The user needs 3 files: libtopreco.h
and topreco.h
. In the ROOT macro, this tool can be called in the following way:
#include "topreco.h"
// Initialization the Top Reconstruction tool (before the event loop)
auto smearFile = "../testdata/smearingHistos.root";
auto nSmearing = 100;
auto debugMode = false;
initTopReconstruction(smearFile, nSmearing, debugMode);
// Event loop
for (Int_t n = 0; n < N ; n++) {
// Load the event
// Get the relevant information for the reconstruction
TLorentzVector l0, l1, j0, j1; // 4-momentum of two leptons and two jets
int pid0, pid1 // pid of lepton (used for a proper smearing)
int j0b, j1b // btag info for the two jets
double etx, ety // missing transverse energy components
// Define container to store the reconstrucred kinematics
TLorentzVector t, tbar;
// Run the reconstruction, return the number of successful
// smearing iterations averaged to produce the final kinematics.
Int_t nIter = runTopReconstruction(l0, l1, pid0, pid1,
j0, j1, j0b, j1b,
etx, ety, &t, &tbar);
A working example can be found here