- API Evangelist - blog
- Nordic APIs - blog
- API Academy - blog
- API Stylebook - aggregator
- Launchany - blog
- Mike Ammundsen - Talks - presentations
- James Higginbotham - API Developer Weekly - weekly email
- API Strategy and Practice
- Nordic API Summits
- API Days
- API World
- Restfest (unconference organized by Mike Ammundsen and Benjamin Young)
- I love APIs (from Apigee)
- API360 (from CA, formerly Layer 7)
- A Practical Approach to API Design - one of the best books on API design
- Microservice Architecture - putting APIs into the Microservice context (complementary copy from CA here)
- APIs: A Strategy Guide - best intro to API strategy
- RESTful Web APIs - good and practical intro to Hypermedia with examples
- The REST API Design Handbook - very opinionated, but good API design practices
- RESTful Web Services Cookbook
- REST API Design Rulebook
- API Owner Manual (from 3Scale, free PDF)
- API-driven DevOps (from Nordic APIs, free PDF)
- An introduction to APIs (from Zapier, free PDF)
- Getting Started with OAuth 2.0 - Good intro to OAuth concept
- API Design on the scale fo decades (from Nordic API, free PDF)
- Paypal's API Journey:
- In Part 1 we talk about how implementing an API-first transformation in a large organization is as much a people problem as a technical one,
- In Part 2, we’ll go into how we used this infrastructure to help shape the API portfolio itself. A main goal of which was to establish clear boundaries between APIs that encourage decomposition of the monolith in a predictable, useful way.,
- In Part 3, we’ll explore the importance of program management to align the organization, market the concept, provide training, and create various incentives that encourage adoption:
Additional information and guidance can be found in the following:
- https://pages.apigee.com/rs/apigee/images/api-design-ebook-2012-03.pdf
- https://github.com/restfulapi/api-strategy
- https://apigility.org/documentation/api-primer/halprimer
- http://restful-api-design.readthedocs.org/en/latest/scope.html
- http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertext-driven
- http://www.infoq.com/articles/hypermedia-api-tutorial-part-one
- http://codeplanet.io/principles-good-restful-api-design/
- http://www.vinaysahni.com/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api
- http://jsonapi.org/
- http://micheltriana.com/2013/09/30/http-verbs-in-a-rest-web-api/
- https://github.com/WhiteHouse/api-Standards
- http://blog.mwaysolutions.com/2014/06/05/10-best-practices-for-better-restful-api/
- http://blog.smartbear.com/readyapi/hypermedia-and-state-machines-restfest-2014/
- http://sookocheff.com/posts/2014-03-11-on-choosing-a-hypermedia-format/
- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7386
- http://rawgit.com/uber-hypermedia/specification/master/uber-hypermedia.html