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Build a Twitter ticker with a Raspberry Pi Zero and Scroll pHAT

Twitter Scroll pHAT

Here, we'll build a tiny Twitter ticker that will show the most recent tweets containing the hashtag of your choice, using a Raspberry Pi Zero and the nifty Scroll pHAT LED matrix.

Scroll pHAT has a 5x11 grid of bright white LEDs, ideal for displaying text and simple animations. We're going to use the Tweepy Python library to pull the tweets from Twitter and the Python library for Scroll pHAT to display the tweets.

For this tutorial, you'll need:

  • A Raspberry Pi Zero with soldered male header
  • A Scroll pHAT with soldered female header
  • A USB wifi dongle (I recommend the official Raspberry Pi one)
  • A micro USB to full-size USB adaptor cable or shim

I'd recommend installing everything and writing the code on a Raspberry Pi B+ or model 2, but you can do it all on the Zero if you have a (preferably powered) USB hub, since you'll need the wifi dongle and a keyboard plugged in. If you do everything on a different Pi, then you can just swap out the micro SD card into your Zero once it's all set up.

Registering a Twitter application

We'll assume you've already got a Twitter account, but if you don't then sign up for one. Once you have, you'll need to register a Twitter application to be able to use the Tweepy library in your Python code. Go to and click on Create New App. Give it a name and description and, in the box that says Website, just put some placeholder URL like Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions, and click Create your Twitter application.

Once you've created the application, you'll be taken straight to a page that contains all of the information you'll need for your Python code, like the API key and secret. Keep this page open while you write your code, as you'll need to copy and paste some things into your code.

Installing the software

Make sure that you've got the latest version of Raspbian installed on your Pi Zero. First, I'd suggest booting into the desktop and setting up the wifi dongle if you haven't already done so. This means that when you boot to the command prompt you'll get an internet connection straight away and you can run the Twitter ticker without needing to go to the desktop, or even set the script to run at boot, so you can run the whole thing headless (without a keyboard, mouse or display).

You'll need to install a few things before we write our script. Type the following to update the Raspbian package lists and install python-dev and the pip package installer:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip

Then type the following to install Tweepy:

sudo pip install tweepy

Next, we'll install the Python Image Library, which the Scroll pHAT library needs for displaying text (it uses an ASCII character map image to draw the characters):

sudo pip install pillow

Finally, we'll clone and set up the Scroll pHAT library:

git clone
cd scroll-phat/library
sudo python install

And lastly, we have to use to raspi-config to enable I2C (in the terminal, type sudo raspi-config), and then install the Python smbus module by typing the following:

sudo apt-get install python-smbus

I'd suggest that you test that your Scroll pHAT is working correctly by typing, in the terminal, the following (we'll assume that you're still in the scroll-hat/library directory):

cd ../examples
sudo python

Assuming that worked, you should have seen all of the LEDs light up sequentially and then go off again, and so on. You can type the following to clear the display again:

sudo python

Our Twitter ticker code

The code here is incredibly simple. Just 30 lines of codes (not including blank lines) to create a really nice little Twitter ticker. We'll go through it bit by bit.

First, we have to import the libraries that we'll be using - time to add some delays to the scrolling text, tweepy to interact with the Twitter API, and scrollphat to send the pixel-y goodness to our Scroll pHAT:

import time
import tweepy
import scrollphat

We'll clear the display first, in case anything got stuck there previously:


Then we'll set the brightness of Scroll pHAT to something that won't indelibly burn the tweets into our retinas:


We're going to use the Twitter streaming API to listen for tweets with a particular search term that we'll specify. This is a really convenient way to do it, because everything should just update when a new tweet that matches our search term comes through, rather than having to search and re-search and keep track of which tweets we've already seen.

To do this with Tweepy, we need to create a class that will listen to the Twitter stream. If you're not familiar with Python Classes, then don't worry too much about this. I've taken this chunk of code directly from the Tweepy examples in their documentation.

class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener):
    def on_status(self, status):
        if not status.text.startswith('RT'):
    def on_error(self, status_code):
        if status_code == 420:
            return False

The on-status method of our MyStreamListener class checks whether the tweet starts with RT or, more accurately, checks whether it does not start with RT. This means that we ignore retweets, because we don't want to endlessly scroll the same tweet from umpteen different people who have retweeted it. If it isn't a retweet, we call our scroll_tweet function, which we'll look at next, and pass to it the tweet (named status here).

Here's our scroll_tweet function, which handles displaying the tweets on Scroll pHAT:

def scroll_tweet(status):
    status = '     >>>>>     @%s: %s     ' % (status.user.screen_name.upper(), status.text.upper())
    status = status.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
    status_length = scrollphat.buffer_len()
    while status_length > 0:
        status_length -= 1

We'll break down what this does line by line.

status is a tweet object passed to scroll_tweet by our MyStreamListener class that we just looked at.

The status object has all kinds of attributes like the user id, time stamp, the tweet text, etc. We're going to use the %s string placeholders to reformat the tweet so that it has the user name, a colon, and then the text of the tweet. We'll also convert the text to upper case using the .upper() method that you can use on strings, to make the text a bit more legible. Lastly, we'll add some blank spaces after the tweet to pad it from the next one and some chevrons to the beginning to pre-warn us when a tweet is coming through:

status = '     >>>>>     @%s: %s     ' % (status.user.screen_name.upper(), status.text.upper())

Because tweets often contain special characters, like emojis, that can't be encoded by the Scroll pHAT character set, we have a cunning little line of code that will ignore those characters:

status = status.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')

Next, we write the reformatted tweet to the Scroll pHAT:


But, we also want to scroll it, and the line above won't do that by itself. The scroll function of Scroll pHAT will scroll a string continuously, but we only want to scroll each tweet once. To know how many steps we need to scroll for, we need to know the width of the tweet string in pixels. Conveniently, there's a function for doing just that on the Scroll pHAT library. The following line will get the length in pixels of the string:

status_length = scrollphat.buffer_len()

Then, it's just a matter of scrolling in a while loop until we're all the way through the string, with a delay of a tenth of a second between each step:

while status_length > 0:
    status_length -= 1

The remaining code deals with Tweepy authentication and the streaming search.

Here's where we'll need those keys and tokens that we got earlier from the Twitter application that we registered. Open that web page that we left open and fill in the details in the code below:

consumer_key ='XXXXXXX'
consumer_secret ='XXXXXXX'

access_token = 'XXXXXXX'
access_token_secret = 'XXXXXXX'

auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

So, now we've authenticated, we need to create a stream listener that we can use to grab the tweets we want from the stream. This is just an instance of the MyStreamListener class that we created earlier:

myStreamListener = MyStreamListener()
myStream = tweepy.Stream(auth = api.auth, listener=myStreamListener)

Last of all, we need to tell it to listen for a specific search term. I decided to use #raspberrypi as my search term, but you can use whatever you want, even a Python list of several different search terms, any of which can be matched:

myStream.filter(track=['#raspberrypi'], async=False)

If you like, you can wrap all of that code inside a try and except to allow you to exit cleanly and clear the Scroll pHAT display on exit, like this:

while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

Running the code

Write all of that code to a file with a .py extension. I named mine You can run it from the terminal by typing:

sudo python

If you're running Raspbian Jessie or newer, you might not need the sudo, but it won't do any harm to use it anyway.

And that's it! Have fun with it. The beauty of this project with the Raspberry Pi Zero and Scroll pHAT, is that it's so cheap that you could have a few monitoring different search terms mounted above your desk, or even chain them together into a longer display with some socket wizardry.