('_pred')[0] for pth in pred_mask_paths]
+ patients = [pth.split('_')[0] for pth in prefix_paths]
+ exp_result = {"Filename": [], "Dice": [], "RVD": []}
+ for (patient, prefix, pred_mask_path) in zip(patients, prefix_paths, pred_mask_paths):
+ if "flip-1" in prefix: # different MTS not currently recogizable
+ data_folder = data_MTon_MTS
+ elif "flip-2" in prefix: # different MTS not currently recogizable
+ data_folder = data_T1w_MTS
+ else:
+ data_folder= data_all_path
+ type_folder = "anat" if "dwi" not in prefix else "dwi"
+ ground_truth_path = os.path.join(data_folder, f"derivatives/labels_softseg/{patient}/{type_folder}/{prefix}_softseg.nii.gz" )
+ im1 = nib.load(ground_truth_path)
+ im2 = nib.load(pred_mask_path)
+ # Binarization occurs directly in metric computations
+ dice = compute_dice(im1.get_fdata(), im2.get_fdata())
+ rvd = get_rvd(im1,im2)
+ exp_result["Filename"].append(pred_mask_path)
+ exp_result["Dice"].append(dice)
+ exp_result["RVD"].append(rvd)
+ df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(exp_result)
+ if not os.path.isdir(f"./spine-generic-test-results/{exp}/"):
+ Path(f"./spine-generic-test-results/{exp}/").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ df.to_csv(f"./spine-generic-test-results/{exp}/evaluation_3Dmetrics.csv")
+def main():
+ """2 Experiment folders were used. One for MTS contrasts and "all", the other
+ for the rest of the experiments. Replace the folder names by your own experiment
+ folders.
+ """
+ g9_base_folder = "../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/Group9_20-12-2022/"
+ g8_base_folder = "../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/Group8_01-12-2022/"
+ compute_folder_metrics(g9_base_folder)
+ compute_folder_metrics(g8_base_folder, ["all"])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/evaluation/inference.sh b/evaluation/inference.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ae10490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/inference.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+seeds=(15) # seeds=(42 15 34 98 62)
+config_types=("hard_hard" "hard_soft" "meanGT_soft" "meanGT_hard")
+contrasts=("flip-1_mt-on_MTS" "flip-2_mt-off_MTS" "all")
+for seed in ${seeds[@]}
+ for config in ${config_types[@]}
+ do
+ for contrast in ${contrasts[@]}
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ output_dir=../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/Group9_20-12-2022/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed"/
+ echo $output_dir
+ CUDA_VISIBLE=0 ivadomed --test -c ../duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/Group9_20-12-2022/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed"/config_file.json --path-output $output_dir
+ done
+ done
diff --git a/evaluation/miccai_results_models.py b/evaluation/miccai_results_models.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ee309e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/evaluation/miccai_results_models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.stats
+import os
+import json
+def mean_confidence_interval(data, confidence=0.95):
+ a = 1.0 * np.array(data)
+ n = len(a)
+ m, se = np.mean(a), scipy.stats.sem(a)
+ h = se * scipy.stats.t.ppf((1 + confidence) / 2., n-1)
+ return m, h #m-h, m+h
+def mean_std(data):
+ a = 1.0 * np.array(data)
+ return np.mean(a), np.std(a)
+def compute_metrics(data_paths):
+ """Stores DICE and Relative Difference Volume (RVD) of CSV segmentations
+ results in list_paths for each model."""
+ results = {}
+ for dp in data_paths:
+ data_path = f"./spine-generic-test-results/{dp}/evaluation_3Dmetrics.csv"
+ df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
+ volume_diff = df["RVD"]
+ avg_vol, conf_vol = mean_std(volume_diff)
+ avg_dice, conf_dice = mean_std(df["Dice"])
+ print(f"Model {dp} | \n \t DICE : {avg_dice*100} ± {conf_dice*100} \n \t VOLUME : {avg_vol*100} ± {conf_vol*100}")
+ results[dp] = {"avg_vol": avg_vol * 100, "conf_vol": conf_vol * 100,"avg_dice": avg_dice * 100, "conf_dice": conf_dice * 100}
+ return results
+def get_metric_values(list_paths):
+ """Accumulates DICE and Relative Difference Volume (RVD) of CSV segmentations
+ results in list_paths."""
+ dices = []
+ volume_diffs = []
+ for dp in list_paths:
+ data_path = f"./spine-generic-test-results/{dp}/evaluation_3Dmetrics.csv"
+ df = pd.read_csv(data_path)
+ volume_diff = df["RVD"]
+ dice = df["Dice"]
+ dices = np.concatenate((dices, np.array(dice)), axis=None)
+ volume_diffs = np.concatenate((volume_diffs, np.array(volume_diff)), axis=None)
+ return *mean_std(dices), *mean_std(volume_diffs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ contrasts = ["T1w", "T2w", "T2star", "rec-average_dwi", "flip-1_mt-on_MTS", "flip-2_mt-off_MTS", "all"]
+ spec_contrasts = [c for c in contrasts if c != "all"]
+ methods = ["meanGT", "hard"]
+ aug_methods = ["hard", "soft"]
+ results_path = "./temp_results"
+ list_paths = [f"{method}_{aug_method}_{contrast}_seed=15" for method in methods for aug_method in aug_methods for contrast in contrasts]
+ ## Aggregated results (per_contrast and all_contrast)
+ aggregated_results = {}
+ for method in methods:
+ for aug_method in aug_methods:
+ for tp in ["percontrast", "allcontrast"]:
+ if tp == "percontrast":
+ avg_dice, conf_dice, avg_vol, conf_vol = get_metric_values([f"{method}_{aug_method}_{c}_seed=15" for c in spec_contrasts])
+ else:
+ avg_dice, conf_dice, avg_vol, conf_vol = get_metric_values([f"{method}_{aug_method}_all_seed=15"])
+ aggregated_results[f"{method}_{aug_method}_{tp}"] = {"avg_vol": avg_vol * 100, "conf_vol": conf_vol * 100,"avg_dice": avg_dice * 100, "conf_dice": conf_dice * 100}
+ with open("./spine-generic-test-results/miccai_aggregated_results.json", "w") as fp:
+ json.dump(aggregated_results, fp, indent=4)
+ with open("./spine-generic-test-results/miccai_aggregated_table_export.txt", "w") as fp:
+ for key, value in aggregated_results.items():
+ line = "\\texttt" + "{" + f"{key}" + "}" + f"& {round(value['avg_dice'],2)} ± {round(value['conf_dice'],2)} & {round(value['avg_vol'],2)} ± {round(value['conf_vol'],2)} \\\\ \n"
+ fp.write(line)
+ ## All 28 models results
+ key_paths = {}
+ for method in methods:
+ c_m = "soft\\_average" if method == "meanGT" else "hard"
+ for aug_method in aug_methods:
+ #ag_m = "soft"
+ for contrast in contrasts:
+ if "flip-1" in contrast :
+ c_con = "MTS-ON"
+ elif "flip-2" in contrast :
+ c_con = "MTS-OFF"
+ elif "all" in contrast:
+ c_con = "allcontrast"
+ elif "T2star" in contrast:
+ c_con = "T2star"
+ elif "dwi" in contrast:
+ c_con = "DWI"
+ else:
+ c_con = contrast
+ key_paths[f"{method}_{aug_method}_{contrast}_seed=15"] = ("DL\_" + f"{c_m}" + "\_" + f"{aug_method}" + "\_" + f"{c_con}" )
+ results = compute_metrics(list(key_paths.keys()))
+ with open ("./spine-generic-test-results/miccai_results.json", "w") as fp:
+ json.dump(results, fp, indent=4)
+ with open("./spine-generic-test-results/miccai_table_export.txt", "w") as fp:
+ names = []
+ for key, value in results.items():
+ names.append(key + "\n")
+ line = "\\texttt" + "{" + f"{key_paths[key]}" + "}" + f"& {round(value['avg_dice'],2)} ± {round(value['conf_dice'],2)} & {round(value['avg_vol'],2)} ± {round(value['conf_vol'],2)} \\\\ \n"
+ fp.write(line)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training_scripts/acq-MTon_MTS/training_run.sh b/training_scripts/acq-MTon_MTS/training_run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57909f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training_scripts/acq-MTon_MTS/training_run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+####### Training Run #######
+config_types=("hard_hard" "hard_soft" "meanGT_soft" "meanGT_hard")
+contrasts=("flip-1_mt-on_MTS") # We can't differentiate between variants of MTS
+for seed in ${seeds[@]}
+ for config in ${config_types[@]}
+ do
+ for contrast in ${contrasts[@]}
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ output_dir=./results/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed"
+ echo $output_dir
+ mkdir $output_dir
+ CUDA_VISIBLE=0 ivadomed --train -c ./config/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed".json --path-output $output_dir
+ done
+ done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training_scripts/acq-T1w_MTS/training_run.sh b/training_scripts/acq-T1w_MTS/training_run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b365b2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training_scripts/acq-T1w_MTS/training_run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+####### Training Run #######
+config_types=("hard_hard" "hard_soft" "meanGT_soft" "meanGT_hard")
+contrasts=("flip-2_mt-off_MTS") # We can't differentiate between variants of MTS
+for seed in ${seeds[@]}
+ for config in ${config_types[@]}
+ do
+ for contrast in ${contrasts[@]}
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ output_dir=./results/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed"
+ echo $output_dir
+ mkdir $output_dir
+ CUDA_VISIBLE=1 ivadomed --train -c ./config/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed".json --path-output $output_dir
+ done
+ done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/training_scripts/all/training_run.sh b/training_scripts/all/training_run.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..785b4b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/training_scripts/all/training_run.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+####### Training Run #######
+config_types=("hard_hard" "hard_soft" "meanGT_soft" "meanGT_hard")
+contrasts=("T1w" "T2w" "T2star" "rec-average_dwi" "all")
+for seed in ${seeds[@]}
+ for config in ${config_types[@]}
+ do
+ for contrast in ${contrasts[@]}
+ do
+ sleep 5
+ #echo ./batch_configs/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed".json
+ output_dir=./results/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed"
+ echo $output_dir
+ mkdir $output_dir
+ #echo ./batch_configs/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed".json
+ CUDA_VISIBLE=2 ivadomed --train -c ./config/miccai2023/"$config"_"$contrast"_seed="$seed".json --path-output $output_dir
+ done
+ done
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/change_mts_filenames.py b/utils/change_mts_filenames.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b98570a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/change_mts_filenames.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/hard_hard.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs/MTS/T1w \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi flip-2_mt-off_MTS flip-1_mt-on_MTS \
+ --seeds 15
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/hard_soft.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs/MTS/T1w \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi flip-2_mt-off_MTS flip-1_mt-on_MTS \
+ --seeds 15
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/meanGT_soft.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/temp/adrian/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs/MTS/all \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi flip-1_mt-on_MTS flip-2_mt-off_MTS \
+ --seeds 15
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/meanGT_hard.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs/MTS/T1w \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi flip-2_mt-off_MTS flip-1_mt-on_MTS \
+ --seeds 15
+import os
+from glob import glob
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ user = "adelba" # POLYGRAMS
+ user_temp_folder = "adrian" # DUKE TEMP FOLDER NAME
+ dataset_type = "data_processed_clean"
+ dir_base = f"/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/{user}/duke/temp/{user_temp_folder}/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/{dataset_type}/**/**/*"
+ dir_labels = f"/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/{user}/duke/temp/{user_temp_folder}/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/{dataset_type}/derivatives/labels/**/**/*"
+ dir_soft_labels = f"/home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/{user}/duke/temp/{user_temp_folder}/contrast-agnostic-seg-models/{dataset_type}/derivatives/labels_softseg/**/**/*"
+ files_base = [fn for fn in glob(dir_base) if os.path.isfile(fn)]
+ files_labels = [fn for fn in glob(dir_labels) if os.path.isfile(fn)]
+ files_soft_labels = [fn for fn in glob(dir_soft_labels) if os.path.isfile(fn)]
+ for dr in [files_base, files_labels, files_soft_labels]:
+ for f in dr:
+ base_path = os.path.basename(f)
+ if "acq-MTon_MTS" in base_path:
+ new_filename = f.replace("acq-MTon_MTS", "flip-1_mt-on_MTS")
+ assert dataset_type != "data_processed_clean_T1w_MTS"
+ os.rename(f, new_filename)
+ elif "acq-T1w_MTS" in base_path:
+ new_filename = f.replace("acq-T1w_MTS", "flip-2_mt-off_MTS")
+ assert dataset_type != "data_processed_clean_MTon_MTS"
+ os.rename(f, new_filename)
+ else:
+ continue
+ print(f"Replaced : {base_path} --> {os.path.basename(new_filename)}")
diff --git a/utils/config_generator.py b/utils/config_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7effc2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/config_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Script that takes as input an ivadomed config (JSON) & replaces the following dynamic string params:
+ - : The contrast name, you can name it however you like, e.g., T1w, T2w, T1wANDT2w
+ - : The contrast param name, has to match file suffix unlike
+ - : The .joblib file to use to split the dataset into train-val-test
+ - : The seed to use
+This script creates several config files for different contrast and seed scenarios
+ --config: Path to the base ivadomed config (JSON) with dynamic string params
+ --datasets: List of BIDS dataset folders
+ --ofolder: Output folder for .joblib files
+ --contrasts: Replaces
+ --seeds: Replaces
+Example usage:
+python config_generator.py --config config/meanGT_soft.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/uzmac/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-preprocess-all-2022-08-21-final/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+ --seeds 42 15 34 98 62
+import glob
+import os
+import json
+import pandas as pd
+import joblib
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import argparse
+from collections import defaultdict
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the ivadomed config (JSON)")
+parser.add_argument("--datasets", required=True, nargs="*", help="List of BIDS dataset folders")
+parser.add_argument("--ofolder", type=str, default="joblibs", help="Output folder for .joblib files")
+parser.add_argument("--contrasts", required=True, nargs="*", help="Contrasts to generate .joblib files for and replace ")
+parser.add_argument("--seeds", type=int, default=42, nargs="*", help="Seed for randomly distributing subjects into train, validation, and testing and replaces ")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# Check validity of user inputs
+assert args.config.endswith('.json')
+assert all([os.path.exists(dataset) for dataset in args.datasets])
+# Create output directory if it doesn't exists
+if not os.path.exists(args.ofolder):
+ os.makedirs(args.ofolder)
+for seed in args.seeds:
+ # Set random seeds for reproducibility
+ random.seed(seed)
+ np.random.seed(seed)
+ # Merge multiple TSV files from multiple BIDS datasets (if applicable) into single data frame
+ df_merged = pd.read_table(os.path.join(args.datasets[0], 'participants.tsv'), encoding="ISO-8859-1")
+ # Convert to string to get rid of potential TypeError during merging within the same column
+ df_merged = df_merged.astype(str)
+ # Add the BIDS path to the data frame
+ df_merged['bids_path'] = [args.datasets[0]] * len(df_merged)
+ for i in range(1, len(args.datasets)):
+ df_next = pd.read_table(os.path.join(args.datasets[i], 'participants.tsv'), encoding="ISO-8859-1")
+ df_next = df_next.astype(str)
+ df_next['bids_path'] = [args.datasets[i]] * len(df_next)
+ # Merge the .tsv files (This keeps also non-overlapping fields)
+ df_merged = pd.merge(left=df_merged, right=df_next, how='outer')
+ print('Got following BIDS datasets: ', set(df_merged['bids_path'].values.tolist()))
+ print('Generating joblibs for following contrasts: ', args.contrasts)
+ # Set train, validation, and test split percentages
+ pct_train, pct_validation, pct_test = 0.6, 0.2, 0.2
+ assert pct_train + pct_validation + pct_test == 1.0
+ # Split subjects into train, validation, and test groups
+ subs = df_merged['participant_id'].values.tolist()
+ np.random.shuffle(subs)
+ train_subs = subs[:int(len(subs) * pct_train)]
+ validation_subs = subs[int(len(subs) * pct_train): int(len(subs) * (pct_train + pct_validation))]
+ test_subs = subs[int(len(subs) * (pct_train + pct_validation)):]
+ print('Got %d train, %d validation, and %d test subjects!' % (len(train_subs), len(validation_subs), len(test_subs)))
+ jobdicts = []
+ for contrast in args.contrasts:
+ train_subs_cur, validation_subs_cur, test_subs_cur = [], [], []
+ for sub in train_subs:
+ bids_path = df_merged[df_merged['participant_id'] == sub]['bids_path'].values.tolist()[0]
+ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_path, sub) + '/**/*%s.nii.gz' % contrast, recursive=True)
+ if len(files) != 0:
+ train_subs_cur.append('%s_%s.nii.gz' % (sub, contrast))
+ for sub in validation_subs:
+ bids_path = df_merged[df_merged['participant_id'] == sub]['bids_path'].values.tolist()[0]
+ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_path, sub) + '/**/*%s.nii.gz' % contrast, recursive=True)
+ if len(files) != 0:
+ validation_subs_cur.append('%s_%s.nii.gz' % (sub, contrast))
+ for sub in test_subs:
+ bids_path = df_merged[df_merged['participant_id'] == sub]['bids_path'].values.tolist()[0]
+ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(bids_path, sub) + '/**/*%s.nii.gz' % contrast, recursive=True)
+ if len(files) != 0:
+ test_subs_cur.append('%s_%s.nii.gz' % (sub, contrast))
+ jobdict = {"train": train_subs_cur, "valid": validation_subs_cur, "test": test_subs_cur}
+ jobdicts.append(jobdict)
+ joblib.dump(jobdict, os.path.join(args.ofolder, "split_datasets_%s_seed=%s.joblib" % (contrast, seed)))
+ # Generate one final joblib for all contrast training
+ jobdict_all = {"train": [], "valid": [], "test": []}
+ for i in range(len(jobdicts)):
+ jobdict = jobdicts[i]
+ for key, values in jobdict.items():
+ for value in values:
+ jobdict_all[key].append(value)
+ joblib.dump(jobdict_all, os.path.join(args.ofolder, "split_datasets_all_seed=%s.joblib" % seed))
+# Read config
+config_dir, config_fname = os.path.dirname(args.config), os.path.basename(args.config)
+config = json.load(open(args.config))
+for seed in args.seeds:
+ seed = str(seed)
+ contrast_params = []
+ for contrast in args.contrasts:
+ # Adjust contrast param for specific use cases
+ contrast_param = contrast
+ if contrast == 'rec-average_dwi':
+ contrast_param = 'dwi'
+ contrast_params.append(contrast_param)
+ # Convert config to string and replace the supplied parameters
+ config_str = json.dumps(config).\
+ replace('', contrast).\
+ replace('', contrast_param).\
+ replace('', os.path.join(args.ofolder, 'split_datasets_%s_seed=%s.joblib' % (contrast, seed))).\
+ replace('', seed)
+ # Get config back with replacements
+ config_filled = json.loads(config_str)
+ config_filled_path = os.path.join(
+ config_dir,
+ '%s_%s_seed=%s.json' % (os.path.splitext(config_fname)[0], contrast, seed)
+ )
+ # Write back the config
+ with open(config_filled_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ json.dump(config_filled, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+ print('Created config: %s' % config_filled_path)
+ # Convert config to string and replace the supplied parameters
+ config_str = json.dumps(config). \
+ replace('', 'all'). \
+ replace('', ','.join(contrast_params)). \
+ replace('', os.path.join(args.ofolder, 'split_datasets_all_seed=%s.joblib' % seed)). \
+ replace('', seed)
+ # Get config back with replacements
+ config_filled = json.loads(config_str)
+ # Write combined contrasts in a list format
+ for key in ["training_validation", "testing"]:
+ config_filled["loader_parameters"]["contrast_params"][key] = config_filled["loader_parameters"]["contrast_params"][key][0].split(',')
+ config_filled_path = os.path.join(
+ config_dir,
+ '%s_%s_seed=%s.json' % (os.path.splitext(config_fname)[0], 'all', seed)
+ )
+ # Write back the config
+ with open(config_filled_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ json.dump(config_filled, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+ print('Created config: %s' % config_filled_path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/create_joblibs.sh b/utils/create_joblibs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0b0ee8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/create_joblibs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+####### Config creation #######
+## Specific the contrasts you would like to consider during your experiments.
+## You would need to create the config file for each one of your config
+## template the following way:
+#python config_generator.py --config config_templates/hard_hard.json \
+# --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+# --ofolder joblibs/group-8 \
+# --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+# --seeds 15
+#python config_generator.py --config config_templates/hard_soft.json \
+# --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+# --ofolder joblibs/group-8 \
+# --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+# --seeds 15
+python config_generator.py --config config_templates/meanGT_soft.json \
+ --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+ --ofolder joblibs/group-8 \
+ --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+ --seeds 15
+#python config_generator.py --config config_templates/meanGT_hard.json \
+# --datasets /home/GRAMES.POLYMTL.CA/adelba/duke/projects/ivadomed/contrast-agnostic-seg/contrast-agnostic-centerofmass-preprocess-clean-all-2022-10-22/data_processed_clean \
+# --ofolder joblibs/group-8 \
+# --contrasts T1w T2w T2star rec-average_dwi \
+# --seeds 15